There’s been an eerie calmness in the air today. The underlying energies indicate that Mother Earth is taking a breath after what has been an eventful couple of weeks of solar flares, earthquakes and other natural events that have been taking place on the planet.
It may also seem slightly odd that things appear so calm considering that we are nearing the time when the Moon reaches her fullness - 3.23pm Melbourne time, on Friday, 22 April to be exact - even though this is a micro moon, this does not take away from the energetic influence of the Full Moon. Currently, many planets are turning retrograde, or have done so recently, and this affects not only our personal energies, but that of the Earth as well. As the saying goes, ‘as above, so below’.
Image by stux
As this is an intuitive energy reading, I’ll leave the technical stuff out - you can easily find lots of information on what the planets are doing and what the potential effects might be by doing a quick search. Not all of us will be affected, and the experiences of those who are, will be varied. Why, you ask? Well, it all comes down to our individual birth chart.
Here are some of the symptoms that you might be experiencing:
sleeplessness - this is different to insomnia, it’s more of not needing to sleep, or not feeling sleepy; some may find that they can go about the following day filled with energy and not at all affected by the lack of sleep, while others struggle to get through the basic day-to-day tasks;
emotional eating that can lead to digestive issues - look to the types of food that you’re reaching out for as this can indicate what you’re in need of - for instance, chocolate cravings can indicate the need for love, so look at where you’re depriving yourself of love. This is always about self-love and has nothing to do with anyone else;
mental fogginess - you may feel incapable of making decisions at this time, honour that and don’t put yourself in a position where you might have to backtrack further down the road. Obviously, unless it’s an urgent situation, simply state that you need some time before you can make a decision;
mental alertness, on the other hand, you might find yourself drawn to reading, learning and other pursuits that lead to creative expression - these moments may strike at odd times, but it’s important to follow through with any guidance you receive, utilise these energies to your benefit. This can and may very well tie in with the sleeplessness mentioned above;
increased, or decreased spiritual connection - some may find themselves switched on and plugged into the stream of Divine consciousness, while others feel completely disconnected. We are all being upgraded so be gentle with yourself and know that when the time is right, you’ll know.
anger, frustration, anxiety - buttons may be pushed; tempers may flare; walk away, this is not personal. We are all being pushed out of our comfort zones and we each react in different ways; take some time away if you can.
As with all things, only do what you can for the time being, don’t take on too much, oh and if you’re concerned do go see a doctor or someone who can help you.
For many of us, we may be feeling the inner push to finally get on with that idea or project that we’ve been putting off. It appears that the time for excuses and storytelling is coming to an end, whether we’re making excuses for others or ourselves, and we are being guided towards integrity, peace and alignment with our Soul’s purpose. Yes, even if you don’t know exactly what that is, trust and know that your inner GPS is guiding you and that the closer you pay attention, the more fulfilled you will become.
Image by Unsplash
For some, you may feel as though you’re on an emotional roller-coaster - seems to be the vehicle of choice this year! One minute you’re pumped and ready to take action, and the next you’re on the way down because you’ve allowed your mind to talk you out of what you were so passionate about. More about this on a later post!
Individual perspectives of the current energies vary as do our personal experiences. If you’re an optimist, you’ll take things on board as a challenge, trusting that there’s a lesson for you somewhere amid the chaos and confusion. If you tend to be a bit more pessimistic, then you will find ways to validate that your life is a mess, that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get a break. If that’s the case, I’m so sorry that you feel that way - I really do wish that you could see just how perfect the current conditions are to get you out of your rut and into your power.
Over the coming days, you might find that you begin to receive confirmation of your current thoughts as synchronicities - some call them coincidences, but synchronicities is a more accurate term. So, if you receive a sign, message or physical evidence of something that either resonates so deeply that you feel excitement and passion building, or even if you receive something you don’t like, then consider this feedback.
We are being guided through the muck - yes we are, even if you can’t see how. Some might find themselves deep in the darkness that seems to occur just before we reach that moment of sweet surrender; when we step out of our own way and allow the Divine to lead us to freedom. That time is coming, Dear One, know this.
You are loved, guided, protected and supported at every moment, so release the need to struggle, trust that you’ve got what it takes to get through this, and know that everything will turn out better than you can even begin to imagine.
You are so, so, so, so loved…
Vanda xx
Please don't hesitate to contact or email me should you have any questions about receiving a reading. Alternatively, leave us a comment below.
© Vanda Costa, 21 April 2016