Lion's Gate - 8 August 2019
The Lion’s Gate is a powerful and transformational energetic portal that aligns our Higher Self with the cosmic energies of the potent alignment of the Earth - the Pyramids of Giza (the geographical centre of the Earth) with the overhead alignment of the Belt of Orion in the skies, the Galactic Centre, and Sirius, among other constellations and star systems. This alignment calls forth all that is in need of transmutation, healing and awakening for our human-spiritual evolution during the remainder of our time in this incarnation and beyond.
In its entirety, the gateway is open from 26 July until 11 August, these energies reach their peak on 8 of August; this is when the most light frequencies - light codes/packets - flood the Earth. Light codes are encoded light frequencies that activate or reawaken dormant DNA, helping us to align with our Higher Self and Soul’s Purpose.
What this means is that those who have been paying attention and making the necessary shifts will be primed and ready for action once the Lion’s Gate light codes translate into tangible instructions.
And for those who haven’t been paying attention nor making the necessary shifts, well, you’re supported too - it might be more of a struggle for you, but you will get there with support from the inner and physical long as you ask for help!
For all of us, the light packets will remain in our energetic bodies until which time we are physically ready to assimilate, integrate and anchor them into our physical bodies and the physical realm.
Before we get into this year’s Lion’s Gate energies, let’s revisit the energies that we have been transforming within and under since last August when this snippet was originally shared...
The 2018 Lion’s Gate energies
The 2018 Lion’s Gate had the numerical vibration of 9. Nine speaks of nearing completion and in some cases, the actual completion of what we’ve been working towards - sometimes this is something that we decide for our self, but if you’re reading this, it’s more than likely about completing the cycles of limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and doing everything except what your heart is guiding you towards.
So as we begin to drop the old stories, we begin to see the limiting beliefs that have been holding us back; we begin to understand our interactions with others and the roles we play in each other’s lives; we will begin the process of stopping the blame, of being responsible and accountable for our actions and choices; and we begin to wonder about the possibilities that exist for us as we uncover the inner courage we’ve had all along, so that we can begin the exploration of the potential that lies just out of our comfort zone.
The coming months might be tense and challenging as you begin to see the truth of your situation or circumstances, but this is a necessary part of the cycle.
We cannot change what we don’t acknowledge.
So, the sooner we get onto it, the sooner we can move through it.
** Originally shared in August 2018.
The 2019 Lion’s gate energies
The 2019 Lion’s Gate has the numerical vibration of 1. One is where it all begins - technically and linearly - but as we know, the Universe is cyclical and everything and everyone within it is under the influence of her cycles.
What this means is that although this year’s Lion’s Gate has a vibration of 1, we aren’t only beginning, but we are also taking into this new cycle, all of the previous knowledge, experiences and wisdom that we’ve gained along the way. All of this makes August 2019-2020 a superbly powerful year!
From now until the 2020 Lion’s Gate, we are learning how to ‘package’ all of our experiences, knowledge, wisdom, skills and gifts in a way that helps us to step up and into the world in a way that only we can; and in the way that we’ve contracted to show up and experience life for ourselves and for those who will be impacted by the work that we are here to do. As I channel this, I do sense the possibility for many to re-write their contracts as they transform and step up beyond what they expected before they incarnated in this lifetime.
There is going to be a significant shift in the way that we work in general, with a focus on ‘bringing the world to us’ - many more will be working from home or from places that no longer represent the traditional workplace; work as we know it is changing and so too are the ways in which we deliver our product and/or service.
More and more of us will find our ‘spiritual home’ - what that means to and for us as individuals differs from one person to the next, and this ‘meaning’ will lead us on a remarkable and transformative journey deeper into the depths of self as we continue to recover the Self and all that he/she represents on a much grander scale than we are able to comprehend at this point in time.
I feel the need to expand a little more on the potential meanings of our ‘spiritual home’; it could be a physical place in which we live, it could be the people we surround ourselves with, it could be the Work that we do in the world - our Soul’s Purpose. It could be a combination of these or anything else that constitutes ‘home’ for you. Remember, our world is so much more than we experience with our physical senses, it’s time that we became accustomed to ‘feeling into’ the spaces that exist outside of what we can sense with these and begin tapping into the invisible realms to recover the juicy potential that awaits our arrival.
This inner journey will feel more (emotionally and physically) challenging than anything we’ve experienced to date, but thankfully we are beginning to shift (and quite quickly too) out of our previous energetic template that thrived on and replicated situations and circumstances for us to wallow in the energies of guilt, blame, and shame.
The more we continue to step into the energetic template of personal and collective responsibility, the more transformation we can effect all around.
As always, I trust that these words will find those who need them.
** If you feel called to share these channellings please do so in their entirety, citing the original source from which you found them. These are spiritual channellings, but as the physical channel I attach my name to them as instructed.
It is with much gratitude and appreciation that I honour your presence on my journey.
This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.
This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.
Follow me on social media:
Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.
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Cosmic Heart - Cosmic Wisdom for the Feminine Heart - a sacred space for women where we delve a little deeper. I share extra energy wrap ups and lots more lunar and celestial wisdom to help spiritual business women to harness the energies and step up and into the Work that you've come here to do.
About my work…
As an Intuitive Tarot & Energy Reader, I delve into your energetic blueprint to identify the energies, stories and limiting beliefs that are causing dis-ease in your life.
My healing readings identify the energetic influences that are preventing you from experiencing freedom and ease in your life. They help to dissolve the energetic debris - including the stories and limiting beliefs that you carry with you, so that you can begin to heal, reconnect to your Essence, recover your Truth and break away from old patterns and situations.
© Vanda Costa 2019
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