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A closer look at limiting beliefs

© Vanda Costa

I’ve been guided to write a series about limiting beliefs to help you understand your past conditioning and help you move through it and into a new vibration where you can begin to attract what you desire.

With each post, I’ll channel guidance for a particular belief to help you get a feel for what that limiting belief is, how it masquerades itself and infiltrates your life, and how you’ve been conditioned to believe in something even if it’s not your own belief - or what you believe to be true for you - yes, this is possible! Then, Spirit will share how you can harness the power of this new awareness to shift your vibration so that you can begin to attract what you desire - [spoiler alert!!] which, by the way is being blocked by your current limiting beliefs.

Image credit: jarmoluk

How a limiting belief is created...

We download these limiting beliefs, or as some like to call it past conditioning, up until the age of seven years. Up until that point, we are sponges - we absorb everything that we see and hear in our environment, from parents, family and friends and these beliefs become a part of our being, dictating how we see the world and how we react to others.

From the age of seven, we begin to formulate rules in our minds of how we are meant to behave, what we’re meant to look like, what kind of job we should have in the future; basically, we’re taking on everyone else’s fears-turned-real and we begin to shape our self into this ‘perfect’ being that we believe will be approved of, liked, looked up to, the list goes on and on.

Why isn’t my manifestation work working?

You may find yourself following manifestation ritual after manifestation ritual, but no matter how much visualisation you do, how many vision boards you create, how much affirmation work you do, it doesn’t amount to much if you’re still operating under these limiting beliefs that have been programmed into your subconscious.

The subconscious is best described as our auto-pilot feature - it runs all of the pre-downloaded programs that we’ve collected over the years and runs them in the background. For instance, have you ever driven somewhere only to arrive and not recall how you got there? This is how the subconscious (or auto-pilot feature) works - for example, when you’re distracted with thoughts of how much stuff you have to do for the day, what you need to pick up at the supermarket, etc., whilst driving, the subconscious finds the pre-downloaded ‘drive’ program to get you to your destination so that you can focus on this enormous to-do list that’s occupying your conscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is the default for when your conscious mind is being used.

Image credit: original image by Sh 1 ra

Where do I begin?

The first step in any manifestation work is to look at what it is that you’re wanting to manifest in your life, you then need to look at the limiting beliefs surrounding the possibility of attaining these desires. It’s at this point that you need to begin to question them so that you can begin to unravel their hold on you.

Once they begin to lose their power, you can then reprogram your subconscious with new, empowering beliefs that will attract to you what is in alignment with your highest good and that is the intention of these posts - to help clear the debris of old conditioning and call in the new vibration or frequency that is in alignment with your Soul, purpose or highest good.

We attract to us that which is of a similar vibration - so if you don’t like what you’re attracting into your life, you need to work on shifting your vibration or frequency to a higher level than where you’re currently sitting.

My intention for these posts…

My intention for these posts is to begin to awaken within you the awareness of the limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck, feeling trapped and in a never-ending loop of confusion, pain, lack- or scarcity-consciousness that you know is not in alignment with your highest good, Soul or purpose.

I aim to write these posts as clearly and as simply as I can, so that the messages can reach as many of you as possible. It is of utmost importance to me that these messages are delivered in a way that you can relate to so that you can implement them in your own life.

I’m hoping to share at least one of these posts per month, but I’ve learned to leave any plans and formats open to Spirit’s instruction - They ultimately determine how often and how many of these posts will be channelled for you.

Please, if at any time, you need clarification on a topic, or would like further information, don’t hesitate to email me or even send me a message over on our Facebook page.

I trust that this gives you a brief insight into limiting beliefs so that in the next post of this series, we can delve right into a limiting belief and begin to deconstruct it.

I’m so excited to guide and support you on your journey!

Vanda xx

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If you have any questions about my work, this post or about receiving a reading, please contact me via our contact page or via email. I look forward to hearing from you!

© Vanda Costa, 18 May 2016

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