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15 October 2023: ♎ Libra 🌑 New Moon Transmission

Writer's picture: © Vanda Costa© Vanda Costa

Libra New Moon Transmission

Starry sky; with text: New Moon in Libra Lunar Transmission

15 October 2023 @ 4:55 am (AEDT)

14 October 2023 @ 6:55 pm London/BST / 14 October 2023 @ 1:55 pm NY/ EDT

Libra New Moon transmission

As much as we desire harmony in our world, chaos and destruction is also a part of this human experience here on Earth.

The harmonic balance that we feel within can serve to show us where there is harmonic balance without, just as external chaos can highlight inner chaos, it all serves to remind us of the sacredness of this life that we have signed up for.

At this Libra New Moon and solar eclipse we are being vibrationally aligned to our deeper values. Superficial values and those that we have unconsciously accepted as our own will no longer serve us as we continue to ascend to higher frequencies. We are being invited to revise, review and declare - to and for self - our new heart- and soul-aligned values as we continue to merge into higher frequency timelines.

♎ 🌑

… on alignment with Higher Self

As we merge, we purge. Be prepared to dedicate time to self-love and care in order to facilitate a deeper alignment to your Higher Self and its many aspects. Be gentle and present with your s/Self as you assimilate and integrate your new energetic template during this eclipse window which ends at the Taurus Full Moon/lunar eclipse towards the end of the month.

♎ 🌑

… on creating harmony in our life

Sometimes the harmony that we attempt to create externally is what becomes our undoing.

The busier we are tending to things on the outside, attempting to essentially control things, the more we are neglecting our inner world and what we truly need to function.

In order to carve out a more easeful, more present, more graceful existence, and transition through this current passage, we must realise that in neglecting our own needs - this isn’t even about desires at this stage - we are creating more obstacles, more entanglements, and more chaos that we must wade through at a later stage.

♎ 🌑

… on disconnection in relationships

The chaos and disconnection that we feel and experience in the relationships around us, are actually a cry for help from within.

It can be overwhelming and challenging to place ourselves first, to take a peek at the monster that we believe lies beneath the surface, but it must be done. For the longer we go without tending to the discarded, neglected and oftentimes, forgotten parts of self, the harder life becomes, and the more entangled we become with the energetics of life.

♎ 🌑

… on freedom

This Libra New Moon/solar eclipse poses the following questions: what is it that we are willing to continue to keep sacrificing in order to keep up appearances?; and what and who is it that we are willing to forego in order to fool the world - and us - into believing that there’s nothing in our life that’s out of balance?

The only person for whom we need to answer these questions is the person who looks back at us when we look in the mirror - there is no need to make any public announcements, unless we feel guided. The acknowledgement of what we discover and recover is what will take us one step towards experiencing freedom; that said, be open to this freedom being and looking unlike anything you’ve visualised.

♎ 🌑

… on choosing s/Self

The people pleasing has to stop. Placing others before self the majority of the time has to stop. Especially when we feel that we don’t have the time to honour ourselves in some way, shape or form. Is it true that you cannot dedicate even five minutes to yourself each day?

If we want things to change, WE must DO something different - whether it is cultivating more supportive thoughts, establishing nurturing routines and rituals, or making more empowered choices and decisions, this Libra Moon will show us exactly what is out of balance, but it is up to us to harness our inner strength and courage to make the necessary changes. What else will it take for you to show up for yourself in kind and loving ways? What other signs, synchronicities do you need? How many closed doors do you need to encounter before you begin to choose YOU?

Who will be there for us when times are tough? Who will be there for us in the late hours of the night, or the early hours of the morning when the silence of the world threatens to dismantle all of the carefully erected structures of our life?

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. No-one is coming to save us from ourselves AND there is also nothing from which to be saved. Contrary to popular belief, change doesn’t have to initiate an upheaval, all it takes is a momentary pause to check in with our heart and to ask the question: what is my next most aligned step? From there all we need to do is pivot - just a slight change in direction is often what is needed.

♎ 🌑

…. on moving forward

Our past conditioning weighs heavily now as the missteps, the detours, and the potentials and possibilities are all being illuminated. Give yourself the gift of Presence and time over the coming weeks to allow the medicine of this eclipse to weave its way through your life.

Allow the discomfort and resistance to show you where there is flow instead.

♎ 🌑

… on karmic cycles

Many karmic cycles are nearing their end - pay attention to the recurring energetics and thoughts that surface for you over the coming days and notice where they lead. It will be challenging, but if you can engage your Observer, you’ll be able to decipher the energetic threads of the patternings that are unravelling and dissolving for you at this time.

Be Present. Be patient. Be loving. Be kind. Remember that you truly and ultimately DO love your s/Self.

And those, Luminous One, are the underlying energies for this Libra New Moon and lunar month. Take what resonates, explore what arouses curiosity, and leave the rest.

Be gentle with yourself. Be present in your unfolding.

I see you. I love you. I AM YOU.

💜 Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa 2023

** Dates and times used: Melbourne, AEDT

I’m a DM or email away if you have any questions. If you feel guided to book a personal Transmission - my calendar is open for bookings if you are ready to recover and receive the wisdom of your Soul for the next stage of your journey.


1:1 Soul Guidance sessions are AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT for October, please contact me - via the Contact page or email: to arrange your session.

I trust that this has been supportive.

If you'd like to contribute an energy exchange for this offering, I'd be deeply grateful.

If at this time, this is not something that you are able to do,

then I'd welcome any feedback that you'd like to share.

In loving gratitude for all that you are.

Sign-off signature: Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa 2023

Let's connect on social media:

Find me on Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel and if you're ready to keep delving deeply into the unfolding energetics, you can request to join me on my private Instagram profile: @cosmic_heart_sacred_journey


This transmission is intended to support your sacred journey.

This transmission, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this transmission has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live a heart-centred and soul-inspired life, contact me or book a transmission with me so that I can support your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating new modalities into any health and well-being program.


About my work…

Photo of Vanda, directly looking ahead and smiling

I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.

I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space helping my client to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.

My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.

© Vanda Costa 2021

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