Part 3 of 6
This week’s question: How are the cards used during a spiritual guidance reading?
After receiving your request for a reading, I gather my cards and focus on your energy (more on this in next week’s post); then I pull the cards I’m drawn to; if I’m ever unsure about the cards that I’ve been guided to draw, I use a pendulum to confirm that the right cards have been choosen for you - this does happen at times, for instance, if you’re unsure of the question that you’re asking, or if you’re asking about one particular topic and Spirit has guidance about something else that needs your attention at the time of your reading.
I was taught to ‘read’ the tarot cards - by this I mean that I was taught the traditional meanings of the cards along with the symbolism associated with them; but over time, they’ve started speaking to me in a way that allows me intuitively ‘pick up’ information and energies that aren’t taught in the traditional setting and that may not even appear to be part of the card’s ‘traditional’ message.
I connect to the cards psychically and by doing so I am able to bring through the message of the card including the most relevant energies that need to brought to your attention - the message is always specific to you. This means is that no two readings will be the same - even when the same question is asked and the same card is drawn.
By allowing the cards to ‘speak’ to me, I am able to bring through the most pressing issue for you at the time of the reading. As mentioned earlier, this may be guidance that doesn’t appear to be related to your question, but Spirit needs you to address whatever it is that’s in need of your attention before you can move forward.
Here’s an example: you may be thinking that you need to know about whether your current job is right for you, or whether you should cut your losses and look for another; you may be surprised to find that during the reading, guidance is brought forth that leads you to discover the reason for your perceived unhappiness at your current job - it may be personality traits or habits that are causing the challenge that you’re facing and you may be guided to specific areas of the self that need to be looked at in order to initiate a shift that will move you into a clearer state of mind or even help you to see where you may be sabotaging yourself.
There’s no one-size-fits-all rule here, we are all individual and we all need individual guidance to help get ourselves on track to living the life we know we’re meant to be living. Sure, many of our patterns, habits and personality traits may be similar to those of others, and this is why my general readings may resonate with you at times; but our individual make-up and dreams create our individual realities and differentiate us from others and this is why a personal reading is needed to help us sift through all of the surface clutter that’s blocking us from moving forward and aligning to our higher vision.
Visit our readings page to select your reading.
If you have any questions or would like more information, don't hesitate to contact me either via our Contact page or via email.
Vanda x
Come back next Wednesday for Part 4: Connecting to your energy during a distance reading
Read the rest of the Spiritual Guidance Reading blog series: