As I tune into these cards I feel the power of their energies - this is a power that we have yet to tap into, but as we do, we will begin to unravel years and possibly even lifetimes of fears and illusions. This is exactly what is needed in order for us to be able to move forward and into our Purpose or Soul’s calling, not only individually but collectively.
I sense the energies building behind the veil - our emotions are going to be our first indicator that things are changing; they are always our biggest teachers and we do not tap into them nearly enough, when we do, we’re able to recover our innate wisdom.
We will come face to face with what I’m being shown is not so much lies, but un-truths - these are coming to our attention in the current global changes that are taking place, but if we look much, much closer, we will be able to see that we too have our own un-truths to unravel.
The current themes, both globally and personally are; integrity; authenticity; presence; honesty; making the subconscious conscious; and acknowledging our contribution to the instability in our own lives.
I’m being shown that the illusions are beginning to fall away and that the more courageous we are when dealing with what lies in the subconscious - in the Shadow, the more we are able to see the Truth not only in ourselves, but in others also. This of course can be accessed by doing Inner Work which is the foundation of the work that I do with my readings - please contact me if you have any questions about my work.
There are aspects of the unknown that are surfacing at this time that will put what has come before into perspective. The more aware we become that this is all about energy, the more easily we can walk through the challenges that surface as a result of this major clearing that’s taking place.
As I mentioned earlier, there’s a global shift occurring and this will reflect to us what needs attention in our own life, there will be many that will be struggling with this shift and they will undoubtedly project their stuff onto others. As I wrote that, I saw flashing in my inner eye, ‘don’t take anything personally’ which most of you will recognise as one of The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. I highly recommend that you get your hands on this book as it will help you to gain clarity and perspective, not only about yourself, but others as well.
Glancing at the cards, I‘m drawn to the scales, there’s a karmic balance that’s taking place at the moment and it’s up to each one of us to make the necessary changes in our own life so that the collective energy can build and begin to ‘right’ what is out of balance all around us.
The veils keep a lot hidden from us because we aren’t ready yet, but as our awareness grows, so too does our ability to tap into the Unknown to retrieve the information that we need at crucial moments in our personal evolution. Every change that we make in our life, every block or limiting belief that we conquer, every disempowering circumstance that we address in our own life contributes to the healing of humanity as a whole.
“Not all of us can do great things.
But we can do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa
As always, there’s so much that can be shared, but as this is a general reading, I’m being guided to leave it here. I’ll pop down some key words and phrases below to highlight other energies that can be expected this month.
Key words and phrases for November:
Illusions, fears, the Unknown, trust, Truth, un-Truth, faith, possibility, judgement, seeing both sides, openness, fairness, equality, emotions, unrest, balancing, duality - the positive and negative aspects of a situation, karma, past-life issues, harsh words, Purpose, clarity, hidden agendas, opportunity, growth, potential, hidden wisdom, knowledge ready to be accessed, feminine energies, Shadow and Light, cycles, introspection, self-expression.
If you’re ready to conquer some of your limiting beliefs, book a reading with me.
May you see through the illusions in your life…
© Vanda Costa, 4 November 2016
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