For those of you who visit our Facebook page every morning to get the day's energy intuitive reading, you'll be able to find the weekly digest on our blog every Sunday afternoon so that you can see what the week ahead holds for you and who knows, it might also help you plan your week. 😊
We will continue to post the daily readings over on our page every morning, but for your weekly check-in, here are this week's daily energy readings for you...
Monday 21 November 2016
Opportunities for healing present themselves today - possibly in an unexpected way. Words or actions from another that initiate healing will have deeper effects than you can begin to imagine.
You may be able to offer healing to another today also. From your vantage point you are able to help another to see a different side of a situation that they’ve been struggling with. Don’t push it though, trust that you’ve planted the seed and know that they’ll see it when they’re ready.
Do something nurturing for yourself today - it’s important to honour yourself on this journey too! 🙏
Tuesday 22 November 2016
There’s a strong sense of a shake-up that is about to, or needs to happen in your relationships over the next day or so. I feel that this isn’t news to you.
You know which relationships need attention, those which need to be released (or given less time and attention to), and those that are bringing new aspects of yourself into focus.
Tread lightly though, people are extra sensitive at the moment - we’re all dealing with our own stuff right now; each of us the best way we can or know how to, given the tools at our disposal and our personal level of awareness.
Wednesday 23 November 2016
The changes that we initiated yesterday in the area of our relationships (all kinds) continues today - the effects of what we set into motion is being felt. Once again, we all feel things differently and we react in the ways that have worked for us in the past.
Pay attention to what feels out of alignment for you today as a consequence - herein lies the key to what needs healing in your life at the moment.
Take action where you know action needs to be taken, otherwise it will be taken care of for you. I know which option I’d prefer to take.
Thursday 24 November 2016
Finding inner peace amid the upheaval that is going on around us is crucial at this time. We are the ones who are responsible for our own inner peace - don’t point the finger at anyone who you feel is attempting to keep you from tapping into this peace that lies within you.
Allow them instead, to be your teacher as you move from chaos into peace, paying attention to the discord that arises from what they are either reflecting or projecting.
Don’t take things personally, choose instead to take things as an opportunity to learn more about yourself.
Friday 25 November 2016
Self-imposed solitude needs to be balanced with spending time with others. We cannot see or experience how much we’ve grown if we aren’t able to put what we’ve learned into practice and receive the feedback that comes from interactions with others.
The inner journey continues when we are surrounded by others - solitude isn’t the only way that we learn about ourselves.
Saturday 26 November 2016
As you tune into the person you are today, you become aware of new aspects of yourself that you can tap into as you continue your work in the world.
As you become aware of the depth of your new gifts, abilities and powers, you begin to see just how much more you’re able to contribute to the spirit of oneness. Yes, there’s more to learn, but what that is exactly will come to you at the right time; for now, trust that you have what it takes to get this next chapter well underway!
You’ve got this!
Sunday 27 November 2016
Once you begin to trust that the answers you need will be revealed to you at the right time, you begin to live life more freely, trusting and knowing that all is revealing itself in a way you will understand.
If you’re feeling stuck in your life, look at where your thoughts (limiting beliefs) are contributing to this and see if you can challenge these thoughts/beliefs so that you can free yourself from the idea that you can only trust what you see. As you know by now, not all is as it appears.
If you're inspired by this week's readings and you're ready to find out how you can harness these energies yourself, book yourself in for a reading.
Wishing you the strength, courage and grace you need as you take the next step on your healing journey to wholeness! 😊
All my love...
© Vanda Costa, 18 November 2016
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