With all this talk of goal-setting, new moon intentions, going after what you want and still being able to do all that you need to do on a daily basis, incorporating new routines that you have all the best intentions of fulfilling, can, and does get overwhelming - this is perfectly normal and it’s the body’s way of telling us that we need to pay attention - we’re taking on too much.
Even for me with the healing modalities that I've learned throughout the years, with my tarot and oracle cards and my crystals, there are times when it all gets too much and I just have to take a step back. I used to think, or perhaps I was taught to think that it was selfish but now I see it as essential to my emotional, spiritual and physical health and well-being. Nurturing myself has become one of the most, if not the most important thing that I do for moi.
It's okay to take time out
It is more than okay, in fact it’s necessary to take some time out when things get too much. Do you give yourself permission to do this, or do you just keep ‘trying’ to push through with a disastrous outcome for you? How many times have you ignored your body’s requests to slow down and take better care of yourself? What happens when you push, push, push without filling your vessel back up with the love, nurturing and compassion that it needs? Your bodies - emotional, mental, physical and spiritual - need to receive adequate fuel to keep them functioning at optimal levels. It is impossible to achieve what you desire in life without nurturing all aspects of yourself.
Write your feel-good list
Something I've learned this year is that it's helpful, no, it’s crucial to have a list of things that you can turn to when things get less than pleasant. I scribbled down my list on a day when I was feeling pretty good and was surprised by how many feel-good things I have at my disposal. When you feel good your optimism flows through and allows you to get in tune with what it is that you really like to do, what’s important to and for you.
So if you're having a good day today, take a few minutes to write down a list of let's say about 5-10 things that you like or love to do to relax; include things that you can do on your own - I know that for the mums out there this might be a bit more challenging, but include at least 3 things that you can do, or like to do on your own.
If you're not having such a good day but this sounds appealing to you, think about something that helps lift your spirits and makes you feel good...and then go do that for a little while. Come back and write the rest of your list when you’re feeling better.
Give yourself permission
That's right, give yourself permission to take some time out for yourself - if not now, when? Okay, perhaps later tonight, but you know what I mean! If you’re running on empty you have nothing to offer others, so ensure that you’re giving to yourself first - it’s just like putting on your own oxygen mask before you help others.
"...we can only give what we have, not what we don't have."
The Voice of Knowledge, Don Miguel Ruiz
...and now you receive...
Whether you're having trouble coming up with something, or if you’ve come up with a decent list of self-nurturing gifts, I have a little pressie for you...print out the pages that appeal to you - or print them all if you like, and take some time to immerse yourself in this activity. You'll be feeling better in no time and it may even be just the thing you need to help you get out of your own way.
When we immerse ourselves in something creative we get in tune with a whole other part of our Self and here, my loves is where magic happens.
Be gentle with yourself...
Vanda xx
© Vanda Costa, 10 February 2016