We’ve been experiencing what can be described as an emotional rollercoaster in the lead up to the Solar eclipse on 9 March since mid-February, however the energies have ramped up over the last week.
Let’s get the technical stuff out of the way...
Firstly, let’s tend to the the technical aspects. Although this is not something I normally do for my (intuitive) #EnergyWrapUp posts, I do feel that it’s necessary in this case in order to get an understanding of what’s going on, so please bear with me:
A solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in a perfect, or near
perfect straight line; this alignment can only happen during a New Moon phase
and does not occur every month - you can find out more here.
An eclipse season lasts an average of 34.5 days and there are at least 2 or at most, 3 eclipses per eclipse season. During eclipse season there will be at least one new Moon and a solar eclipse (such as the one on 9 March), and one full Moon and a lunar eclipse (such as the one on 23 March - more on this later) during an eclipse season. This means that solar eclipses and lunar eclipses tend to come in pairs – a solar eclipse always takes place about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.1
The energetic influences of each new and full moon differ each month depending on the placements of the planets in the skies; these are complex and affect us differently depending on our individual birth chart.
Wix stock photo: this image is not from the March 9 solar eclipse
In an attempt to keep this post as simple and understandable as possible, it’s important to know that this new moon and solar eclipse takes place in Pisces. The energetic influences of this eclipse “can have many positive as well as challenging effects including a heightened sensitivity that can be wonderful for our spiritual practice, inner work and creativity, but much more challenging for getting things done in the ‘real’ world. The shadow side of Pisces may be activated suggesting that the potential for self-delusion and denial is here, as well as the potential for strong intuitive insights. Take some time out to tune in and to connect with your feelings, otherwise they may overwhelm you.”2
Now that we’ve got the technical stuff out of the way, let’s get to the intuitive stuff! This part is where I share what I’m picking up from the energies around me even if I’m not being affected by them personally, along with tips to help you move through these energies.
And now to the intuitive stuff...
Over the course of the last 2 to 3 weeks we’ve been under the influence of this eclipse season. During this time emotions have fluctuated - due to the watery (emotional) aspect of Pisces - in many cases people have been coming to terms with out-dated and limiting beliefs, as well as old wounds and many are being faced with a decision that needs to be made.
You may have felt emotional for no apparent reason (there’s always a reason). You may have felt yourself being more compassionate, not only towards others, but also to yourself. You may have cried at something that seemed insignificant at the time, but upon contemplation and in due course, you discovered that there was a part of you that was ready for healing that was triggered by this eclipse.
You may have felt your heart swell with love. You may have experienced a new-found courage that comes from being this vulnerable and open to what the Universe is sending your way. You may have found yourself willing to venture out of your comfort zone. Perhaps you’ve noticed that you’ve forgiven the past, someone from your past, and even a past version of yourself as a deeper, wiser part of you has somehow, ‘magically’ yet according to Divine timing, released those things that had been keeping you stuck in the past, and has finally pulled you forward out of that thick, heavy, sludge that kept you immobile for way too long.
Throughout this time of releasing, processing and cleansing, you’ve felt as though you’ve been on a never-ending rollercoaster ride, where your energy has fluctuated just as much, if not more than your moods. You may very well experience headaches, a runny nose, cravings for comfort foods, the desire to take some time out to be alone and recharge, physical and/or emotional exhaustion, drowsiness, thirst, hunger, sadness, crying, insights and inspiration, moments of clarity, and vivid dreams and visions.
As the eclipse takes place in a water sign (Pisces) don’t be surprised if you find yourself retaining fluid. Water retention signifies ‘holding onto heavy or limiting emotions from the past. Difficulty moving forward. Swimming in sadness and hopelessness. Not knowing how to live your life in happiness. Constant self-sabotage. Resisting your feelings rather than learning from them. Pushing away from what you want. Family conflicts.’3
The planet Chiron is also making his presence felt and as such we may experience our own personal wounds quite vividly - the old, recent and present, so use these to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and use what surfaces in your healing journey. Homeopathy, energy/vibrational medicine and attending to the wisdom revealed through our dreams can all be especially potent at this time.4
How to get through this...
I’m sorry to say this, but these energy fluctuations will continue for a little while longer. This is just how it is when we’re going through this purging and cleansing cycle. My advice to you is to be as gentle with yourself as you can be - take epsom salt and/or essential oil baths, ground yourself by walking barefoot as often as you can, on grass, sand or earth is perfect, to help you to release the energies that are ready to be released to make way for the new.
Use crystals to balance your personal energy/vibration, the darker the better - such as black tourmaline, smokey quartz, hematite, along with red stones such as carnelian and garnet to name a few, these will help balance your base and earth chakras. I feel guided to tell you to keep some amethyst close by for protection and to help with sleep.
Smudging yourself, your environment and belongings (make sure you open a window in the room in which you’re smudging); if you can do some general cleaning of your house, this too will be beneficial.
Drink plenty of filtered water, herbals teas are great too, and do keep away from caffeinated beverages if you can help it as these also affect your energy; so if you do drink these, keep this in mind and don’t be too hard on yourself. Make healthy choices, not only in food and drinks, move your body, stay away from negative people and situations as much as possible and surround yourself with people, pets and things that fill you with love, happiness and positive vibes.
Keep a pen and notepad close by to write down the insights, ideas and inspiration that strikes and to jot down your dreams before you get out of bed.
This isn’t so much a time to take action, but to gather information and to begin formulating a plan to work towards fulfilling your goals and dreams which you can start working on in about a week’s time.
So, dear ones, whilst this is a snippet of what’s currently taking place around us, I trust that this information will find those who need it and help them understand their current experiences. Feel free to share this with anyone you feel might benefit from it, and know that with each moment that passes, you are one step closer to emerging with greater clarity, a sense of purpose and renewed energy.
Scroll down to leave us a comment in the comments box below. Tell us what you think, what you’ve been experiencing and whether this information resonates with you! We love hearing from you!
All is well…
<3 Vanda xx
© Vanda Costa, 8-9 March 2016
1 What Are Solar Eclipses?, http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar-eclipse-frequency.html, as at 8 March 2016.
2 & 4 Rothwell, C., March 2016 Newsletter, www.christine-rothwell.com/march-2016.html, as at 8 March 2016.
3 Segal, I., The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness, Atria Paperback/Beyond Words, p.168, 2010