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Daily Energies: Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th October 2016

© Vanda Costa

For those of you who visit our Facebook page every morning to get the day's energy intuitive reading, you'll be able to find the weekly digest on our blog every Sunday afternoon so that you can see what the week ahead holds for you and who knows, it might also help you plan your week. 😊

We will continue to post the daily readings over on our page every morning, but for your weekly check-in, here are this week's daily energy readings for you...

Monday 3 October 2016

Changes, shifts, transitions, coming face-to-face with fears and illusions - it’s all part of this human experience. Know that your Soul is guiding you towards that which is for your highest good.

Learn the lessons, don’t hold onto the hurts and allow yourself to flow through what comes your way. In order to get to love we need to learn about heartbreak; to learn about security we go through tough times where everything seems to be falling apart around us; to get to peace we often immerse ourselves in chaos and all sorts of messy things. When we begin to see the themes, we are able to see that there is a way out. You’ve got this!

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Knowing where you stand with respect to the major issues that are currently going on in your life helps you to make the decisions that can no longer be put off. You know you’ve come to the end of the line and that things have to change - so get in touch with your values, beliefs and expectations so that you can make a decision that’s in alignment with your highest good.

You need to know who you are going forwards - being wishy-washy or allowing others to call the shots just won’t work as you move into the next phase.

Wednesday 5 October 2016 ​​

Relationships are very much in the spotlight today - you’ll begin to question whether you’re getting what you need from those around you and whether you’re giving them what they need in return.

It might very well be time to have that discussion you’ve been putting off.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Today’s as good a day as any to break free from the confines in which you find yourself. Today’s energies are supportive as you take action on the plans and projects that you’ve pushed aside.

Some questions to get you started: what do you want for yourself/your life?; where do you want to go?; what are you willing to do to break out of your comfort zone?

Friday 7 October 2016

It’s time to step away from the drama - it’s draining your energy and the longer you stay surrounded by it, the longer it will take to get back on track with your vision.

If you’re willing to do the work, you‘ll be able to strip away the layers of distractions and energy drains that have made their way into your life. Once you do this, you’ll be in better position to analyse your current position. As you get in touch with your Truth, you begin to see all that has prevented you from reaching your potential. What you receive is what you put out - do you like what’s flowing into your life?

Saturday 8 October 2016

Today’s cards ask whether you’re looking deep enough or scratching just beneath the surface in order to remain in your ‘safe’ space? You cannot know who you are, what you’re made of, or what you’re capable of if you don’t delve deep enough.

The gifts that you need in order to move forward are waiting for you, they’re ready to be discovered - pay attention to your dreams and the signs that the Universe is sending you, and you’ll be shown the next step. Sometimes we need to have the end goal in mind before we can take the next step. Seeing the bigger picture can help fill in the details.

Sunday 9 October 2016

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself thinking that recent ideas are actually possible! There's a shift going on within you that is opening you up to possibilities that you wouldn't have considered before. 😊

You feel ready to give something new a go, don’t let fear stop you. Remember fear is just an illusion, face it and you’ll see that it was nothing but a figment of your imagination.

If you're inspired by this week's readings and you're ready to find out how you can harness these energies yourself, book yourself in for a reading with me - you'll be glad you did! 😊

Book your reading today!

May you be blessed with an abundance of love, peace, joy and courage as you continue your transformation. 😊

Be gentle with yourselves...

Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa, 29 September 2016

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