This month begins with us feeling as though things are at a standstill - the truth of it is really quite different.
We’ve been working hard and whether this has been a conscious effort or otherwise, the healing has been taking place even when if feels as though nothing’s happening - especially when it feels that nothing’s happening. We’ve reached a time when all that was is either integrating with the incoming energies to help us as we move towards the next stage of our evolution, or preparing to be released from our energy bodies and consciousness to make way for the new.
What I’m picking up about this month, and very strongly too is that we’ve done all that we can - for now. We will know when we need to take the next step, but for now we’re being asked to take some time, slow things down and bask in the beauty of our being and in the environment around us - so very timely, wouldn’t you agree?
There’s a strong pull towards noticing the little things, to express gratitude for all that we have, all that we are and all that is yet to be - projecting only positive thoughts about these so that we can attract even more for we are at a place in time where we are manifesting much more rapidly than ever before.
I’m being asked to share that whilst things look and even feel strange right now, this is simply because we’re entering into a new way of being, a way that’s unlike anything we’ve experienced before and this is why many feel unsettled. We are on the threshold - standing between what was and what is yet to be - a limbo of sorts, but one that is driven by our Soul’s Purpose rather than ego. These are exciting times indeed!
We hold within us the potential to create and to be all that we’ve ever known we could be and so much more - we are unable to comprehend just how magnificent we are, yet we are - that’s the Truth and we are slowly waking up to that fact.
We find ourselves in a gestational period where things come together in divine time; and as we become more comfortable with allowing rather than resistance and an attempt to control everything, we begin to see the reason behind the situations in which we find ourselves. We begin to make sense of our life’s circumstances, and we awaken to the relationships and the lessons that they deliver. This is not the time to make any rash decisions, sit instead with all of the information that you’ve gathered and allow it to simmer...you’ll know when it’s time to take the next step.
Think about who you were when 2016 began...think about all that you’ve experienced since then...you’re still the same person, yet you feel and are transformed, right? Some may be able to articulate the changes that have occurred within and around them, others simply feel the transformation, and this ‘feeling’ is really all that’s necessary to know that you are well on your way to being the YOU that you can and have intended to be. We are moving from the realm of thought, rash action and the push-push energy, and into the realm of emotions, receptivity and allowing things to be.
This might sound a little esoteric, but your Soul knows what this means, and in due time you’ll begin to understand this concept and the gifts it holds for you in your own way.
You, my love are a masterpiece...
you’re a work in progress...
you are perfect in your imperfection...
and imperfect in your perfection...
what you need to do now is feel that all that you are,
the parts you know and those you don’t,
are all exactly as they are meant to be,
right here, right now.
You are so loved,
I'll be taking time off over the Christmas - New Year break, but I will be available for readings on:
Wednesday, 28th - Friday, 30th December
Wednesday, 4th - Friday 6th January
You can book your reading here - I look forward to connecting with you!
© Vanda Costa, 14 December 2016
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