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April 2016 Intuitive Reading

© Vanda Costa


After feeling as though things had been put on hold last month, we are beginning to sense movement as we feel ourselves getting pulled back into the stream of life. This is a time of transition and shifts - many insights and inspiration have flowed to us since the lunar eclipse and the emotions that surfaced with that bring many new possible directions and projects to be investigated and researched.

April 2016 Intuitive Reading - Death

We must be gentle with ourselves and allow the revelations to unfold in their own time. We are being guided, yet there may still be a feeling of confusion as we get our bearings and prepare to move forward into the new chapter that awaits.

We are being called to move forward with faith that all that is falling apart and away must do so in order to clear the way for what is to come. We are beginning to take the initial steps that are necessary in order to build a stable foundation and a lasting legacy.

We are reminded that as with all change, it is imperative that we remain fluid and flexible so that we can adapt to the as yet unseen factors that will no doubt reveal themselves as we progress on our path.

We are being called to establish only that which feels right to and for us, and to have the courage to leave behind whatever has served its purpose. Relationships are changing and evolving and as such, some may need to fall away; as they say, when one door closes, another opens. Have faith that you will be provided for at every stage of your journey - you are not alone.

There’s also a sense of needing to be surrounded by more stable structures, this can mean relationships, work, and of course your home. So don’t be surprised if you find that the job or home that you’ve had your sights set on suddenly loses its lustre - the old you is falling away and with that so too do the old dreams, visions and ideals. Trust that whatever is for your Highest Good is making its way to you.

That said though, it is crucial that you allow yourself to grieve any losses and pick yourself up in your own time - you’ll intuitively know when it’s time to get back up and start moving in a new direction - if you don’t allow yourself to grieve, then you’ll just carry the baggage of loss, anger, grief and depression with you on your new path; this will cause things to be more challenging than is necessary.

April 2016 Intuitive Reading - The Emperor

I’m being asked to share that it’s important that you pay attention

to your emotions at this time as they will be your guide as to whether you’re headed in the right direction. Please know that with change, there is chaos and upheaval - this is part of the process as we release the old systems and start over. That said, whilst it may feel as though you’re starting over, you’re actually in a better place than ever before as you’re now equipped with new tools, experiences and visions - yes, even though you may not be quite sure what they are just yet.

Trust that all is being revealed in Divine time and that you are exactly where you need to be - everything that you’ve done, every experience that you’ve had, has brought you to this place in time.

You’ve got what it takes to get through current challenges and create your life in the way that fulfils every part of you.

Questions for reflection

Use these questions for journaling and/or healing work - pay attention to your body’s reactions to these questions and see if you can trace your reactive thoughts back to where you may be causing dis-ease or stress in your life:

  • What do I know/sense/feel needs to be released in order for me to move forward?

  • What am I resisting? What areas of my life feel stagnant?

  • Do I trust and have faith that I can get through my current challenges? Or am I being stubborn and resistant?

  • Do I believe in myself and that I have the ability to gather the tools and resources that I need to better myself and my life?

  • Looking at my life in general, am I disciplined - do I have structures in place?

  • Where is my life lacking structure?

  • Do I have boundaries in place? Are they flexible or rigid?

  • Am I flexible and able to adapt to new opportunities or challenges with ease and grace?

  • Am I looking at and experiencing my life through presence and grace, or anger and regret?

“Life mirrors back to you what you think about the most - take a look around you, do you like what you see?”

Insights from the Tarot channelled by Vanda

It’s time to clear the decks - your life awaits you...

Vanda x

I’m so excited to hear about your journey and the amazing opportunities that are coming your way! Leave your comments in the Facebook box below :)

Clck here to book your reading!

The Rider Waite Tarot deck is available to order via our Contact page or email.

© Vanda Costa, 30 March 2016

Image: Death & The Emperor ~ from the Rider Waite Tarot deck.

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