For those of you who visit our Facebook page every morning to get the day's energy intuitive reading, you'll be able to find the weekly digest on our blog every Sunday afternoon so that you can see what the week ahead holds for you and who knows, it might also help you plan your week. 😊
We will continue to post the daily readings over on our page every morning, but for your weekly check-in, here are this week's daily energy readings for you...
Monday 31 October 2016
The healing continues - you’re beginning to feel that the old structures don’t sustain your new energy. You’re ready and willing to make the changes that your Soul is guiding you to make. There may very well be some resistance from those who have kept you small in order to make themselves feel better; but you now know that there is a way to be fulfilled whilst helping others. You’ll find that the closer you get to your Truth, the more those in authority will work to derail your efforts. Don’t give up, stay strong, keep the faith and know that you’ve got all the support that you need available to you! 🙏
There was a Black (New) Moon this morning (about 3 hours ago) so harness those energies to get clear on what you want to accomplish this coming month.
Tuesday 1 November 2016
Today’s a good day to take some time out - good thing it’s a public holiday here in Melbourne!
Get back to basics - reconnect with what brings you peace. Rediscover what re-ignites your passion for life and then do what you can to bring that energy into your life on a regular basis.
The Empress speaks of nurturing the Self, of channelling our creative abilities and she reminds us that there’s a gestational period for all things and that everything unfolds in Divine time. Be patient, you cannot rush ahead with what isn’t yet ready to be made visible.
There are many opportunities to see the reflections and projections in our lives today - take notes and sit with the discomfort - it will tell you where healing is needed.
Wednesday 2 November 2016
Transitions, changes, shifts, and transformations - do your best to leave behind what you know won’t serve you as you prepare to move into the next chapter of your life.
You’re being called to step up and walk your talk - put plans into action, complete what’s already been started and know that others will follow when the time is right for them. Our journeys are as individual as we are.
When something’s over, there’s nothing left to recover, it’s time to move on...yes, you might have to start from scratch, but that’s okay, you’re ready to move on, whatever that means to and for you. You know there’s nothing left for you where you are...ahead of you, however is a different story. 😊
Thursday 3 November 2016
There’s a sense that you’ve been ‘trying’ to meet others expectations for way too long and it’s taking a toll on you - do you think you’ll ever be able to meet them? It’s time to be honest with yourself, take a step back, ask yourself what YOU need to do in order to reclaim your might mean that you have to spend time alone in order to do this.
You need to be gentle with yourself right now, moderation is imperative, you’ve been overdoing things and if you’re not careful you’ll burn yourself out. Consider booking yourself in for some healing over the next few days - there’s lots that’s ready to be cleared away.
The time has come to take responsibility for your life and to be accountable for the choices you make. 🙏
Friday 4 November 2016
Relationships, partnerships and friendships are in the spotlight today. If you find that you’re no longer resonating with those around you, know that this is part of the transformational process that you’re undergoing. You’re growing and evolving and sometimes our existing relationships don’t have what it takes to make the transition to the next chapter of our lives.
As you learn more about yourself, you begin to see what relationships are nurturing and which are holding you back - cutting ties doesn’t have to be traumatic, it can and should be done lovingly, honouring both yourself and the other person/people, sending love to all involved.
Saturday 5 November 2016
Today you’ll feel inspired to take back control of your life - the energies are wonderful for tapping into your drive and motivation and really making progress either on an existing project or as you start a new one.
Yes, you may have to navigate around the debris of your old life, but trust that whatever has fallen away really wasn’t going to do you much good in the future. Trust that you have access to whatever you need to get through the challenges that you’re currently moving through.
Also, listen for strange noises coming from your car in the next day or so.
Sunday 6 November 2016
After what turned out to be a hectic day yesterday, today’s energies are more about flowing with ease and grace as you go about your daily activities. Take it easy today, it is Sunday after all!
Don’t be surprised if you find that you’re more intuitive than usual. Make time to connect with your Soul - there's so much that’s ready to be revealed if and when you make the time to silence the chatter of the mind and the world around you. You really are in the ‘flow’ at the moment so make the most of these energies.
If you're inspired by this week's readings and you're ready to find out how you can harness these energies yourself, book yourself in for a reading with me - you'll be glad you did! 😊
Wishing you many blessings as you continue your transformation. 😊
Be gentle with yourselves...
© Vanda Costa, 26 October 2016
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