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2016 Intuitive Reading: Mid-Year Check-In

© Vanda Costa

This week I’m revisiting the 2016 Intuitive Reading that was posted earlier in the year - you can read the original blog post here.


As I tune into the cards, they speak of the need for us to venture deeper on our journey of self-discovery. This part of the journey will bring more fears, illusions and many, many opportunities for growth that may or may not be recognised right away - from where we stand at this point in time, we are unable to see the changes that are coming our way.

The cards speak of the chaos that arises once we begin to question the status quo and begin to recover our own personal truths. This chaos is a necessary part of our evolution as it clears away the old structures of the past to make way for the new.

Take The Hermit’s advice and spend some time in contemplation - look at your life, what’s working, what’s not, look at the beauty that exists in your life, look for ways in which you may be able to improve your current circumstances, what’s ready to be released, what are you ready to receive? The Hermit is all about self-evaluation and finding the parts of our Self that need our attention as well as those that we can draw strength from. He instructs us to call upon the Divine Spark that lies within each of us to lead us out of the Darkness and into the Light.

He brings to our awareness the need for a guide or mentor to help us to unlock the hidden potential within. He brings to Light that which is hidden, what is assisting as well as what is hindering our spiritual growth, he teaches us to tune into our inner realms by paying attention to our emotions and allowing them to inform us of the changes that need to be made.

The Moon, with it’s watery influences also highlights our emotional landscape and helps us bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious. The cycles of The Moon bring different elements of the Self to the surface and if we tune in, we will gain a clearer understanding of our Self along with the understanding of our personal cycles that we can tap into to bring about the changes that we desire.

2016 Intuitive Reading: Mid-Year Check-In

The energies of these cards speak of the need to do the inner work if we want to have any hope of understanding and navigating this human experience. We live and learn according to our ability to adapt, to respond rather than react, to allow ourselves to be guided by our Soul; at each and every moment we are being guided toward something that will bring us a deeper understanding of our Self.

We may feel alone, but there is always support - we have our (nighttime) dreams that serve to inform us of the variables and outcomes of choices that have not yet been made; we have nightmares that inform us of potential challenges that we may be facing or have yet to face; we have Spirit showing up in our life in a myriad of ways to ensure that we are aligning to our highest good; we have teachers who show up whether as a physical presence, a passage in a book, an overheard conversation, a post that shows up in our newsfeed, the pet that finds us when we are in need of companionship and healing.

We need to view things from a different perspective in order to gain clarity about our circumstances.

I believe that the Universe/Spirit/Source, whatever you like to call it, is always providing us with exactly what we need - we put the call out for help, guidance or healing and the Universe responds - the question is: are we receiving the answers?

We are being asked to look at the details, to break things down as much as we can, for once we have smaller tasks to accomplish, the bigger picture doesn’t feel as overwhelming. We can definitely take one small step each day towards the achievement of our dream/goal, right? Each step will bring the teachings and the opportunities to develop the skills that you will need as you progress - by taking things one step at a time, we begin to gain confidence in our self and we begin to shift our thinking from ‘I wish I could’ to ‘I can do this!’

Allow these energies to flow through your life as the year progresses. Gift yourself the time you need for your own growth and development; allow yourself to dream, to imagine what you’d like to achieve and accomplish in your life; allow Spirit to speak to you through your dreams, your visions and meditations; take notes, allow ideas to simmer, give them time to gather momentum; and know that the pieces of the puzzle will reveal themselves at exactly the right time.

This general reading speaks of a few of the many energies that surround us at this point in time. We are on the precipice of great change, both on a personal level as well as a global level. Do your part to raise your vibration by doing the inner work that’s being asked of you, take the steps that you’re guided to take, and know that your healing begins with the decision to make yourself a priority.

On a spiritual level, we have promises to keep and lessons to master. There are always moments to learn about ourselves.

James Van Praagh

If you’d like to receive your own personalised reading, you can book one by purchasing the one that calls to you here.

Book your reading today!

Please contact or email me if you have any questions about my readings, or if you’d like to know more about my work.

The time has come to recover your Truth…

Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa, 15 July 2016

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