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Daily Energies: Monday 12th - Sunday 18th September 2016

© Vanda Costa

For those of you who visit our Facebook page every morning to get the day's energy intuitive reading, you'll be able to find the weekly digest on our blog every Sunday afternoon so that you can see what the week ahead holds for you and who knows, it might also help you plan your week. 😊

We will continue to post the daily readings over on our page every morning, but for your weekly check-in, here are this week's energies and readings for you...

Monday 12 September 2016

What are you waiting for? Today’s energy brings a sense of anticipation - waiting for the right time to act, to take action, to decide, to BE - what if now was the right time, how would you know? Would you know? Do you trust your intuition or rely on outside sources to tell you what to do and when? How honest are you prepared to be?

Tuesday 13 September 2016

The sense I get from today’s cards is that there’s something that you need to move on from, but for whatever reason, you’re unable to see or acknowledge what it is exactly. The path to a more secure and stable future depends on you working through this right now. Face the fear and feel its power subside.

Wednesday 14 September 2016 ​​

Your Soul is in need of acknowledgement - are you tending to your needs at all these days? Or are you placing others before you, thus indicating to them and the Universe that their needs are more important that yours?

Obviously there will be some things that you’ll need to do for them, especially if they’re children or elderly, but are you doing things for others that they would be better off doing themselves? Look closely at your relationships today - are they balanced? Are you asking for what you need from others?

Thursday 15 September 2016

Today’s energies focus on relationships yet again and our need to feel balanced, free and at ease within them. What relationships in your life are unbalanced? Are you able to identify where that imbalance lies? You’ll most definitely be able to feel it even if you’re unable to articulate it, so look within and ‘feel’ where this imbalance lies - it will inform you of other areas of your life where things are you see a pattern?

Friday 16 September 2016

Once you ‘see’ what’s been preventing your progress, you cannot un-see it - this is an empowering place to be: not only emotionally but spiritually too. Once you’ve been shown the way, there’s nothing to do other than take steps in the direction that you’ve been shown. It may be messy, but are you willing to step into and through that messiness for a short period of time if it means that you’ll be living life on your terms in the near future?

Insights bring great clarity today and a new understanding of your situation and why it is the way it is.

Saturday 17 September 2016

It may seem that ‘all of a sudden’ you’re clear on your purpose or in the very least, the direction you need to be headed in. Easy does it as you ease into this new energy that you’re facing - you’ve been heading this way for some time now, but the time has come for you to ‘feel’ this change that is upon you; don’t rush into it, you’ll be shown the next step all you have to do is ask.You may be surprised that you actually feel ready to step into this new energy, even though you cannot clearly grasp what it’s asking of you; don’t question it, trust the peace that you feel within and act accordingly.

Sunday 18 September 2016

You may need some guidance before you take your next step - there's something there that you just can't see. Find someone you trust, someone who has trodden the path before you, someone who’s able to understand the symbols that your subconscious is sharing with you. At times on on journey we do have to reach out to someone who isn’t emotionally invested in the outcome; they’ll be able to deliver the messages we need at a level deeper than our own current understanding.

If you're ready to break free from a current challenge so that you can begin to move forward with your life, or if you're after a personalised general reading to see what's going on in your life, book yourself in for a reading with me.

Book your reading today!

Wishing you a wonderful week where you find the courage that will help move you forward with greater clarity and purpose. 😊

Be gentle with yourselves...

Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa, 11 September 2016

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