Money may very well have been quite tight over the last month or so (perhaps even longer) - at times we are pushed to our limit to see just how resourceful we are. Many may feel that this has been the case for all or most of this year and some of last year.
This occurs when the energies begin to shift and with this shift comes the transformation that we are required to make in our personal lives to match the new frequencies - at this point all that we’ve been doing in the past just won’t cut it any more; we must find new ways of doing things, we must adapt and flow with the energies that are guiding us to our new state.
If you have learned to make the most of what’s available to you, things will start to pick up now; if you’re still struggling to find ways to make ends meet and if you find yourself constantly counting your coins, then these energies may continue on for some time.
Our task is to step up and out of the way and let the Universe know that we give up ‘trying’ to control our finances and personal lives - have you noticed that the more you ‘try’ to control things, the more out of control things become? The lesson here for us is to surrender - to acknowledge and accept that we don’t know it all, that we do need help; and if your intention is clear and your heart is open to the guidance that comes from within, then you’ll be in the flow of things rather than resisting everything that comes your way - this only causes more heartache, stress and limited abundance - is this how you want to live your life?
Things are looking up! Your task: accept that things need to change, be open to new ways of doing things and you’ll be rewarded with new ideas, more energy, freedom and perhaps even see an increase in funds - things are definitely increasing and you are beginning to attract more of what you need to help you get ahead. Remember that in order to receive this abundance, your current perspective needs to change and there may very well be many limiting beliefs that surface for you at this time.
Now, take a deep breath (or a few) and centre yourself...repeat the following affirmation 3 times, feel each word as you speak it...feel the energies shifting within you as you read this…repeat as often as needed. :)
“I can move through any cycle with dignity and awareness. I am open to receiving increasing wealth. Money moves to and through my life, bringing benefits to all.”
~ Sandra Anne Taylor
(Taken from the Energy Oracle Cards guidebook)
Have a blessed fortnight lovelies.
<3 Vanda
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© Vanda Costa, 15 June 2015
Image: Card 13: Financial Constraints ~ from the Energy Oracle Cards Deck by Sandra Anne Taylor