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🌕 Full Moon: 28 July 2018 ~ Moon Energy Reading

© Vanda Costa

28 July 2018 - Full Moon @ 6.20am AEST

- Total Lunar Eclipse - micro Moon - Blood Moon

Grandmother Moon reaches her peak fullness at 6.20am (AEST) on Saturday, 28th July 2018.

The Full Moon is the mid-point of the lunar cycle, by now we should be putting our New Moon intentions and goals into action, at this point, it doesn’t matter so much how far ahead we are with our goals and intentions as they might be looking and feeling a little different to what we’d imagined two weeks ago at the New Moon; what matters is that we are taking some kind of action - any action towards them.

This Full Moon is somewhat different, given that there’s a whole lot of celestial activity taking place and all of that impacts on the Moon’s energy. Right now there are 7 planets currently in a retrograde cycle, yes you read right...7!!!

And not only is this Full Moon, it’s a micro Full Moon, and a total lunar eclipse, which makes it a blood moon.

If I were to ask you how you were feeling right now, what would you say? Tired… sleepy… confused… feeling connected to something bigger, but unable to articulate what that is… angry… agitated… you get the idea - how did I do? Did I hit the nail on the head? My guess is yes.

Keep reading and we’ll see what we can shift to make this transition a little easier…

The biggest challenge for us this time around is not the physical symptoms that we’re experiencing; physical symptoms are easy to deal with - there’s always something that can be done to soothe our physical ailments. It’s the emotional stuff that we find challenging and when we can’t, don’t or won’t deal with them, that’s when trouble hits and we get stuck.

The last few days and two-three days after the Full Moon is when the energies are the most intense, so pay attention to what your body is telling you and be prepared to at least acknowledge what you’re feeling and experiencing - give it a name, name the (physical) place where it’s manifesting (where you feel it on/in your body) and you’re on your way to reducing the effects and helping yourself move through more quickly.

So many energetic shifts are taking place, people are beginning to step up and into their Soul’s calling and doing something that they didn’t think - and possibly never thought - they’d be doing. Are you one of those people? I sure hope so!


In other news, before we continue with the current symptoms…

This week I started sharing posts over on my Facebook page entitled #CelestialMovements. In these posts I share the more intellect-based information surrounding the current celestial movements because, well sometimes the mind likes to have something rational to process, right?

So if you head on over you can catch up on this week’s movements and catch up while it’s still relevant. Oh, and if you feel inclined to leave a comment or two while you’re over there, I’d love to hear from you.

And now back to our regular program... .

For those new to these Moon energy reading posts:

I tune in to the current energies and list some general symptoms that most of us are experiencing. I then follow up with some remedies that can help us to move through the symptoms and into a more balanced state of being.

These are a general guide and do not, by any means contain all of the current symptoms or remedies.

🔥 Symptoms, shifts & transformations …

Along with the usual symptoms that I’ve discussed my other posts, such as nausea, headaches, irregular sleep patterns, ringing in the ears, spinal flushes, etc., the following symptoms are the ones that need attention at this time. If something here resonates with you and you’re ready to delve deeper, then we can most definitely take a look together; you can find out how to book a reading with me further in the post.

Spinal flush...

Yet again the spine and back have been taking the brunt of the energy shifts because we’re resisting the release of what no longer serves us.

This week, it’s been showing up as constipation, bloating, digestive issues, lower-, mid- and upper-back pain that might feel more like congested energies than pain.

The majority of these energies are related to the sacral chakra, leaving us feeling extra emotional or sensitive, there have even been changes in menstrual cycles and other reproductive issues may have come to the fore.

My sense of this is that we are reacting to our circumstances rather than responding - what I mean by that is that we are choosing to remain where we are, how we are, out of habit, due to fear of the illusion of the unknown. We aren’t allowing ourselves the opportunity to experience, to grow and to create what is ready to be birthed.

The unknown is just that, unknown. We cannot begin to imagine what lies in the unknown - the only way to find out is to take one step towards it. The result of that is that we step into a new energetic space, and yes, it might feel uncomfortable to begin with, but our Soul recognises that new space and assimilates pretty quickly. Once this occurs, Spirit show us or nudges us into taking the next step - and that is how it’s done, it’s very rare that we take one big step and arrive at our destination. The journey itself is about taking the smaller steps that contribute to the overall bigger picture and somewhere along the way we realise that each step was indeed the destination.

** Read that over a few more times, let it sink in - your mind will attempt to confuse you, but there is healing in these readings and the message will hit the spot. .

Shifting timelines, alternate dimensions and energy vortexes...

This week was full of energy vortexes that popped up everywhere and at what seemed like the most random times.

Physically we felt dizzy, it was as though the ground was moving beneath us, and I guess in a way it was. We popped in and out of the many dimensions that surround us and in the blink of an eye we were right back at our desk, sitting on the couch or making a cup of tea just as we were before we felt as though we popped out.

My sense of this is that we were visiting these other dimensions to recover the parts of Self that we need for this next stage of the journey.

If you felt as though you popped in and out over the last 24 hours or so, have a feel into that experience again - do you feel more courageous and more determined to do what you’ve been planning, and feel somewhat clearer about what it is that you have to do (rather than what you wish you could do or would like to do) since that experience?

My personal experience of this was that it started happening after the Day Out of Time which you can read about in Wednesday’s #CelestialMovements post.

This is going to become a regular occurrence for those of us who are being called to step up as we need to recover more and more parts of Self that are needed for the next stage of our healing journey. If you need help navigating this, contact me and we can have a chat.

Dreams and sleep...

Again our sleep is being affected by the intensity of the lunar and planetary energies - we are being upgraded in our sleep as this is the only time that the mind is out of the way and healing, learning and assimilation of energies can take place without interruption.

Once again we are being gifted with the necessary healing medicine that we need on a physical, emotional and spiritual level during our dreams - it is irrelevant whether we recall our dreams upon waking; the medicine is delivered and received and begins restoring the mind, body and Soul as necessary. .

Moving forward…

This weekend is going to be intense - you might feel stretched and pulled in all directions of space and time and might not even feel like yourself for a few days into the new week. This is okay, don’t resist it, acknowledge what you feel and where you feel it - speak it to yourself, your Guides, the Universe, Spirit (to whomever you feel most connected), and ask for guidance, courage and for a good night’s sleep if that’s what you need...and then...step out of the way and allow Spirit to support you.

Another thing that you might notice is that you might reach out for things out of habit - again the reacting over responding - rather than whether you actually feel like having it, or even need it. For instance, I wasn't able to finish my second cup of coffee today - I just couldn't drink it anymore. It'll be interesting to see what else we no longer feel drawn to over the coming days and weeks.

If you feel more courageous than usual, great, harness that energy to get moving on what your Soul is guiding you to do and if you need support, then that’s what I’m here for!

Let’s harness these energies and align you with your Soul’s calling. 💕

💚 Healing & balancing…

  • Essential oils:

Lavender; ylang ylang; cypress; sandalwood; frankincense; cedarwood; geranium; RutaVaLa; peppermint; myrrh; patchouli; citrus oils; Valor; Present Moment; Release; Harmony; Joy; Dream Catcher; Envision; Forgiveness; Surrender; Grounding; Angelica; White Angelica; vetiver; Sacred Mountain.

  • Crystals & minerals:

Selenite; iolite; tourmaline - pink, blue, green and black; garnet; amethyst; calcite - clear, orange, blue, green; Apache Tear; clear quartz; rose quartz; kunzite - pink or clear; smokey quartz; carnelian; citrine; emerald; malachite - use in moderation and interchange with either rose quartz, kunzite or tourmaline; petalite - clear or pink; labradorite; moonstone; chrysocolla; turquoise; lapis lazuli; amazonite; jasper - red, mookaite, yellow; tiger's eye.

  • Inner Work & journalling:

When we take and make the time to connect with the inner realms, we can initiate and/or facilitate great shifts. The more we know ourselves, the better we become at handling what comes our way. Begin by writing about how you feel - physically and/or emotionally, then as you discover these feelings (and even emotions), describe how they feel and as you write about them, you’ll find that there may be a pattern or underlying theme that stands out.

  • Hydration:

Keeping our bodies hydrated is important with all of these energetic upgrades. Drinking water and herbal teas is a great way to flush out the toxins that are being released by the body. For the coffee and black tea drinkers: drink one glass of water per cup of caffeinated beverage.

Suggestions: lavender; rose; sage; camomile; peppermint; lotus; rosehip; ginger.

  • Flower Essences

My gorgeous friend Megan from Healing With Essence has created some pretty amazing Australian Bush Flower Essence products ranging from moisturisers, oral drops, sprays and perfumes.

You can purchase her ready-made products or ask her to create a custom blend - either way, they’re magical and powerful.

Check out her Healing With Essence page to read reviews, see product photos and connect with Megan - tell her I sent you. 😊


Did you know that we take orders for crystals and minerals and essential oils?

Delivery to Australian addresses only.

Contact me to place an order at any time.

I'd love to source the perfect piece for you.


This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.

This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health program.

** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **

Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...

I am available for readings Monday - Friday every week, so if you’ve discovered a limiting belief that you want to dissolve and heal, or you’ve had an ah-ha moment that you want to receive some guidance about, you can purchase your reading here and it will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends). If you need some assistance in selecting a reading, don’t hesitate to contact me.


The Spiritual Guidance reading is great for those who are ready to delve deeper into and dissolve the recurring themes, habits and patterns that are causing dis-ease in their life.

If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 24 - 48 hours (excluding weekends).

Purchase your reading here

About my work…

As an Intuitive Tarot & Energy Reader, I delve into your energetic blueprint to identify the energies, stories and limiting beliefs that are causing dis-ease in your life.

My healing readings identify the energetic influences that are preventing you from experiencing freedom and ease in your life. They help to dissolve the energetic debris - including the stories and limiting beliefs that you carry with you, so that you can begin to heal, reconnect to your Essence, recover your Truth and break away from old patterns and situations.

© Vanda Costa, 27 July 2018

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