This month I’ve been guided to do something a little different with the general reading…
I’ve been guided to incorporate numerology into my reading to calculate this month’s Tarot card and in doing so I can bring through what the energies have in store for us. I’ve been looking into this for a short time now and have found it to be fascinating and (for me at least) quite accurate.
So without further ado - here are this month’s energies...
This card speaks of things returning to balance - the timing however is dependant upon how we interpret and follow our inner guidance. It indicates that a time of balance is beginning in our life, this however, is not without its challenges; the upside, yes there is one, is that we will receive insights and experience personal growth that cannot come any other way or at any other time - everything that we’ve experienced has all been leading up to this point.
The Justice card indicates clarity of expression and leans towards a favourable outcome in legal matters, where a fair trial or good outcome is on our side. In a spread, this information may differ depending on the surrounding cards. For the purposes of this reading we are looking at this individual card.
This card also speaks of the karmic scales and the balancing and awareness that takes place as we experience Earth and all things physical as spiritual beings having a human experience.
Justice shares that whilst we learn and grow there will be things that remain unknown to us and as such we are called upon to draw upon our inner guidance as we navigate the road ahead. We may only be shown a few steps ahead rather than the whole picture, so impatience and frustration will not benefit the overall plan, but serve instead to delay our progress and any outcomes that we may be awaiting.
The energies of this card can help us draw upon the gifts of past lifetimes that can help us progress in this lifetime.
The Justice card suggests that as with all things that we experience, there are positive and negative experiences and consequences we must face when we decide upon a plan of action. At times we may be called upon to make a decision where we may not be aware of all the facts and it is at these times that we are called upon to trust our intuition and to follow through with practical action that has been considered thoughtfully rather than acting impulsively.
The card indicates that even though we feel strongly about something, it is necessary to evaluate any possible outcomes as what we put out, comes back to us. Consequences are something that we must live with in the physical realm, and as such we must ensure that our actions never harm others.
We may be called to answer past decisions and/or reevaluate plans/goals that we’ve been working towards. There’s also a sense of cutting through the clutter and confusion and beginning to see things as they are. The energies of truth and integrity feature strongly and will continue to be markers for the journey to come.
There’s also a sense of time - whether it feels as though you’re running out of time, being pressed for time, or the possibility that something is further off than you first thought, for some it may even be that after all the hard work and effort, the time has finally arrived - know that the timing of this is being orchestrated by Spirit. There may be things that are still unknown to you at this time that need just a little extra time to mature or manifest - whatever the case may be. You’ll find out soon enough.
How do we work out this month’s influence?
Without going into too much detail here, (you can find loads of information on numerology on the internet if you’re interested in learning more); this is how I was able to calculate this month’s card:
I added the month (12) and year (2015) to come up with the final number:
1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 11
and because 11 is a master number, we don’t break it down any further.
The number 11 is a master number - it symbolises the Master Illuminator, Teacher or Messenger.
Under the influence of this master number, we may be called to serve so that we can illuminate, teach and convey messages to others, but on a smaller scale; one-on-one or small groups rather than large groups.
The 11 indicates trials and tests that come from interactions with others, and the need to overcome these and learn the lessons that stem from these experiences.
The number 11 represents transformation that comes from trusting in one’s own inner guidance and the ability to navigate the challenges that present in one’s life, and the awareness that comes with trusting and following our intuition.
Keywords for December
Justice; clarity; expression; balance; faith; trust; fairness; equality; legal matters; agreements; contracts; truth; integrity; awareness; judgement; gossip; discretion; hidden agendas; time and timing.
Questions for reflection
Where/how do I feel as though I’m not being treated fairly?
Am I acting with integrity in my interactions with others?
Do I feel able to speak my truth?
What causes me to feel off-balance in my life?
What do I feel that I need to be/do/receive in order to regain balance in my life?
Am I treating others fairly?
Am I practicing non-judgement in my life?
Are my interactions with others open and honest?
“Everything in God's creation is perfect. If we don't see our own perfection, it's because our attention is focused on our story. The lies in our story keep us from seeing the truth. But with awareness, we can change the story and return to the truth.”
"The Voice of Knowledge"
don Miguel Ruiz
May you discover your truth this month…
<3 Vanda
© Vanda Costa, 9 December 2015
Image: Justice ~ from the Rider Waite Tarot deck.