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🌕 Full Moon: 13 November 2019 ~ Moon Energy Reading

© Vanda Costa

13 November 2019 - Full Moon in ♉ Taurus @ 12.34am AEDT

The Full Moon is the midpoint of the lunar cycle - at this stage of the cycle we are called to look at the full picture of what it is that we are working towards or dealing with in our life.

When Grandmother Moon reaches 100% illumination there is not much that will remain hidden from us. At the same time, if we focus too much on one area we will be doing ourselves a disservice because we will effectively be preventing ourselves from seeing the full picture, which is where the details reside. Be mindful of what it is that you’re working on or have in front of you, but also pay attention to what’s taking place around you as this will also inform the overall situation.

At the Full Moon and up to two to three days after, the energies are great for finishing up the task at hand - the projects and tasks that we’ve been working on since the New Moon or even from an earlier cycle - remember not everything that is started at the New Moon is meant to be completed by the Full Moon of the same lunar cycle; each project has its own time frame and life cycle, yet we sometimes forget that this is the case and attempt to take on way too much, which leads to overwhelm as well as physical, emotional and mental dis-ease.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, panicky or anxious, take some time and see what ACTUALLY needs to get done, and leave the rest for another time. Leave some space in your schedule for YOU as your sleep may be affected. Unresolved emotions usually surface at this time in the lunar cycle, so ensure that you factor in some you-time so that you can recharge your batteries.

Taurus energies…

Taurus energy is practical, slow and steady, methodical, and deeply connected to the Earth. It is wonderful for grounding - not only ourself, but also our goals, visions and dreams.

Taurus helps us to tap into abundance via the senses. It is sensual - as in ‘of the senses’ not sexy, although the two aren’t mutually exclusive - so Taurus invites us to sense all that is around us - the smells, colours, sights, textures, sounds, etc. The more we become attuned to Taurus energy, the better we become at working to manifest our desires.

Taurus is loving, romantic and adores creating a lovely environment for those they care about - they feed their guests and loved ones well and they’re quite tactile - whether it’s a hug, a hand on the arm or sitting really close. They like to make people feel comfortable and will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

🌕 Full Moon in Taurus energies…

This month’s Full Moon sees Grandmother Moon travelling through Taurus in the tenth house, highlighting the work that we do in the world - this is most often referred to our Purpose, but can also mean our chosen career.

On the opposite side of the skies, we have Grandfather Sun continuing his journey through Scorpio and the fourth house highlighting memories of childhood, our parents and what ‘home’ means to and for us.

When these energies oppose each other, which is what happens during a Full Moon, we find ourselves caught between who we know (or are discovering) ourselves to be, and the (perception of the) person that (we believe) the world needs us to be. Read that over a few times and pay attention to what stirs within you and where you feel it.

Done that? Read it another couple of times. It doesn’t feel very good at all, does it? Now, let’s see how the energies of this Taurus Full Moon can support us as we begin to tap into the parts of Self that are calling (and possibly screaming) for our attention.

We find ourselves being summoned by our Soul to step up and to own our Goddess-given power - yet we find ourselves trapped (yet again) within the roles that we’ve been given - chosen or assigned - during this human experience.

What we fail to realise is that we do indeed have a choice - many in fact - and that these have been factored into our experience. You know how sometimes you feel that you could and possibly should be doing something else, something that fills you with joy, love, and a sense of Purpose greater than you’re currently experiencing? That’s it right there! Those options/possibilities/forks in the road ARE the choices that you’ve factored into your Sacred Contract.

Now that you’ve been made aware of this, I wonder if you’re going to see things in a different light? I have a feeling that the answer is YES - do come back and let me know. You know what they say: once you see it, you cannot unsee it.

Our attention is also being called to the feelings and emotions of our daily lives - what brings love, peace, joy, ease, fulfillment and more? What I’m being guided to ask you is: why aren’t you doing more of that? Pay attention to the thoughts that surface; your mind is ready to counteract anything and everything that you throw its way, so be prepared.

Next, we are being asked to look at the perceptions that keep us stuck and trapped in limiting situations, circumstances, relationships, etc., we need to unravel and dissolve these before we can truly grow the roots that will help us to feel safe, secure, and stable as we begin to take the steps that will cement our belief in Self and in the remembrance of our divine nature and origin.

Start there and see how you go.

This Taurus Full Moon will continue to make her energetic presence felt over the next 6-18 months. At this point in time, we are revisiting the Taurus New Moon energies from back in May this year, so if you’ve kept a journal and/or have been tracking the energies, look back over your intentions and take a look back over your to-do lists for your business/Work while you’re at it, to see what you were doing back then - this will help you to either see how you’re unable to move forward (and most definitely need some help), or to see just how far you’ve come.

YOU hold the power to initiate the transformation that will lead you to the fulfillment of your Sacred Contract in this lifetime...what are you waiting for? If you need help, I’m right here, ready to help you to transmute the dross into passion and purpose for yourself and those whom you’ve contracted to love, guide and support during this lifetime and beyond.

The choice is yours…

If you get stuck or need some clarity about how this is playing out for you, take a look at the new SERVICES page and book yourself in for a reading with me and we’ll begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic threads that are preventing you from showing up in your life as you feel called to.

November brings the potential for healing - deep, deep healing if we choose and allow it... The secrets that we were once told belonged to a select few are now being revealed to the masses as the wayshowers step up and align with their Purpose; the secrets of the Universe are revealed.

Follow me on social media:

Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.

You've got this! (and I’m right here if you’re ready to make shift happen).

I'd love to connect with you over in my Facebook group:

Cosmic Heart - Cosmic Wisdom for the Feminine Heart - a sacred space for women where I'll be sharing extra energy wrap ups and lots more lunar and celestial wisdom to help spiritual business women to harness the energies and step up and into the Work that you've come here to do.

If you’re having trouble deciphering your body’s messages, book yourself in for a reading and we’ll get to work on unravelling and dissolving the messages so that you can step into awareness and freedom.

I am now available for email and video: face-to-face readings - select your reading and preferred times via the SERVICES page.

💚 Healing & balancing…

Available as a healing reading and essence support package:

8-8 Lion's Gate Essence spray & healing reading

New Moon Essence spray & healing reading

Full Moon Essence spray & healing reading

NEW: Mercury Essence & healing reading

Individual sprays:

NEW: Mercury Essence

Inner Child Essence

8-8 Lion's Gate Essence

New Moon Essence

Full Moon Essence

** These Vibrational Essences are intuitively created by me and custom blended, ready to be activated by you.

  • Essential oils:

Harmony; Gathering; spearmint; Dream Catcher; White Angelica; rose geranium; cedarwood; RutaVaLa; frankincense; myrrh; rose; sacred frankincense; cypress; sandalwood; Release; Forgiveness; Surrender; Grounding; Valor; citrus oils; camomile; lavender, ylang ylang; Stress Away; patchouli; elemi, peppermint.

  • Crystals & minerals:

Amazonite; jet; carnelian; tiger's eye; Hematite; selenite; tourmaline - pink, blue, green and black; amethyst; Apache Tear; clear quartz; rose quartz; kunzite - pink or clear; smokey quartz; citrine; emerald; labradorite; moonstone - might be a little too powerful for some women at the Full Moon; chrysocolla; turquoise; lapis lazuli; jasper - red, mookaite, yellow; charoite; sugilite; lepidolite; lithium quartz; chiastolite; peridot; orange calcite; shiva lingham; garnet.

  • Inner Work & journalling:

When we take and make the time to connect with the inner realms, we can initiate and/or facilitate great shifts. The more we know ourselves, the better we become at handling what comes our way. Begin by writing about how you feel - physically and/or emotionally, then as you discover these feelings (and even emotions), describe how they feel and as you write about them, you’ll find that there may be a pattern or underlying theme that stands out.

  • Hydration:

Keeping our bodies hydrated is important with all of these energetic upgrades. Drinking water and herbal teas is a great way to flush out the toxins that are being released by the body. For the coffee and black tea drinkers: drink one glass of water per cup of caffeinated beverage.

Suggestions: lavender; rose; sage; camomile; peppermint; lotus; rosehip; ginger; lemon; nettle.

Did you know that we take orders for crystals and minerals and essential oils?

Delivery to Australian addresses only.

Contact me to place an order at any time.

I'd love to source the perfect piece for you.


This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.

This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health and well-being program.

** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **

Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...


The Soul Guidance reading is a powerful reading that delves into your energetic template - we look at the psychological and astrological energetic influences to help you to understand what’s going on in your life from your Soul's perspective.

You'll receive the guidance and information that you need to help you make a decision, or understand a particular theme or lesson that you’re experiencing.

This detailed reading is available as:

  • a 30 minute channelled email reading that can be sent to you in written or audio format - please select your option on the Booking Form

  • a 1 hour video: face-to-face session

  • a 1.5 hour video: face-to-face session

If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 7 - 10 business days.

Purchase your reading here

About my work…

As an Intuitive Tarot & Energy Reader, I delve into your energetic blueprint to identify the energies, stories and limiting beliefs that are causing dis-ease in your life.

My healing readings identify the energetic influences that are preventing you from experiencing freedom and ease in your life. They help to dissolve the energetic debris - including the stories and limiting beliefs that you carry with you, so that you can begin to heal, reconnect to your Essence, recover your Truth and break away from old patterns and situations.

© Vanda Costa, 12 November 2019

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