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Energy Wrap Up ~ 29 July 2016

© Vanda Costa

There's a strange mix of energies around at the moment.

Let’s start with our personal energy levels - with the incoming energies that we’ve been exposed to over the last few months, our physical bodies may be struggling to integrate them as they’re quite different to anything we’ve experienced before. Many will feel exhausted even though they haven’t done all that much in the way of physical activity; others may feel the effects as periods of high energy and then periods of quite low energy that does not seem to be replenished with sleep.

For most of us, peaceful sleep appears to be a foreign concept right now, either you’re not sleeping very well at all and you have to drag yourself through the following day, or you’re sleeping all night, experiencing odd dreams - which hold the key to what we need to know about ourselves (and the world around us) at this time in our personal evolution, and waking the next morning feeling exhausted regardless of how much sleep you’ve had.

Some may find that they’re sleeping more than usual - this is great because this way your body can work to integrate the energies without your conscious mind getting in the way. The reason you feel so tired upon waking is that your body is working to balance the existing energies in your body with the outgoing energies as well as the high-frequency incoming energies - that’s a lot of work for our energy bodies to be doing whilst we’re asleep - now do you get why you’re so tired when you wake up? Perhaps you can understand why it’s so important to nurture yourself the best way you can by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Image credit: raincarnation40

With this energetic balancing that’s taking place, many of us will be experiencing mental fogginess - our thoughts aren’t as sharp as usual, thinking takes on a pace of its own and we may even feel detached from our thoughts and awareness, our concentration is not all that great either. I feel that with the new moon not that far off - 3rd of August to be exact - her energies are drawing us inwards and this is compounded by these energetic shifts that are going on within and around us.

I’d love to tell you that this is going to ease up soon, but that’s not the case. What I can tell you is that we find ourselves, once more on the precipice of great personal change. These shifts will be felt more deeply than any we’ve experienced in the last 6-12 months and they will bring great change.

I sense that we will begin integrating the insights that we receive a lot more quickly and more effortlessly too. I do sense that many will opt to spend more time alone during this time as we need to find our new balance before we can be of use to others. Some of us will feel as though we’re being pushed right out of our comfort zone and into new areas that at this point in time haven't even registered on our radar.

Be open to new and different paths opening up to you before the year’s end. Don’t discount something just because it’s not something that interested you in the past - you are a whole new person now.

We are all at different stages of our spiritual and personal development and growth and so the path looks different for each of us. In a strange, but comforting way though, we’re all in this together and that fills my heart with hope for the connections that we are making and are yet to make as we continue to make forward strides.

Pay attention to your body, give it what it needs and always, always be gentle with yourself.

If you’ve enjoyed what I’ve channelled here and would love to get a personalised reading, book a reading with me so that I can tap into what Spirit needs you to know as you move forward on your path.

Click here to book your personalised reading!

All my love,

Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa, 29 July 2016

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