We've had a mixed bag this week!!
Firstly, we had the full moon on Sunday, which was a pretty powerful and healing experience in itself even if it doesn’t feel like it just yet - yes, the build up of energies last week and all of the feelings that came with that were indeed all part of the healing process that you’re currently experiencing.
This week began with high energy on Monday. Many of you may have felt extremely energetic and ready to go for no apparent reason - the reason was actually that your body had been infused with the high vibrations that were part of the full moon experience of this month.
Hopefully you intuited that your body needed to move and went about making that happen!
Tuesday was a different story - the lack of sleep that was, yes you guessed it, also part of the full moon energies (along with some planetary action) was beginning to be felt in our bodies. We began to feel lethargic and for some, maybe even irritable. This is also a side-effect of the current physical upgrade that we’re all undergoing.
Another effect that some of you might be experiencing is strange dreams that do bring almost instantaneous realisations that start reorganising your consciousness as a new level of healing gets under-way. The insights associated with this healing may not be apparent right away, so expect some pretty big ah-ha moments in the coming days and weeks.
Image by Birte
Wednesday came around and once again, many would have had difficulty getting to sleep, and when you did eventually drift off, you may not have stayed asleep for very long. Others, like myself, might find that they’re waking before the sun comes up and find that it’s easier to just wake up and do something that nurtures the Soul - I’ve been meditating in the early hours and listening to inspirational interviews to help keep my vibration high and to help balance out the highs and lows that come from such intense energy streams.
Don’t be surprised if you begin receiving insights at all sorts of odd hours - it’s during the night hours, when the ethers are quiet, that inspired messages stream through. This is why we can receive insightful messages in our dreams just before we awaken. And for those who aren’t sleeping at that time, or for those who are sensitive to the astral energies, amazing information comes streaming through. Make the most of this and keep a notepad and pen by your bedside.
Some of us might be experiencing some extreme tiredness whilst others are firing on all cylinders. What’s important to remember is to be gentle with yourself, don’t push yourself if you’re feeling tired, and don’t overdo it if you’re feeling really energised as your body will need some of this energy in reserve for the next stage of integration over the coming days and weeks.
Our mind feels as though it’s super-activated - what you might experience here is an over-active mind, over-thinking, constant mental chatter, and difficulty shutting down and/or slowing down the thought processes - it’s best not to make any major decisions when feeling this way.
What was shared with me this morning is that our minds are integrating and processing the recent incoming energies and as our mind works to formulate new ideas and ways of being, we will feel slightly ‘off’ and mentally exhausted.
If you can, please take at least five minutes to meditate at some time throughout the day - for me the best time is first thing in the morning, however a night mini-meditation works wonders as the brainwaves begin to slow down making you more receptive and ready for sleep.
We are being asked to allow things to settle in their own time - yes this can be a difficult concept for us humans to grasp and even contemplate, but remember that you’re not alone throughout all of this - you can call on your Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, God, the Universe, whomever or whatever Power you resonate with. You’ll be surprised just how quickly they come to your aid when you request their presence with an open and sincere heart.
It’s important that we don’t attach too much to what crosses our mind right now. As I’ve already mentioned several times, you’re integrating the new energies with your own vibration (which is being upgraded and increased) and this needs to occur on its own, without your input or control.
Perhaps you are one of those who is experiencing enormous sadness, we are shifting years, possibly generations of thoughts and even many lifetimes worth of karma, so it’s crucial that we remember to be gentle with ourselves and others as this process takes place. We are all experiencing and processing the recent energies in our own way and this looks and feels different to each individual.
What we need to remember as we allow our bodies to process the new energies is to rest when our bodies call for it, make healthy food and beverage choices, move our bodies daily, drink enough water - at least 1.5 litres each day, two litres would be better, and play soothing music in the background if you can to help you navigate the day.
If you need some music or meditation suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me, send me an email or leave a comment below.
Sending you love and healing vibes…
Vanda xx
© Vanda Costa, 25 May 2016