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Going within with the New Moon

© Vanda Costa

This isn't the post that I thought I'd be sharing this week - it’s very different to my usual posts, as I read over these words I find myself wanting to hold back, to keep this to myself, yet another part of me tells me that it’s important to share this with you.

This isn’t the post that I thought I’d be writing this week. Spirit had other plans…

Yesterday afternoon I was paying attention to the feedback that my body was sending me and as I tuned in I was able to gather even more information that would bring me to where I found myself this morning.

I woke up feeling as though something needed my attention, it wasn’t like the feeling you get when you think you’ve forgotten something; it was a deeper calling that was doing everything it could to get my attention. Somehow I couldn’t quite articulate what it was so I allowed my thoughts to lead me to what it could be...

It started a day or so ago and I knew immediately that I was tuning into this week's new moon (on Thursday 7th). They say that about three days before a new moon we go into a ‘dark of the moon’ phase, and so it was with me, as has been most months as far as I can remember since beginning my spiritual journey - I don't know for sure if this is an actual thing, but I do feel the energy shift - I feel my energies and attention turning inward, I feel myself drawn to things that bring emotional nourishment and sustenance. I feel myself being called to connect with Spirit and this week the call has been less of a whisper as is usual with me, but more of a physical response where I find myself physically yearning for solitude, a warm, cosy place to just ‘be’, and an emotional need to re-discover the feminine energies that I feel calling to me from the inner realms, needing my attention.

Mary by Toni Carmine Salerno

Physically, I am experiencing pain that has manifested due to changes that have been sweeping through since last month’s solar and lunar eclipses. I sense old habits of resistance that are attempting to hold me back from the wonder that awaits me. I feel my Soul lovingly, gently calling me, guiding me towards a new energy that I can sense is just beyond my reach.

Emotionally, I sense the parts of myself that are in need of love and attention - I sense the need for communion with the Divine, and They keep calling me towards them. I sense the need to nourish my Soul. I heed the call to grab that book that keeps calling to me from the shelf, I begin reading it, and something shifts within - I have received the message.

I sense the need to reach out for some chocolate and I either give in and don’t punish myself for it, or I go within and ask what part of me is in need of love and attention. Paying close attention to any thoughts that indicate where I've neglected my basic needs.

I feel my heart open as I shed a tear of joy for another's success. I feel another's pain as she describes the difficulties that she's facing, and I feel for her - not pity but awe, I see how she is being prepared for a magical revelation that she has no idea is headed her way - I send her love and blessings and send them to myself also.

I sense different parts of mySelf searching for each other, some are aimed right at their target, others float aimlessly, seeking a slight shift in vibration so that they can be magnetised to another and come closer to becoming a whole - to making me whole.

No matter whether my energy is ebbing or flowing, I always do my best to tune in to my needs, provide them to and for myself and see how I can help myself to connect with my essence, my Soul, that part of the Divine that resides within me. When I gain a better understanding of myself it's as though I've graduated to the next level, and I know that spirit will put me to work.

“While you will never find purpose masquerading as a destination or desire outside of yourself to prompt action, you will find the expression of it as a work in progress within all of your physical reflections and this should draw you inwards.”

Mother: Reborn into light - a soul’s journey

Sally Mackay

Perhaps you’ve been experiencing something similar?

You are loved, protected, supported and provided for. All is well…

<3 Vanda x

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Contact or email for details about the book Mother: Reborn into light - a soul’s journey or the artwork Mary by Toni Carmine Salerno

© Vanda Costa, 6 April 2016

Image: Mary by Toni Carmine Salerno ~ this is probably my favourite of his paintings :) I have a copy in my office that I look at everyday as I sit at my desk.

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