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February 2016 Intuitive Reading

© Vanda Costa


The cards for this month indicate that there are things that remain unknown to us, and will continue to do so for some time. We are being asked to trust our intuition and to allow ourselves to be guided by this force.

February 2016 Intuitive Reading - Justice

As the month begins we may still feel slightly confused as to our direction, but this is beginning to clear up and quite rapidly. You may feel slightly off balance as the month begins, but insights and seemingly unrelated overheard conversations or randomly read pieces of information will provide information that will get you thinking in a brand new way; bringing new awareness of not only your current state of affairs, but that of others around you also. I feel the need to mention that unsolicited advice may not go down well, so please be mindful of this as the month progresses.

We are being guided to do what’s right, not only for ourselves but also ethically and morally - these energies are not so much about doing what others would approve of - that ship appears to have sailed (and hopefully for the last time if not a long time!), but rather what is right for the collective; and we begin to become more aware of how our choices influence others - the focus shifts from being selfish to being self aware.

Things are beginning to ‘right’ themselves, and although this will take some time, you will begin to see the results of work that you’ve been putting in over the last year or so - it hasn’t all been for nothing and you will begin to understand this soon enough.

You are being called to go within, to meditate, to learn more about yourself, to finally follow those nudges to enrol in a course of study, to pick up that book that’s been calling to you, to get that healing that your soul is guiding you to receive. Healing work brings about a greater understanding and acceptance of self, and highlights the potential that’s available to you as you move into the future from this point forward.

February 2016 Intuitive Readin - The High Priestess

These energies are calling you to delve into the realm of your thoughts and to discover the physical manifestations of dis-ease in your life. You are being asked to pay close attention to your thoughts - are you able to see how they have influenced you? How they have created the life you’re living at present? Thoughts become things, so it’s crucial at this time of significant change that we become aware of what we are creating.

We are being shown the opposing aspects of life, the positive and the negative, the light and the shadow, the passion and the peacefulness that dwells within us and the world around us; and we are being asked to choose the middle way - choose the path of least resistance, knowing that at times your energy, emotions and mood will fluctuate; but know that this too shall pass. Everything in this life is transitory, so do your best to go with the flow, ask for the lessons within situations to be made known to you and know that you’ve got this - everything you’ve experienced until now has been leading you to this critical point in time.

Remember that not all details will be available to you so it’s important that you tune into your inner guide, your intuition, Spirit, Source, your Angels, whatever you call that Higher Power and allow this force to guide you through the coming days, months and years.

You have within you all that you need to navigate the path ahead.

Questions for reflection

Use these questions for journalling and/or healing work - pay attention to your body’s reactions to these questions and see if you can trace your reactive thoughts back to where you may be causing dis-ease in your life:

  • Are you aware of how your thoughts may be causing dis-ease in your body/life?

  • Are you ready, or at least willing to look at your thoughts and beliefs to see where your energy is being channelled?

  • Do you trust that there is a Higher Power that is working with you rather than against you?

  • Do you feel that everything is working out for the better?

  • Are you ready to step up and begin to change what isn’t working in your life?

  • How do you feel about moving forward without having all the details available to you?

  • Do you feel, or believe that your life is getting better each day?

  • Are you ready to let go of the stories that no longer serve you?

“You cannot continue to offer the same vibration that got you to where you are, and now get to someplace different. You have to do something different with your attention, with your focus, and with your vibration.”


May you find the courage to follow your intuition...

Be gentle with yourself.

Vanda x

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The Rider Waite Tarot deck is available to order via our Contact page or email.

© Vanda Costa, 2 February 2016

Image: Justice & The High Priestess ~ from the Rider Waite Tarot deck.

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