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🌗 3rd Quarter Moon: 5 August 2018 ~ Moon Energy Reading

© Vanda Costa

5 August 2018 - 3rd Qtr Moon

At this point in the lunar cycle we find ourselves between last week’s Full Moon and next week’s New Moon and we find that our energy and attention begins to pull inwards and we feel guided to begin sifting through the remnants of the last week’s insights and revelations. For those who are listening to and following their intuition, there will be breadcrumbs to follow that are leading to something surprising, yet not entirely unexpected.

At this time, not necessarily in relation to this particular lunar phase, we feel that time is speeding up - there’s a quickening that’s taking place and it’s leaving many feeling as though they’re unable to keep up with what they feel life is throwing at them and they feel as though they’re drowning. We’re operating under the illusion that we don’t have enough time and need more time to prepare as we don’t yet have our ducks in a row. And then there’s the proof that we do indeed have the time that we need as we spend it doing everything BUT the things that we know we need to be doing.

Don’t see the correlation in your life? Okay, let’s look at the time you spend playing games on your device, checking non-important emails, and scrolling through social media - doesn’t that suggest that there is enough time and that you’re just not making the most of it? Spirit doesn’t want to chastise you, They just want you to become aware of what’s important to you, where your priorities lie, and what you’re doing with the time allocated to you.

What Spirit tells me about that is that we’ve had plenty of time to prepare, to study, to procrastinate and now it’s time to take that leap that we’ve been putting off - we know it’s been coming for a long time. This is timely advice for me too, as I’m currently in the beginning stages of something that I hadn’t imagined doing until a few more years down the track - but..the time has arrived and it’s time to trust that we already know and have what we need to get started. The rest will be learned and manifested along the way and will contribute to our greatest evolutionary leap yet - individually as well as collectively; for what one does affects us all.

I shared a love rant over on Facebook last week and I feel that it was the prelude to what we needed to finally understand so that we could move onto the next stage of our journey. You can read it here.

A brief message to you from Spirit…

“If you had half of the amount of faith in yourself as we do in you,

you would have moved thousands of mountains by now...

and be ready to move thousands more.”


In other news...

Before we head into the symptoms and healing remedies of this 3rd quarter Moon...

I feel the need to mention that Next week’s New Moon is a partial solar eclipse for several countries in the Northern Hemisphere - I’ll be sharing more information about this in my #CelestialMovements posts over on my Facebook page, so if this sounds interesting, come on over, I’d love to connect with you over there.

Also taking place next week is the 8:8 Lion’s Gate energy portal on the 8th - I will be sharing more about that early next week and will also have some exciting news about the 8:8 Lion’s Gate portal to share with you too. So head on over to my Facebook page, like and select to receive notifications so that you don’t miss a thing.


I’m not an astrologer, but here are my intuitive impressions about what’s going on celestially...

Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune and Pluto are all currently in their retrograde cycle, giving us the opportunity to see how we:

  • think and communicate (Mercury);

  • take action - or not and how we react or respond, as well as what makes us angry and why (Mars);

  • take responsibility for our life - or not and how well we adapt to the limits that we feel bound by (Saturn);

  • heal and integrate our emotional wounding as part of our healing journey (Chiron);

  • respond and tune into the visions that we receive from the inner realms via dreams, symbols, intuition, and the Spirit realms (Neptune);

  • handle life’s transitions and our own transformation as we receive, assimilate and integrate supportive energies (Pluto).

Solar flares are also impacting our energy fields - see more below. .

For those new to these Moon energy reading posts:

I tune in to the current energies and list some general symptoms that most of us are experiencing. I then follow up with some remedies that can help us to move through the symptoms and into a more balanced state of being.

These are a general guide and do not, by any means contain all of the current symptoms or remedies.

🔥 Symptoms, shifts & transformations …

Many symptoms have become such a regular occurrence that we might not notice them unless we take note of how we’re feeling and what’s going on mentally, emotionally and physically, but let’s not discount them as they are providing major opportunities for healing and growth.

Some of these more regular symptoms are nausea, headaches and migraines, irregular sleep patterns, ringing in the ears, confusion and mind fog, spinal flushes, etc., and are caused by solar activity such as flares and eruptions which can also cause emotional ups and downs and increase physical sensitivity - such as tender spots that don’t seem to have a rational explanation or physical point of origin.

Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms that we’ve experienced/will experience in the lead up to and shortly after the 3rd quarter Moon.

Inner conflict…

This week we experienced an inner conflict - the heart vs. the mind - it was an intense battle that seemed as though it wouldn’t end. We reached the point where our heart’s promptings became so strong that they created a surge of energies that initiated an immense (and intense) discord with the mind’s constant chatter.

What I’m being asked to share is that the mind does have some valid points - sometimes, actually quite often - so we mustn’t discount what it shares with us; in fact, if we listen closely, it will speak of our fears, our desires, our dreams, and our hopes.

If you feel limited or restricted, then your mind is doing its job well - it’s keeping you safe, it’s doing its best to keep you within the boundaries that you’ve previously deemed safe; so now, it’s time to get in touch with your mind, let it know of your plans, hopes and dreams, and let it know that whilst you value its opinion, you’re ready to take the next step and this involves stepping out of that comfort zone and into a new, larger one; ask that it keeps alerting you to danger or mis-steps - but only if it means that you’ll be harmed in the process. Let it know that you’re working with your Spirit Team/Higher Self and that They have your highest and greatest good as their top priority. Thank your mind for all of the times it has kept you safe, for all of the assistance, and for all of the signs that have helped you to understand more about yourself and your journey. Really feel into love for the protection it has offered you - feel it in your heart; your mind, after all is one of your closest allies and dearest friends, so treat it as one.

This Moon is highlighting the mind - mindset, thoughts, beliefs, and our current state of mind. We are being presented with so many opportunities to grow and evolve beyond our current situation and circumstances right now.

Spinal flush...

This has been another big week for spinal flushes. We’ve moved through many different layers of energetic barriers and even as you read this, there’s an immense flush moving through.

We are dissolving decades and in some cases, many lifetimes worth of stagnant energy that has been lying dormant, waiting for the right time and circumstances to arrive...and it has - now.

Tune into your resistance - what are you refusing to move, shift or budge from? The answers to your freedom lie within the answers you receive from this question.

We are collectively moving through personal barriers relating to aligning with our Soul’s Purpose - anything that brings and gives a sense of purpose, no matter whether that is soul-aligned or not.

There is great resistance at present that’s preventing us from reaching the realisation that we have the right and indeed deserve to speak our Truth and express our self in whichever way we feel guided.

You may have recently dissolved some barriers related to this, but there are more that need your attention - you do not need to go digging for them, they will surface exactly when they are meant to.

👣 Moving forward…

As we move through this energetically charged time in which we find ourselves, the most important thing that we need to do is to remain heart-centred - set yourself a reminder to check in throughout the day to see where your energy and attention is; how you ask: write yourself a note, set a reminder on your phone or computer, wear something that will remind you to check in and be present - for instance, you can wear a piece of jewellery, or some green or pink clothing, setting the intention that each time you look at it, it will remind you to check in.

The message that I’m receiving strongly is that we need to stop blaming - others, our self, our life circumstances, the man in the Moon, whomever it is that you’re blaming, it needs to stop and now!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…

We need to stay in our own lane.

Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing, they’re onto it - or not, it’s their choice, not yours. Stop fluffing around and just get to it already.

Yes, things will change when you step up and begin doing the work you’ve come here to do, that’s inevitable; and on the other hand, things will change anyway, so rather than resisting everything that comes your way, begin taking steps towards what makes your heart light, what brings you peace and what lights you up.

It’s time...the world needs you. And if you’re not willing to show up, get the support you need to do so, that way you’ll begin opening up to the energy of being willing to be willing and that right there will begin the shifts that will enable you to step into your power.

#LoveRant over... 💕

💚 Healing & balancing…

  • Essential oils:

Frankincense; myrrh; vetiver; cedarwood; patchouli; rose geranium; cypress; Harmony; Present Time; sandalwood; ylang ylang; Release; Forgiveness; geranium; Surrender; Grounding; Dream Catcher; RutaVaLa; Valor; citrus oils; spearmint; camomile.

  • Crystals & minerals:

Selenite; iolite; tourmaline - pink, blue, green and black; garnet; amethyst; calcite - clear, orange, blue, green; Apache Tear; clear quartz; rose quartz; kunzite - pink or clear; smokey quartz; carnelian; citrine; emerald; malachite - use in moderation and interchange with either rose quartz, kunzite or tourmaline; petalite - clear or pink; labradorite; moonstone; chrysocolla; turquoise; lapis lazuli; amazonite; jasper - red, mookaite, yellow; tiger's eye; Moqui marbles; tanzanite; charoite; sugilite; lepidolite; lithium quartz.

  • Inner Work & journalling:

When we take and make the time to connect with the inner realms, we can initiate and/or facilitate great shifts. The more we know ourselves, the better we become at handling what comes our way. Begin by writing about how you feel - physically and/or emotionally, then as you discover these feelings (and even emotions), describe how they feel and as you write about them, you’ll find that there may be a pattern or underlying theme that stands out.

  • Hydration:

Keeping our bodies hydrated is important with all of these energetic upgrades. Drinking water and herbal teas is a great way to flush out the toxins that are being released by the body. For the coffee and black tea drinkers: drink one glass of water per cup of caffeinated beverage.

Suggestions: lavender; rose; sage; camomile; peppermint; lotus; rosehip; ginger.

  • Flower Essences

My gorgeous friend Megan from Healing With Essence has created some pretty amazing Australian Bush Flower Essence products ranging from moisturisers, oral drops, sprays and perfumes.

You can purchase her ready-made products or ask her to create a custom blend - either way, they’re magical and powerful.

Check out her Healing With Essence page to read reviews, see product photos and connect with Megan - tell her I sent you. 😊


Did you know that we take orders for crystals and minerals and essential oils?

Delivery to Australian addresses only.

Contact me to place an order at any time.

I'd love to source the perfect piece for you.


This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.

This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health program.

** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **

Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...

I am available for readings Monday - Friday every week, so if you’ve discovered a limiting belief that you want to dissolve and heal, or you’ve had an ah-ha moment that you want to receive some guidance about, you can purchase your reading here and it will be emailed to you within 24-48 hours (excluding weekends). If you need some assistance in selecting a reading, don’t hesitate to contact me.


The Spiritual Guidance reading is great for those who are ready to delve deeper into and dissolve the recurring themes, habits and patterns that are causing dis-ease in their life.

If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 24 - 48 hours (excluding weekends).

Purchase your reading here

About my work…

As an Intuitive Tarot & Energy Reader, I delve into your energetic blueprint to identify the energies, stories and limiting beliefs that are causing dis-ease in your life.

My healing readings identify the energetic influences that are preventing you from experiencing freedom and ease in your life. They help to dissolve the energetic debris - including the stories and limiting beliefs that you carry with you, so that you can begin to heal, reconnect to your Essence, recover your Truth and break away from old patterns and situations.

© Vanda Costa, 3 August 2018

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