13 July 2018 - New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse
Grandmother Moon reached her darkest point at 12.47pm (AEST) on Friday 13th July and the solar eclipse reached its maximum point just after 1pm.
I’m posting this a day later than I’d hoped as I encountered some obstacles myself - I knew there was a reason for this and so I allowed myself to flow with it rather than resist and the insights that I’ve been receiving have been incredible. That said, this post will be a little longer than usual so that I can touch upon what has been taking place over the last few days and what will continue into early next week.
The energy build up during the week was interesting - there were lulls in energy that allowed us to follow the Soul’s guidance and head into the inner realms where the peace we encountered there was deafening.
We then found ourselves being tempted out of the feelings comfort and safety we found there and into an almost false sense of energetic renewal - what we found there was a complex mix of increased body temperatures that spoke volumes about the necessary healing that was taking place within us - more about this in the Symptoms section below.
About the New Moon and partial solar eclipse in Cancer...
This New Moon was also a super moon and with it came a partial solar eclipse - I was blessed enough to be able to feel into the energies of these two magnificent celestial bodies at the peak of the eclipse and I will do my best to interpret what I received from the union of these energies as succinctly as possible.
The Sun bestows upon us solar energy and speaks of masculine principles and the energies of self-awareness, consciousness, creativity and self-expression. The Moon offers the gift of reflection and the potential for healing of the Inner Child and our wounds, She speaks of intuition, instinct, emotions and the subconscious.
When these two come together it highlights all that is working in unison within us as well as all that is standing in the way of harmonious presence and cohesive action in our inner and outer worlds.
Over the coming weeks we will continue to be shown the harmonious as well as the discordant energies in and of our lives that have been gifted to us by this emotional Cancer Moon. This is a crucial turning point for us and the more aware and present we are, the greater the change that we can effect - not only in our lives, but in the lives of those around us.
We are being asked to remain vigilant - not in the sense of being ready to attack, not at all, that’s not at all what these energies are about; vigilant in this case (and every time I mention it) means to remain aware, present and conscious of the shifts, changes and transitions that are taking place, as well as the signs that Spirit is sending us in order to help us to align to our highest self and purpose. Vigilance doesn’t mean that action is necessary right away, not at all, it could, but you’ll know when this is the case. More often than not, it’s simply about being receptive and allowing for the integration of the information that’s coming our way - no matter which form it arrives in and/or how it is delivered; and then being present in the processing of it so that we are able to receive the necessary guidance and insights that we need in order to progress further on our journey.
I think I’ll leave it there for now, there’s a lot of information in this post, and as usual, there’s also a lot of healing that’s been channelled along with the words that you read - do come back and read this as many times as you need as each read-through will bring about deeper understanding, new revelations and continued healing.
See below for important information about my readings from 16th July 2018.
For those new to these Moon energy reading posts:
I tune in to the current energies and list some general symptoms that most of us are experiencing. I then follow up with some remedies that can help us to move through the symptoms and into a more balanced state of being.
These are a general guide and do not, by any means contain all of the current symptoms or remedies.
🔥 Symptoms, shifts & transformations …
Along with the usual symptoms that I’ve discussed in recent posts, such as nausea, headaches, irregular sleep patterns, ringing in the ears, spinal flushes, etc., the following symptoms are the ones that need attention at this time. If something here resonates with you and you’re ready to delve deeper, then we can most definitely take a look together; you can find out how to book a reading with me further in the post.
Increased body temperatures
I put the call out and discovered that many were experiencing increases in body temperature throughout the week - it’s always a relief to know that I’m not the only one experiencing these energies. As I tuned into these, it was revealed that this increase in body temperature spoke of the healing that was taking place within.
As we continue to evolve and increase our awareness of our individual journey and what we are being called to do, we are coming face to face with old anger and resentments that haven’t had the opportunity to be acknowledged, released and healed thus far. And so, the body’s way of processing this newly surfaced anger is to either increase the body’s temperature and allow it to be released via the skin’s surface, or if the body isn’t able to do so for whatever reason, then the anger and resentments will be expressed either verbally or by physical release such as the sudden urge for physical activity to help its release from the body.
So if there were people around you this week who were extra vocal or super angry - it might even have been you - then hopefully this will help bring some understanding to what has been a complex series of energetic integrations, activations and releases.
Porous energy fields
Many got caught up in other people’s energies and even for someone who is quite sensitive to energies as I am, it was challenging to see where my energy ended and where another's began - the energetic web was way too close for comfort.
Once we were able to gain some perspective and realise that the energy that we were feeling wasn’t ours, then that made it easier to shift it.
It is our individual responsibility to tend to our personal psychic hygiene: establishing energetic boundaries, maintaining a high personal vibration, learning how to clear and refresh our own energy fields, and acting with integrity in our interactions with others.
Feeling unsettled and unbalanced
Continuing on from the symptoms above: when we aren’t aware of how we feel within ourselves, it’s difficult to be able to decipher which energy is ours and which belongs to another.
During this challenging week, the Soul continued to whisper to us - as it always does - but not everyone can hear it over the mind chatter and chaotic energies that we get caught up in on a daily basis.
There were whispers that reminded us to pull our focus back to our heart-centre and asked us:
‘what has changed in your life to make you feel this way?’
The answer for those who were able to hear it was:
‘nothing has changed, everything is as it was, therefore this mustn't be my energy,
but the fact that it’s coming up for me might mean that there’s potential for healing what has surfaced without the need to let it intensify; so let’s (Spirit and I) take a look and see what’s going on here as the healing is ready to take place.’
Extreme sadness and grief
Once enough of this anger had been processed and released, then we moved onto the next stage: grief, where a heavy wave of sadness washed over the collective at the mid-week mark. This is another crucial part of the healing cycle and so I hope that you honoured your body and Soul’s needs at this time - this energy will continue to ebb and flow over the coming days as we integrate the intense and immense healing that has taken place this week.
Heart and higher heart activations and energy integrations
This may be felt as heart palpitations for some, whilst for others it can feel like heartburn.
The heart feels as it has expanded or exploded and is oozing warm, gooey fluid that brings a sense of peace. You will experience sensations, feelings and emotions of being at-one with everything and everyone, you will find that compassion is your natural state when this occurs, and you have a more balanced view of the world, others and yourself.
These sensations will be felt in the higher heart chakra - which lies at the mid-point between the heart and throat chakras, or about three-four fingers below the collar bone.
Once these sensations reach the higher heart chakra, you will find that it’s easier to express yourself and understand others with greater compassion and non-judgement - your acceptance is at an all-time high.
This energy integration was accompanied by another increase in body temperature before, during and after this healing indicating that progress is being made on your healing journey to wholeness.
Feeling like an impostor
This was a big theme this week: impostor syndrome - whilst we began the week fired up and ready to go, our minds were clear about the direction we were headed in and what needed to get done...and then we encountered our unresolved anger, once that was processed, the grief that arose from that slowed us down enough to enable the necessary healing to take place and our awareness to shift.
We began to question our motives and desires and rightly so - the solar eclipse brought awareness to the light and the dark within and highlighted our thoughts and doubts about what we do on a daily basis as well as forcing us to look at the intricacies of our deepest dreams and desires and how to manifest them in the physical world.
The day or two on either side of this New Moon solar eclipse are the most powerful days to retrieve the medicine of the animal spirit and spirit guardians who will accompany us through the lunar month (until the next New Moon).
Pay attention to your dreams, keep a notepad by your bed and jot down any significant memories, emotions, sensations and anything else that calls to you upon waking so that you can delve deeper into the dreams messages and guidance - this also works for any daydream or meditation visions that you receive.
My Dream Clarification Reading is perfect for deciphering your personal symbols and messages and bringing the gifts of the medicine contained within the dream.
💚 Healing & balancing…
Essential oils:
Cedarwood; geranium; RutaVaLa; lavender; peppermint; sandalwood; myrrh; frankincense; patchouli; citrus oils; Valor; Present Moment; Release; Harmony; Joy; Envision; Forgiveness; Surrender; Grounding; Angelica; White Angelica.
Crystals & minerals:
Tourmaline - pink, blue, green and black; garnet; amethyst; calcite - clear, orange, blue, green; Apache Tear; clear quartz; rose quartz; kunzite - pink or clear; smokey quartz; selenite; citrine; pyrite; emerald; malachite - use in moderation and interchange with either rose quartz, kunzite or tourmaline; petalite - clear or pink; labradorite; moonstone; chrysocolla; turquoise; iolite; lapis lazuli; amazonite.
Inner Work & journalling:
When we take and make the time to connect with the inner realms, we can initiate and/or facilitate great shifts. The more we know ourselves, the better we become at handling what comes our way. Begin by writing about how you feel - physically and/or emotionally, then as you discover these feelings (and even emotions), describe how they feel and as you write about them, you’ll find that there may be a pattern or underlying theme that stands out.
Keeping our bodies hydrated is important with all of these energetic upgrades. Drinking water and herbal teas is a great way to flush out the toxins that are being released by the body. For the coffee and black tea drinkers: drink one glass of water per cup of caffeinated beverage.
Suggestions: lavender; rose; sage; camomile; peppermint; lotus; rosehip; ginger.
Flower Essences
My gorgeous friend Megan from Healing With Essence has created some pretty amazing Australian Bush Flower Essence products ranging from moisturisers, oral drops, sprays and perfumes.
You can purchase her ready-made products or ask her to create a custom blend - either way, they’re magical and powerful.
Check out her Healing With Essence page to read reviews, see product photos and connect with Megan - tell her I sent you. 😊
Did you know that we take orders for crystals and minerals and essential oils?
Delivery to Australian addresses only.
Contact me to place an order at any time.
I'd love to source the perfect piece for you.
This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.
This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.
If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.
I am here to support you.
DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health program.
** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **
Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...
I am available for readings Monday - Friday every week, so if you’ve discovered a limiting belief that you want to dissolve and heal, or you’ve had an ah-ha moment that you want to receive some guidance about, you can purchase your reading here and it will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends). If you need some assistance in selecting a reading, don’t hesitate to contact me.
As of the 16 July 2018 my reading prices will be increasing.
As the shifts continue to take place, my Work and my abilities deepen and evolve. I delve more and more deeply into the areas and dimensions that hold the healing that you need, meaning that I can serve you better, but also that I invest a lot more of my time and energy into a personalised reading.
The 24-hour clarification period will remain a fixed feature of my personalised readings so that I can continue to provide the support you require after a reading.
So, if you’ve been putting off booking a reading with me, now’s the time to do so - make sure you get in before the 16 July 2018.
The Spiritual Guidance reading is great for those who are ready to delve deeper into and dissolve the recurring themes, habits and patterns that are causing dis-ease in their life.
Spiritual Guidance Reading - This detailed reading brings forth what you need to know about the most pressing situation in your life.
If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 24 - 48 hours (excluding weekends).
About my work…
As an Intuitive Tarot & Energy Reader, I delve into your energetic blueprint to identify the energies, stories and limiting beliefs that are causing dis-ease in your life.
My healing readings identify the energetic influences that are preventing you from experiencing freedom and ease in your life. They help to dissolve the energetic debris - including the stories and limiting beliefs that you carry with you, so that you can begin to heal, reconnect to your Essence, recover your Truth and break away from old patterns and situations.
© Vanda Costa, 14 July 2018
#EnergyWrapUp #MoonEnergy #MoonCycle #ReadingsWithVanda #EnergyReading #IntuitiveReading #EmailReadings #WorldwideReadings #HealingWithTheTarot #SelfDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #EmpoweredWomen #intuitive #SelfEmpowerment #PsychicReading #HealingJourney #HealingJourneyToWholeness #healing #HealingReading #InnerWork #DissolvingDisEase #SpiritualGuidance #HealingBeginsWithYOU #EnergyHealing #IntuitiveTarot #AmethystRoseBlog #transformation #EssentialOils #crystals #minerals #LunarPhase #MoonPhase #LunarCycle #NewMoon #SolarEclipse