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15 September 2023: ♍ Virgo 🌑 New Moon Transmission

Writer's picture: © Vanda Costa© Vanda Costa

Virgo New Moon Transmission

Blue, turquoise and gold nebula with stars; with text: New Moon in Virgo Lunar Transmission

15 September 2023 @ 11:40 am (AEST)

15 September 2023 @ 2:40 am London/BST / 14 September 2023 @ 9:40 pm NY/ EDT

We’ve been navigating the Virgo solar energies since August 23, and as we near the end of the Virgo solar month, we enter the Virgo lunar energies at this New Moon. These energies will be a part of our landscape until the Libra New Moon and solar eclipse in mid-October.

We can expect, in the lead up to the eclipse, that things will continue to intensify - not to make life harder or more difficult, but to support the changes and shifts that we’ve been calling in; or perhaps better stated: the changes and shifts that our Higher Self is asking us to make as we align more deeply and more fully with our highest timeline of limitless potential - whatever that looks like to and for each of us.

♍ 🌑

Virgo energies remind us to tend to the inner self, the physical vessel, to our environment, and they highlight our responsibility to self and humanity, they call upon us to respond in heart- and soul-aligned ways, and to create energetically sustainable practices, routines and rituals that support our journey here on gorgeous Mother Earth.

Notice what surfaces for you - or has been surfacing for a while - as this is what is in need of your love, affection and attention now.

Our journey is our responsibility, and our ability to respond is what facilitates our experiences - or makes them more challenging. Yes, some have challenging Sacred Contracts, but even those have a purpose.

Listen, feel, sense what is speaking to you through your multidimensional bodies and fields - call in what you need, allow it to weave into your physical vessel, remain as present as you can as things within and surrounding you morph, transform and transmute into a new energetic template that IS YOU.

♍ 🌑

You are awakening to your alchemical medicine. The path and the process will be whatever it needs to be - it will be whatever it IS. Your role at this time is to observe, receive, release, integrate, re-weave, and anchor the luminous filaments that are presenting for you at this time.

There is a LOT taking place for you, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, cellularly, so honour the needs of your gorgeous physical vessel and do your best to support it.

It is time to honour ALL parts of s/Self - and if you don’t know what that looks like, then ask your Higher Self to show you, she will be thrilled to love you through it.

The more we honour ourselves, the more we can embrace the totality and the Truth of who and what we are - Divine Beings having a human experience, elevating the consciousness of humanity in support of our beloved Mother Gaia.

♍ 🌑

While the lead up to this Virgo New Moon has been intense and deeply revealing. We are also discovering that we ARE ready for this. We are - and have been - preparing for this time in our individual, collective, and planetary evolution timelines for aeons.

Our multidimensional aspects are ready when we are.

Lightworker, Wayshower, Magdalen, Gatekeeper, Bridger of Worlds … your Codes are activated. Will you step into Divine Service when you are Called?

It has been an absolute honour to channel this transmission and to hold space for the Weaving of the Golden Threads and the Sacred Medicine that are embedded within it.

Sacred One, do what you need to do, prepare, receive, transmit, transmute. Your Sacred Codes will remind you HOW to do what you’re here to do. It is an honour to walk this path with you. 🙏

♍ 🌑

Key themes and energetic influences of this Virgo New Moon:

Sacred Code activation; Sacred Medicine; energetic, physical and environmental sustainability; health; abundance; Presence; Divine Service; limitations - physical, emotional, mental/intellectual; practicality; tending to the mundane; revelation of one’s Path of Divine Service; stepping into one’s Path of Divine Service; reverence; acknowledgement and acceptance of s/Self; creativity; creation; harvest; abundance; Devic Codes; Earth Codes.

And those, Luminous One, are the underlying energies for this Virgo New Moon. Take what resonates, explore what arouses curiosity, and leave the rest.

Be gentle with yourself. Be present in your unfolding.

I see you. I love you. I AM YOU.

💜 Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa 2023

** Dates and times used: Melbourne, AEST

I’m a DM or email away if you have any questions. If you feel guided to book a personal Transmission - my calendar is now open for bookings if you are ready to recover and receive the wisdom of your Soul.


1:1 Soul Guidance sessions are NOW AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT for the month of September, please contact me - via the Contact page or email: to arrange your session.

I trust that this has been supportive.

If you'd like to contribute an energy exchange for this offering, I'd be deeply grateful.

If at this time, this is not something that you are able to do,

then I'd welcome any feedback that you'd like to share.

In loving gratitude for all that you are.

Sign-off signature: Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa 2023

Let's connect on social media:

Find me on Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel and if you're ready to keep delving deeply into the unfolding energetics, you can request to join me on my private Instagram profile: @cosmic_heart_sacred_journey


This transmission is intended to support your sacred journey.

This transmission, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this transmission has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live a heart-centred and soul-inspired life, contact me or book a transmission with me so that I can support your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating new modalities into any health and well-being program.


About my work…

Photo of Vanda, directly looking ahead and smiling

I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.

I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space helping my client to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.

My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.

© Vanda Costa 2021

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