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May 2016 Intuitive Reading

© Vanda Costa


What an intense month April turned out to be!

The Hierophant

As we move into May the energies are beginning to balance - slowly, but surely. We begin to feel the call to turn inwards, even more deeply, in order to make sense of all that surfaced last month, and to begin to implement new life strategies that will help us to move forward.

We are presented with two options as we move forward on our journey this month…

On one hand, we have the old, traditional structures, which may feel constrictive and inflexible, perhaps even oppressive to some. These can, however provide the structure that some people need if they feel unable to make their own choices or prefer to be told what to do.

These structures can have positive aspects as well as negative, and it’s up to the individual to determine whether they can continue to live under these age-old rules and regulations that highlight conformity and dogma, or to step out of the confines and into freedom.

On the other hand, we have the option to choose freedom - to choose and create our own structures for life. Here we can create our own template for life by taking what resonates with us from the more traditional structures, the positive aspects that we can draw strength from, or even to create brand new structures from scratch.

We can also derive nourishment from the divine as well as the physical world around us in order to bring harmony and balance to our life. Here we know that we are supported, that our individuality is accepted and that flexibility, adaptability and personal growth are the intentions as well as the highlights of the journey.

The emotional discomfort that we’ve been experiencing, is informing us that we no longer feel that we can fit into the mould that we’ve been trying so desperately to fit into; whether this ideal was created by society, our parents, our expectations, or even what we believed we should be as to gain others approval. We begin to see that one size doesn’t fit all, and that our Soul is calling from the inner depths to help us find our own personal template.

In order to create our own template, we are being asked to look at the current structures in our lives, such as religious traditions, more modern traditions, family traditions and even those that you’ve created for yourself. Once we know what we’re working with, where we’re coming from, then we can begin to draft our personal blueprint for the structures, traditions, and rituals that will sustain and nourish us and that we want to incorporate into our life.

I’m being guided to the sun in the Temperance card as it indicates that although the road may be long and lonely at times, know that you are always watched over and protected. You are guided at every moment and it’s up to you whether you tune into your intuition to help guide you along your journey. You will make it to the destination - whether it’s the same one that you envision now, or whether it’s a completely different one; this remains to be seen as you’ll be called to improve your Self as you progress on your journey. Don’t be surprised if you end up somewhere much better than what you currently envision.

It is believed that the angel in the Temperance card is Archangel Michael, so if you feel as though you need a divine being to call upon, he’s the one who can help you navigate the journey ahead and keep you protected at all times.

As the balancing and harmonising continues to take place, unstable emotions continue as we are guided out of our comfort zones, I’m being asked to share that you remember this quote: ‘this too shall pass’ and that whatever it is that you’re going through is for your best and highest good - even though you might not be able to see it just yet. Trust that there is a divine order and that all the details are being looked after.

Many will feel caught between stepping out and forging your own path whilst wanting to conform to the status quo, and this will bring insecurity and confusion to the surface. You may want to run and


hide until this passes - it won’t unless you face it; instead reach out, find a buddy to share the load with, there are many who are experiencing the same as you.

Know that you’re not doing anything ‘wrong’, which by the way is a matter of perception, but that in order to experience freedom, it is necessary for us to step into the unknown, and yes, this does create all sorts of chaos and disruption as you begin to shed the old energies and step into the new. Trust your intuition to guide you and you’ll end up exactly where you’re meant to be.

So, whether you decide to stay where you are, and continue living within the restrictions and rules that you’ve been living with, or whether you choose to create your own rules, your own template for your life so that you can begin to experience freedom, follow through wholeheartedly, with determination and a clear intention. Wishy-washy intentions just won’t cut it any more.

Questions for reflection

Use these questions for journaling and/or healing work - pay attention to your body’s reactions to these questions and see if you can trace your reactive thoughts back to where you may be causing dis-ease or stress in your life:

  • What religious or traditional structures do I have in place in my life?

  • Do they serve me, or are they hindering my progress?

  • When faced with a decision, do I trust my inner guidance/intuition or do I deflect to religious or familial standards/expectations before deciding?

  • How do I ‘feel’, either emotionally or physically, when I am faced with religious or societal rules and regulations as to how I should be living my life?

  • Is there an inexplicable feeling or knowing within me, that is guiding me to investigate other ways of thinking, being and existing?

  • What brings me peace? Where do I find peace in my life?

  • Am I able to see the effects of my thoughts and beliefs at play in my life, whether reflected in my emotions, or when I look around at my surroundings?

  • Am I ready to question my beliefs about my life and myself?

You are being asked to make a choice this month…to allow things to remain as they are, or to have the courage to follow your heart, your inner guidance into the freedom that’s awaiting you. What will your choice be?

“You cannot experience freedom whilst feeling confined by rules, expectations and the need for others approval.”

Insights from the Tarot channelled by Vanda

Be gentle with yourself...

<3 Vanda x

If you’d like to revisit last month’s reading, click here to see whether the message that was delivered was accurate for you.

Book your reading here!


The Rider Waite Tarot deck is available to order via our Contact page or email.

© Vanda Costa, 27 April 2016

Image: The Hierophant & Temperance ~ from the Rider Waite Tarot deck.

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