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Fortnightly Energies for 20 July to 2 August 2015

© Vanda Costa

FAIRIES ~ Earth Magic

This fortnight we are being asked to connect with the elemental realm, with the fairies, elves, and all of the beings we believed in as children. We are being called to connect to the Earth and to accept from her the medicine we need in order to heal and progress through the current energies.


Mother Earth takes our concerns, stresses and traumas and transmutes their dense energies into energy that can be used for good. We are being asked to acknowledge the things that no longer work in our lives, the things that we seem to be re-living on a regular basis - when you feel as though you’re going over the same situations, dealing with the same personality types, and constantly feeling ‘stuck’, then you know that there’s something that you need to become aware of; there’s a reflection that is attempting to get your attention.

At this time we need to release the energies that are keeping us from moving forward. Allow yourself to be drawn into the image on the card - allow your imagination to guide you to a way around your current obstacles. Open yourself up to the possibility of there being other option available to you at present. What guidance do you feel the card sharing with you?

The Earth Magic element of this card asks us to become more aware of our environment - where is Mother Earth in need of love and attention? What can you do to help her heal? Look in your own backyard - is your garden in need of love and attention? Is your garden abundant and green? Are your trees and plants cared for? Are they neglected? As you begin to connect with their energies, you will begin to find the inter-connectedness between all things; you will begin to notice those parts of you that are also in need of love and attention. Take care of your garden, figuratively and literally, and you may just inspire someone else to tend to their own.

“The world speaks to us. We just need to learn how to become better listeners.”

Dr. Steven D. Farmer

Have a blessed fortnight lovelies.

<3 Vanda

If you’d like a personalised reading, please visit our readings page.

Earth Magic Oracle Card deck is available to order via our Contact page or email.

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© Vanda Costa, 21 July 2015

Image: Fairies ~ from the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck by Steven D. Farmer

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