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Intuitive Reading for 9 to 22 November 2015

© Vanda Costa

PAGE of SWORDS (rev)

There's lots going on in the mental realms this fortnight, so be mindful of this as you go about your daily activities, and know that this too shall pass. Focus on what you can and what calls to you, the rest can wait. Do what you need to do so that you can BE in your body and not in your head. The more you find yourself in your head, the more potential there is to be overwhelmed, confused and lacking in clarity about what you’re doing.

This fortnight we are being reminded to remain grounded. We may have many ideas, all of which may seem to be wonderful and definitely the way to go. What I’m being asked to share is to check-in with your Self to ensure that these ideas aren’t the ego’s way of distracting you from your purpose or from the task at hand.

Ensure that you have a pen and some paper close by at all times so that you can jot down these ideas when they strike. Know that you don’t need to make any decisions at this time, simply make a note of the ideas as they come, read over your list regularly and pay close attention to your body as you read through them as it will indicate whether they should be pursued or scrapped. The changes in your body may be extremely subtle, so ensure that you’ve taken a few deep breaths to centre yourself before you do this exercise.

November 9 to 22 Energies 2015

This card also speaks of being aware of opportunities as they present themselves. Give them some time to percolate in order to discover whether they are deserving of your attention or not.

Watch for inner conflicts and use what comes up at this time to help you gain a greater understanding of yourself and the activities you’re engaging in. The potential for self-awareness is immense at this time, and as such it is important that you don’t get too caught up in one thing. Allow your mind to wander...see where it leads you.

Self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence may present at this time, and so too a lack of motivation and/or direction - don’t worry too much; recent energies are integrating and adjusting for you, within you and around you, and these are some of the symptoms associated with spiritual and personal growth that we are all experiencing at this time.

Instead of worrying about things, channel your energy into the tasks that you can handle and leave the others for later. There’s no point forcing yourself to accomplish something that you’re just not 100% into. You do have the capacity and ability to focus on things that you feel strongly about, so focus your attention on these things instead and watch your confidence rise and your clarity return.

Keywords for this fortnight: mixed messages; inner conflict; arguments; confusion; lack of clarity; lack of self-confidence; potential for self-awareness; growth and development; ideas; grounding; ungrounded; quick tongue; argumentativeness; picking fights; judging the self and others; writing is favoured; creativity; inspiration; lack of inspiration.

Questions for reflection: Where is your attention leading you? What are you constantly thinking about? Is this working for you or against you? What brings confusion into your life? Where are you procrastinating? Are you (mentally) overwhelmed? Are you emotionally and physically exhausted? Do you feel ungrounded and spacey? Are you feeling stuck in several areas of your life? Where can you go or what can you do to gain clarity? Are you being hard on yourself? Do you understand that the world work in cycles? What can you do today to regain that connection to the Self that you need right now?

“What is truth is real.

What is not truth is not real.

It's an illusion, but it looks real.

Love is real.

It's the supreme expression of life.”

"The Voice of Knowledge"

don Miguel Ruiz

May you discover what brings you fulfillment this fortnight…

<3 Vanda

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The Rider Waite Tarot deck is available to order via our Contact page or email.

© Vanda Costa, 10 November 2015

Image: Page of Swords ~ from the Rider Waite Tarot deck.

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