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Daily Energies: Monday 26th September - Sunday 2nd October 2016

© Vanda Costa

For those of you who visit our Facebook page every morning to get the day's energy intuitive reading, you'll be able to find the weekly digest on our blog every Sunday afternoon so that you can see what the week ahead holds for you and who knows, it might also help you plan your week. 😊

We will continue to post the daily readings over on our page every morning, but for your weekly check-in, here are this week's daily energy readings for you...

Monday 26 September 2016

With all of the changes that you’ve experienced lately, it’s time to be gentle with yourself. You cannot force yourself to be where you're not yet ready to be, whether this is physically, emotionally or spiritually. You’ll get there when you get there. For now, focus on gentleness and ease, allow things to unfold in their own time - inspiration and insights arrive when you least expect it.

You begin to see the part you’ve been playing and you receive the answers you need to make changes that are in alignment with the new you that you’re becoming. Awareness begins to shift from the self to others.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Today’s energies speak of shining a light on the Shadow aspects of the Self - the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden from others - this work needs to be done; if you don’t consciously do this, for fear of what you might find, fear’ll certainly know by the content in your dreams.

Pay attention to how you feel upon waking. Take notes of your dreams, jot down the main themes and by the end of the week you’ll begin to see a pattern.

Wednesday 28 September 2016 ​​

Things are becoming clearer - you might not have a solid sense of what’s around the corner for you, but you have a sense of something coming your way.

Follow the steps that your intuition is guiding you to take and watch things fall into place. It won’t be long now until you can begin to get into the details of the plan that you’ve been working on.

Thursday 29 September 2016

What you once tried to keep hidden away threatens to make an appearance. Don’t stress, this revelation contains a missing piece of the puzzle. Once you’ve retrieved it you can move onto the next stage of your current plan or project.

Today’s energies support personal and spiritual growth - pay attention to the signs, take notes and you’ll know when to act - not just yet, but soon.

Friday 30 September 2016

Aren’t you tired of standing in your own way? Here’s an idea...look at things from a different perspective. As Albert Einstein said: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

Get some outside perspective today - ask someone you trust, not someone who will only add to the current obstacle. Look for someone who doesn’t have an emotional attachment to the outcome.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Have you noticed how your confidence increases as you allow your inner knowing to surface? When we trust our intuition and allow it to guide our daily steps and interactions, we become more trusting of the Universe and the assistance that it sends our way.

When this happens, we become more open to changes, we become more adaptable and flexible, we begin to see that strength and power comes from not taking things personally but from awareness of our Self and how others mirror to us the inner work that needs to be done.

Sunday 2 October 2016

After gaining some deeper awareness of your needs over the last week, your Soul and body need some time to allow the energies to integrate. Utilise this time to just BE and formulate a new way forward, what your Soul needs from you will become evident soon enough. For now, get some rest, catch up on those things that you’ve let slide, e.g. those books by your bedside, the hobbies you’ve had no time for, and allow yourself to savour each moment as you immerse yourself in the things that nurture your Soul.

Spend time outdoors, spend time with loved ones, reacquaint yourself with your senses and what brings you pleasure - these energies favour all things sensual and sensory. 😉

If you're ready to understand the 'why' of your current situation, or if you're after a personalised general reading to see what's going on in your life, book yourself in for a reading with me.

Book your reading today!

May you be blessed with love, laughs, peace and joy. 😊

Be gentle with yourselves...

Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa, 23 September 2016

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