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Daily Energies: Monday 7th - Sunday 13th November 2016

© Vanda Costa

For those of you who visit our Facebook page every morning to get the day's energy intuitive reading, you'll be able to find the weekly digest on our blog every Sunday afternoon so that you can see what the week ahead holds for you and who knows, it might also help you plan your week. 😊

We will continue to post the daily readings over on our page every morning, but for your weekly check-in, here are this week's daily energy readings for you...

Monday 7 November 2016

Today’s energies favour introspection, doing the Inner Work that you’re being called to do, and getting in touch with your intuition. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, close your eyes, take a breath, and feel into your heart-centre - ask to be shown the next step and trust that you’ll get a sense of what to dot.

When we look at the big picture for too long, we lose sight of the details that are calling our attention in the present moment. Today, take a look at what’s right in front of you rather than pretending that it’s not there, you’ll experience less stress and anxiety as a result. 🙏

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Today we begin to feel the energies shift our focus from the inner realms to the outer. We begin to make sense of what we recovered yesterday and if we’re able to remain detached from a particular outcome, we will be shown the next steps to take. Don’t be surprised if they look somewhat different to what you’d originally imagined.

Wednesday 9 November 2016 ​​

Seeing behind the illusions that have been a part of your life is a very high possibility today. The stories that have brought you to this point in time just don’t seem to fit anymore. If you feel that something’s off, chances are that it is. Trust your intuition to guide you through what you cannot get a handle on today. So much has changed recently, you included, so the less you hold onto the stories and beliefs of the past, the better it is for you, be willing to write a new script to replace the old. 😊

Thursday 10 November 2016

Gift yourself some time today - what have you been putting off due to lack of time but are just itching to get started? Today’s energies are wonderful for being in the flow, making time to just BE - your Soul will let you know what it needs from you. Until then, bask in the glory that is YOU! 💕

Friday 11 November 2016

What are you ready to leave behind? For those of you who have been doing the inner work, you might just be presented with an opportunity for a new beginning today - don’t disregard it because you feel incapable, trust that you’ll be able to step up and beyond your current experience, because you will!

If you haven’t done the inner work, then this transition might be more challenging than it needs to be, do what you can today to reduce the amount of stress in the coming days. I have a feeling you know exactly what to do! 😉

Saturday 12 November 2016

Healing from outdated rules and regulations is possible today - there’s a strong sense of breaking away from the fear and control that you and countless others have been trapped by. You’ll be shown what needs to be released and you’ll be willing to do what you can to initiate the healing that’s necessary. Don’t overdo things in the next few days, you’re processing some big stuff so be gentle with yourself.

Sunday 13 November 2016

The better you know yourself, the more meaningful your relationships can be. Our relationships are changing, there’s no doubt about that. Some will evolve with us, others will fall away, and new ones will come into our lives.

The challenging relationships in our lives bring lessons that can help us to heal our Self - if you can ‘feel’ into the essence of these relationships without getting caught up in the drama, you’ll be one step closer to achieving the healing that’s necessary - remember: some, not all relationships can be healed. Personality/ego issues can and will hinder the healing process.

If you're inspired by this week's readings and you're ready to find out how you can harness these energies yourself, book yourself in for a reading.

Book your reading today!

Wishing you many blessings as you continue your transformation. 😊

Be gentle with yourselves...

© Vanda Costa, 4 November 2016

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