In this blog post we’ll be taking a look at the general energetic overview for 2020 and each month I’ll add the energies for that particular month to this post so that it’s all in one place and easy to find.
Let’s get this started…
2020 - the year of...
Despite 2020 being heralded as the beginning of a new decade, I’ve been shown that 2021 is in fact the beginning of the new decade. So where does that leave 2020?
I’m so glad you asked! It means that 2020 is the year that we transition from the past decade into the new - think of it as the period just before the seedling sprouts, it’s the period when all of the energies are focused beneath the earth, preparing the seedling for its debut.
And so, you are being prepared for your debut.
In 2019 you came face-to-face with a LOT of stuff that had been neglected, ignored, and had lodged itself into the shadows of your psyche. You learned a lot about yourself, the world around you and most importantly, you discovered what was calling to you from the depths of your Soul. You discovered what you needed to release so that you could follow the call of your Soul, you recovered Soul gifts that led to activations that are still being integrated and anchored into your physical and energetic bodies today.
What was a challenging year, was in fact preparation for your initiation into your Soul’s Calling - for some it was a first taste while for others, it was a deepening into a Calling that was already underway.
As we find ourselves at the beginning of a new year, we feel the stirrings - inner and outer - calling us forward, prompting us to do things that we may not have considered before, knowing that what was done in the past cannot be repeated - the current energetic template - our own and that of Mother Earth and indeed the Cosmos - has evolved, as have we.
Those who attempt to do things in a similar manner to the past will find that their efforts will amount to nil, and all that they will be able to achieve is a sense of disconnection to their Higher Self, their Soul and the soul of all that they are creating and working to manifest.
We are being asked to lighten our load - this is an energy that continues from last year, we cannot get to where we are headed with all of that old, dense baggage. The time has come to make peace with what ‘was’ so that we can step into what ‘is’.
2019 was the year that we deepened into the Feminine and 2020 is the year that we deepen into a more awakened state of the Masculine as we make our way to a harmonious balance between the two in 2021 and beyond.
Of course, this will play out differently for each of us, our individual experiences are based on our past, our present, and the decisions and choices that we make for our futures - in all directions and dimensions of space and time. It will also show itself in various guises in the world around us, so pay attention to what’s going on around you to help you to understand what’s going on within.
It’s time to lay a new foundation. This is our goal for this year.
We are being called to be open, honest and authentic, firstly with Self, and then with others - this is the only way forward at this point in time. Yes, there will be speed bumps along the way, that is inevitable as the ego/mind steps forward in all its glory to prevent us from moving into uncharted territory where it believes it will lose all sense of control.
We must do our best to continue building momentum so that no matter what surfaces, we have enough supportive energy behind, beneath, and surrounding us to continue to move us forward into the glorious blessings that await us. This isn’t at all intended to mean that we keep ‘pushing, struggling, straining, resisting’ - all energies of the disempowered and unawakened Masculine - those energies will NOT sustain us and they’re not in vibrational alignment with where we are headed.
This year is all about trusting the inner flow of wisdom and guidance so that we can continue to awaken even more of the Feminine within. As we do so, we discover that there is no need for struggle, resistance and even denial, all that is of flow, peace, alignment, acceptance, abundance is indeed an aspect of the Feminine and is our divine and sovereign right to experience here in this incarnation.
We will be asked to release that which we hold dear - our values are shifting, and a new way is being paved; we will be asked to rest, well before it is needed - burnout doesn’t help anyone and it is most definitely NOT a badge of honour, we will be asked to find ways to make a part of our daily life; we will be reminded to celebrate our wins - no matter their size, it’s their energetic signature that makes the impact, not their volume; and we’ll be asked to reflect on where we are - looking at and tuning into the energetics of it all.
We are on the threshold of great change, but it will take wayshowers such as you to lead the way. We have a Sacred Contract to do this Work and it is our responsibility to show up and do the work on behalf of the Divine. Those who choose not to step up won’t get left behind, but their journey throughout 2020 will be more challenging than necessary.
Empowered Masculine; flexibility; adaptability; Sovereignty; determination; emotional-disconnect; rigidity; transition; stubbornness; unapproachable; change; shift; soul-alignment; rulership; Higher Power; illusion of fear; disregard for others; self- importance; pity; avoidance; ignorance; uncertainty; deferring one’s Power to others; innocence; rebirth; new version of Self - resurrection; faith; trust; surrender; mentally removed from one’s reality; choosing Self over others - empowered and disempowered aspects; promise; dawn of a new day; acceptance; release; foundation; leadership; Feminine-Masculine balance; re-claiming one’s Power.
Rise up Lightworker, claim your sovereign right to take up space - energetically and physically, be the leader you wish you’d had along your own journey; do your best in every instance, knowing that how this manifests is dependent upon your personal spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health at any particular time - you are not being judged, but it is in your best interests to make yourself a priority and tend to your healing as you need it; others depend on you to show them the way.
Lead by example, but be open to vulnerability, you are after all a spiritual being having a remarkable human experience. Use that to your advantage, inspire others to empower themselves, remember to acknowledge your challenges so that you can see where tweaks, pivots and adjustments need to be made, but always, always, always, strive for the highest vibrational alignment with your Soul.
The first month of the year brings great potential for healing - if that’s what we choose for ourselves. We always have a choice - it’s one of the gifts of this human experience that we’re having as spiritual beings.
We are currently in the energetic space between the old year and the new, and that brings challenges as well as immense potential. Challenges because we are still quite susceptible to falling victim to the old mind games that we play on ourselves as well as those we allow others to play on us. And potential because we are on that energetic platform where we can leap into abundance, freedom, creativity and acceptance IF we listen to and honour the whispers of our Soul.
The Hierophant brings the energy of the Teacher and also the Manipulator depending upon our perspective and involvement. In a disempowered state we allow others to dictate the rules that we are to live by, they tell us what is right and what is wrong, they brainwash us into thinking that they are the only way to Source, and that any time we want to connect with Source, we must do it through them.
The truth is that we all have a direct connection to Source, this has always been the way - we all have the ability to commune with Spirit in our own way, and for the highest good of all. We are reminded that our path to salvation is via the heart, this is where and how Source communicates with us. See if you can remember a time when you were in the moment, your heart was open, perhaps there were tears of joy, maybe a deep sense of peace and trust, and you felt as though you were ‘home’ - ‘that right there’ is your connection to Source - ‘that’ is your sign that you are in alignment with Source, you are Source and Source is YOU - remember it because this is what will guide you forward.
The energies of Temperance remind us of the need for balance - not a static balance, but a balance that adjusts to the ebb and flow of life. Do not seek perfect balance for you will never find it, move towards a healthy feeling and experience of harmony for your current state of being - for instance, when you are sad, find the healing harmony that you need at that point in time; at times it may be allowing yourself to dive into the sadness so that you can extract the gifts from it, at other times it may be looking for ways to raise your vibration - there are as many ways to find our personal harmony as there ways to find and amplify discord.
When these two energies of The Hierophant and Temperance come together, we have the ability to choose better for ourselves - to choose harmony over discord, acceptance over struggle, choice over manipulation, self-empowerment over doctrine, freedom over enslavement, curiosity over rigidity, heart-centredness over (the illusion of) get the idea.
And so here we are, the first month of the new year, many may feel as though they are standing at a crossroads - and indeed they are. Everything that we’ve experienced to-date has brought us to this place and space in time. It has prepared us for what is to come, and it has offered the opportunities for growth along with the resources that we’ll be needing as we continue our journey.
Be prepared to release what no longer serves you - even if you bring it with you (for whatever reason), you won’t be able to use it as you have in the past; it will only weigh you down and prevent you from seeing your magnificent potential. The healing you need is available to you, but you must ask for it - Source cannot intervene on your behalf except in limited life-threatening circumstances, so you must take responsibility for yourself - this includes asking for help, love, support and guidance.
Move away from feelings and beliefs of being unworthy, of conflict, of confusion, of grief for what never came to pass, it is time to shed it all, like a heavy cloak, so that you can step into the Light and begin to claim what is rightfully yours: abundance, freedom, clarity, creativity, acceptance, love, and so much more.
The choice is yours…
What will you choose for yourself?
What will you choose for those with whom you’ve come to fulfil your Sacred Contract?
What will you choose for the betterment of your life as you know it?
What will you choose for all versions of yourself - past, present, future, and parallel in all directions and dimensions of space and time?
What will you choose for those who have come before you, are here with you now, and are yet to come?
Control; manipulation; deceit; student; Teacher; Sacred Wisdom; Sacred Teachings; freedom vs. domination; heart-centred; soul-alignment; healing; Archangel Michael; Truth; faith; acceptance; surrender; emotional healing; emotional disconnect; obligation; obedience; consciousness; awakening; Presence; equilibrium; harmony; discord; Source; personal empowerment; divine love; divine healing; divine intervention; answered prayers; abundance; prosperity; emancipation; truth-seeking; breaking the ties; grief; heart healing; hope; trust; co-operation; from breakdown to breakthrough.
We are now beginning to sense the influences in and of our lives - how we’ve allowed others - consciously or subconsciously - to control our lives, dictating what should and shouldn’t be done; and we’ve also started to sense, even if ever so subtly, how we can begin to take back our power so that healing happens on our terms.
Many will begin the month feeling pretty good about the healing that took place in January, whilst others may be struggling to come to terms with what has surfaced as well as the overwhelm that is beginning to set in as they feel the mounting pressure to do ‘the work’.
There is no deadline, but the one that you set for yourself. We are asked to remain loving towards ourselves as we take the first steps and lay the first layers of the foundation that we are setting for our future. This is deep work, and it will take time - you’ve been preparing for this over many, many lifetimes, so take a moment and breathe into your heart-space; know that the power that created the Universe is also supporting YOU, always and in all ways.
We are at a critical time in our evolution and it is important that we ensure that the work we’re doing - inner work or outer - is done intentionally, in alignment with our highest vibration, and with as much love and courage as we can muster at every stage. Wishy-washy intentions will lead to half-arsed action steps, which will lead to unstable foundations. Read that again and keep it front of mind as you go about your have been forewarned.
As we navigate the month ahead, we will come face-to-face with: moments of progress and victory; the realisation that we do indeed have something valuable to offer, and so too does everyone else; the opportunity for change - this includes travel, moving location, and leaving the past where it belongs; and then there’s a visit from a past love or some nostalgia that presents us with an opportunity for closure (in most cases), as well as the potential for distraction - these energies may be a little tough to decipher from one another in the moment, so give yourself some time to ‘feel’ into things before taking action.
Temptation and distraction is right on cue as we begin to get our ducks in a row - it’s up to you to decide which path you will take - revisit an old, familiar path, or continue on the path that you are paving for yourself right now. This will show up differently for each of us, even if the theme is similar.
My advice to you is remember how things were back then - and every time a similar theme or situation has surfaced - so that you can make the best decision for yourself in the present. Remember what you faced as you made your way to the place where you now find yourself - look at the lessons that you learned as well as the gifts and blessings that you’ve gained along the way; are you ready to throw it away on a promise? Trust your intuition, listen to what your mind has to say, but pay attention to your body - it doesn’t lie.
When we realise our worth, we accept no less from others.
Sometimes closure is something that we have to give ourselves.
Business energies for February…
Money begins to flow. Pay attention to the limiting beliefs that surface as the money starts flowing attention to the limiting beliefs that surface as the money flows out - herein lie the golden nuggets that will lead to your emancipation.
Money is an energetic exchange - it always has been, and always will be. We exchange it for someone’s time, wisdom and knowledge, and we exchange it for goods that we desire and need, so why, oh why do we feel the way we do about it?
It’s time to start changing the narrative around money, especially for women running spiritual businesses. It’s time to look at our money stories, otherwise what’s the point of putting in the time, energy and effort into our business if we feed bad or dirty about receiving and paying money??
It’s time to expand our energetic money containers so that we can receive more, hold more, and direct more to where it’s needed. There is enough for everyone.
The transition to the Feminine age of spiritual business is well underway. Things are changing more swiftly than ever before. Our thoughts, our energy and the intention that we bring to our business affects and influences others in a more meaningful way whether they realise it or not. Remember, we are the wayshowers.
Celebrate your femininity - celebrate the feminine power that you bring to your business, your offerings, your clients and the world; know that your generous and compassionate heart is what draws people to you. This is how your Soul Clients will find you.
It’s time to break free from the shackles. The Feminine has been held back for too long. Allow the outdated limiting beliefs that have held you back to unravel and dissolve, knowing that as you step up to claim your Feminine power and Essence, your Soul Clients sense it, and because they are ready, they will find you! Dread stepping up for whatever reason, and they’ll sense that too.
Honour the empowered Masculine and the empowered Feminine together, allow them each to step up in their own way; harness their energies as you show up in your business, as you interact with your clients, as you create new offerings, and even as you market and share your offerings. Know that these energies move through you always and in all ways - you are the steward of these energies as they move through, around and within your physical body - do you allow them to flow through you freely, or do you stifle, restrict and limit them?
There is great emphasis on relationship building within our businesses right now. Listen to your clients, hear their words, feel their challenges and use what you discover to harness your magick within your own business so that you can better guide and support them on their journey.
We are here to be of Service in some way, shape or form and the longer we take to step up and honour the whispers of our Soul, the longer our Soul Clients will be waiting. It is time to step up and honour your Sacred Contract - not only the one you have for your personal growth, but the Contracts that you’ve made with your clients.
Healing; Archangel Raphael; vulnerability; balance and harmony; relationships - with Self and others - romantic and platonic; work relationships; wisdom gained from past experiences; breaking the ties; knowledge leading to wisdom; temptation; entrapment; receiving and giving; victory and success; travel; relocation; fractured relationships; depression; confusion; stubbornness; being stuck in a rut; mind games; victim mindset; entitlement; rekindling past love; distraction - tests - shiny objects to test whether you really want what you claim to want; reliving the past to avoid the present; support; guidance; restrictions and limitations; manifestation; intentions; taking guided action.
This month we are asked to consider the way of least resistance - some might call it the middle way - and the ways in which we each get there is as varied as we are. Do your best to remain open to the insights and nudges of your Soul as you learn to open yourself up to new ways of doing things.
Some need the push from the Universe, reaching breaking point before the realise that they are the ones who must initiate some sort of shift. Others are proactive and take charge, initiating change and taking steps towards their own freedom. Then there are others who quite literally get and feel stuck because they don't have - or haven't been able to access - their own stores of knowledge and wisdom, so they lie in wait for some external factor/element to move them forward and take care of their situation.
These are only a few situations to give you an idea of what's going on within and around you. This isn't to judge anyone or place blame anywhere, we are where we are, and nothing will change that until we each take responsibility for ourselves and begin to make the changes that we know we need to make.
Vow to be honest with yourself - open yourself up to be vulnerable - and watch your Soul as she steps forward to guide you through and beyond your current circumstances.
There is an underlying order to what appears to be madness. There's an underlying energy of harmony that's taking place - many will not be able to sense it, but if we begin to tune into our Higher Selves, doing what we can to quiet the noise around us, we will begin to tap into the Universal wisdom that is energetically weaving us - the Lighworkers, Wayshowers, and Space holders - together.
We are forming what can be best described as the elastic grid (that stretches and expands) that holds space for those who are ready to step up to join us, as we support the homeostasis that Mother Earth is calling-in, integrating and assimilating at present.
We are also sending forth the vibration to those who are receptive on some level, that panic and chaos will only prolong the necessary healing that is taking place in our world.
Newton's third law states that...
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Let's remember this as we begin to pay attention to our contribution to current events.
We are being called to be the voice of reason. Let's not bury our heads in the sand, but let's also not contribute to the chaos, either. Remember that there is Universal wisdom at play here - something much bigger and more potent than we can begin to imagine or envision; we can either stand in the way, or we can choose to support Mother Earth as her ascension takes place by continuing to be the Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Space holders that she needs right now.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
Many illusions are coming to the fore: pay attention to any recurring statements that you or others use as they will indicate where there is discord within; pay attention to any ingrained beliefs and ego resistance that attempt to obstruct your path; absolutely remain present, but connect to YOUR inner wisdom as you go about your day, don't feed the fear, but DO educate yourself - logic, common sense, compassion and consideration for others is what's called for at this time.
We are being offered a gift that allows us to see what no longer resonates with us. Many of our stories will no longer hold up; we may find there are things that have been a part of each of us for so long that we started believing that it was how we were and how we must always be; there will be other parts of Self that will be resistant, while others will be ready to support you as you align with your Soul and her wisdom at this time.
We are on the precipice of great and immense change...
I know I've said this a lot over the last year - but our evolution is heading towards unprecedented territory, what we can do is to honour Self and others, demonstrate compassion and understanding, trust our inner wisdom to guide us as we keep our vibration high in our daily lives, and remember that respect, responsibility, response-ability, and accountability are some of the traits and qualities that will help us to navigate the coming months as we support ourselves and each other and light the way for the New Age.
Within all of this seeming chaos, lies the Truth - yours and the Universe's - it's all there for you to reconnect with, whenever you are ready. Reach out, you are not expected to do it alone, nor are you expected to have all the answers.
We are finding our way through the mess, the noise, the mindless tasks and activities that we undertake on a daily basis, all of it clogging our channel to Source - this isn't to say that things will clear immediately, but the potential for immense personal and spiritual growth is being gifted to us right now.
We get to choose whether we are the game-changer or the victim - again, neither is right and neither is wrong, it is up to you to decide which you choose to be and to either follow-through or stay out of everyone else's way.
Within you lies a peace that is your connection to Source;
this is your guiding force - your blessing.
An exercise to centre yourself throughout the day and before sleep:
Place one hand on your heart and the other on your sacral (the energy centre between your navel and pubic bone), close your eyes and allow your awareness and breath shift into those places, helping you to centre yourself and align with your Higher Self. Once you feel connected, you can then begin to ask your Higher Self/Soul for guidance.
Business energies for March…
The energies surrounding business this month are quite simple: reduce the overwhelm - do only what needs to be done, trusting that the rest will either evolve or shift into a different vibration or fall away completely.
We have been doing way too much for way too long, and now, as we spend more time away from others, we are given the opportunity to reflect, reduce, and redirect our energy, effort and focus.
We are being called to action - our ability to remain flexible, adapt, pivot and tweak is what will help us to navigate the road ahead. What has worked in the past no longer works or is fizzling out. It is time to find new, more energy efficient and effective ways of running our business and living our life.
One final note:
Mercury has turned direct and has travelled through Pisces and Aquarius on his first retrograde cycle of the year, he will be sliding into Pisces this evening and he will remain in the retrograde shadow period until the end of the month. I have shared more about this in the Mercury Rx Energy Report that I released in late-February.
The main message of the retrograde shadow period is to begin pulling together the snippets of insights, information and guidance that we recovered and received during the retrograde cycle - which started back in early-February - and to allow their energetic threads to begin to weave together an image or pattern of what the coming months and years hold for us and our business.
The spiritual realms continue to support us as we navigate our way through and beyond our
current times, so pay attention to any dreams as they will be laced with potent guidance.
Self-mastery; taking charge; finding balance; insights; inspiration; restoring harmony; destruction; self-deception; crumbling of old structures; paving the way for the new paradigm; decay; isolation; waiting-game; secrecy; revelations; trust; faith; self-preservation; establishing and enforcing one's boundaries - energetic and physical; self-reliance; vulnerability; dreams and the imaginal realm; research/explore one's options; recovery of one's Truth; self-evaluation; self-reflection; reviewing one's decisions; flexibility; adaptability; ability to pivot; detours; clearing the path of obstacles and obstructions.
April began with uncertainty and immense disruptions to our lives, yet beneath the surface the underlying energy of peace, alignment and connection to Self and Purpose is what's supporting the new energetic template that we're beginning to respond to.
Hearing the call of Soul and tending to the needs of our physical vessel, we - the Wayshowers - are now beginning to recover the strength, courage, grace and clarity that we've been cultivating most intensely - and most consciously - over the last 18-24 months.
The volume of the external noise begins to wane as we make conscious decisions and choices about our present earthly and inter-dimensional soul experiences. This is where the magick takes on a whole new meaning.
In the inner dimensions, where we meet all aspects and versions of Self, we begin to recover pieces of our destiny that are a part of this current experience here on Earth and how we have contracted to show up at this particular moment in time.
What we do with what we recover is dependent upon our individual Purpose as well as how we choose to respond as the human manifestation of our Soul Essence. At times we will respond with great awareness of our mission, whilst at other times, the human version of self might present more strongly with some resistance, perhaps some uncertainty, and maybe even some thoughts about how to dial back one's power - all extremely familiar behaviours and patterns of the old paradigm - but ones from which we are beginning to emancipate ourselves with each conscious thought, choice, decision, and deed.
We are having an incredibly unique experience, and as long as we harm none and do our best to align with our highest and greatest good, then we know that progress is being made on some level. Don't beat yourself up if you don't feel capable of maintaining a high vibration at all times - this expectation is neither realistic nor helpful at this time - our personal vibration, like that of the collective will fluctuate from time to time; this forms part of the experience on the path to effecting the harmonic balance that we are progressing towards.
We are finding and feeling our way through this together - our Soul knows the way and she knows what to do; pay attention to her and you'll be able to consciously elevate your vibration to a more sustainable frequency, helping to locate and recalibrate to your personal energetic signature that has, up until now, resided almost entirely in the realms of spirit.
We are the next wave of responders who are answering the call to action as part of our Sacred Contract to humanity's evolution. This is a new path for us as conscious human beings, but as mentioned in the recent past: our cells remember a similar shift in consciousness, and they are ready to lead us through these changes.
At present, our role consists of, but isn't limited to: self-care; tending to business - whatever that looks like to and for you, both personal and in your work; getting back to basics - whatever comes to mind as you read that; honouring the Self; creating, establishing, nurturing, relationship to Self and others - our sense of community and what that means to and for us is evolving too; our ability to pivot - being flexible in all areas of our life; and discovering our creative potential - again, whatever that looks like for you.
We have been gifted the opportunity to strip things right back, get in touch with what matters and what's important to and for us, and we've been given the time and space in which to do this self-discovery, and it has been called lockdown.
Self-discovery and exploration will absolutely feel uncomfortable as things that we'd tucked into the shadows begin to make their way to the surface for acknowledgement, and it's all the more difficult because we can't just leave the physical space where we are in order to avoid or distract in the same way that we used to. We are being asked to find new ways to honour what we've repressed in the past - to include it, so that we can integrate it and take our healing to a new level.
The healing that we think and believe is years away, is really within reach - it's right there, swimming amongst the discomfort and discord that surfaces when the volume of our emotions has nowhere else to go.
Breathe, move towards it, and you might just be surprised by the gifts it brings you. More often than not, our thoughts, perceptions and expectations of what we think IS, is actually only lots of smoke and mirrors, noise and distraction - much like the wizard behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz. Once we see what is really there, the energetic charge diminishes almost immediately, creating new pathways for healing and a deeper connection to Soul, Source and Purpose.
Business energies for April...
The business energies this month revolve around being flexible, pivoting, making tweaks, starting from scratch where necessary, honouring the dreams and visions of the past as we begin building a new personal foundation that the new energetic template is manifesting through us.
Use this time to experiment with new ideas, not all will work, but that's okay, the energies are supporting us as we play with potentials and out of the box thinking.
What worked in the past - or did it?! - will no longer work within this new energetic template, so if you're still doing things in the old ways, feeling as though you're continually bumping up against obstacles, it's time to take a step back, and consider new ways of doing things.
These new ways may or may not already be making their presence known to you, if not: tools down and do something different so that you can inject some new energy into your physical and mental space.
Make the most of this gift of time that you've been given to explore long-forgotten dreams, follow hunches, test the waters, and who knows, maybe even invent something that will make life easier on the other side of this awakening.
All your business really needs from you at this time is your presence and a willingness to be open to exploring new ways and things. That's it.
Keep things simple, do what is necessary, follow any nudges, and leave what is no longer working. If things are complicated, then you're attempting to manage things via the mind - allow your Soul to speak through your heart: honour the guidance, and watch your life change before your eyes.
This is an incredibly fertile time for business and how it forms a part of - not the entirety of - our existence. Design a life where your business supports you, not a life where your business demands all of your time, energy and focus - that's the old paradigm.
Welcome to the Age of Miracles gorgeous one.
Grace; faith; Trust; support; ease and flow; inner stillness; refusing others' demands on our time, energy and resources; peacefully reclaiming our power; bravery; courage; attunement; tuning into what we might perceive to be a threat; allies; dreams; consciousness - individual and collective; subconscious - individual and collective; inspiration; doing one's Work; fulfilling one's Purpose; taking guided action; honouring one's emotions as a form of feedback; introversion; shutting out the noise in order to hear one's Soul; progress; creativity; opportunities and potential; conscious evolution; cycles and rhythms; shedding what no longer resonates; moving towards peace; adventure; exploration; being open to change; vulnerability; acceptance; respect; reverence.
NOTE: Apologies for the delay in posting the May energies.
May speaks of taking the time to go within to recover what is ready to be revealed.
It is only when one is ready, that the next step will be shown. Seeing as I am writing this at the end of the month, I'd like to invite you to revisit the energies of the month of May as they unfolded in your own life as you read this, to see how what is shared within this reading has set the stage for what you're currently experiencing, as well as for what is to come as the remainder of 2020 unfolds.
The energies of The Hermit and The Moon speak of coming face to face with the illusions that run our lives, most often as a program that runs in the background that we might not be aware of, but at times, these illusions are very much front and centre.
When one is dedicated to one's growth, development and evolution, one takes a different stance and approach to life, which enables one to become more aware of what's going on around and beneath the surface of the daily events in and of one's life. Even if we aren't quite aware of the subtleties or intricacies of our energetic life, there will be an indisputable pull towards something more meaningful, more tangible, more aligned, and this will begin to bring about a series of events or synchronicities that leave no doubt as to their origin and how loved, guided and supported we are here at this place and space in time and at every moment.
Our inner Hermit lights the path so that we may see our next step, even when - especially when - we cannot see or even imagine what the next step after that might be.
The Hermit is our Guide, Teacher, or Mentor, and can be an aspect of our Soul or an external source. This source of wisdom might reveal its presence, or it may not, this is dependent upon our present life experience and what is needed for our highest and greatest good. More often than not, we may not even recognise that we've had an encounter with this wisdom-keeper until further down the road.
Human conditioning wants us to know and remember every encounter so that we may document it in some way, which will allow us to give things (at times) more meaning and weight than is necessary. For instance, when a prayer or request is uttered in a time of need, does it matter whether it was an Archangel, a Guide, an Ascended Master, or the God/Goddess Him/Herself who responded? Is not what's important the fact that we were blessed with the love and guidance that we needed at that particular point in time, so that we may move beyond the present limiting circumstances, and into the potential that awaits us on the other side of that divine encounter??
What's your mind's take on this?
What's your heart's perspective?
So, dear one, don't get caught up in the details, instead allow yourself to feel and breathe into the magnificence that is the support that awaits your request at any and every moment. Place your attention on your heart, on your connection to the Divine, so that you may retrieve your own answers to the things that trouble and puzzle you the most. In this way, you will be better able to remain present to the Divine as it works through you and your life.
Business energies for May...
Business in May has been different, that's for sure - for some, there have been immense opportunities for growth; for others, it was time to take a step back, to take stock of what's important and what's calling one forward in the short- and mid-term, and possibly even longer; and for others, it was about ending something that was once of great importance.
Whatever scenario has been your experience, know that the blessings are coming. Yes, they may be further away than you'd like, but they will always, always, always arrive at the right time.
What's important now is to look at what is no longer working for both you and your business - this won't be a revelation, you'll immediately know what this is for you in your particular situation.
This next stage is very much a personal one - and it's extremely necessary if you and your business are to thrive in any way, shape or form as we move through the current collective energetic climate.
The next stage is all about the inner journey - perhaps you're already walking this path? It's time for investigation, to dig deep - whether alone or with support: remember I'm still here for readings; and it's about being completely and utterly open, honest and transparent with yourself so that you know exactly what it is that you're dealing with, what's supporting you, and what you're able to do as you begin to call in what has aligned for you in the energetic realms.
The inward journey doesn't have a schedule, nor does it have a deadline, the current energies are very much about your willingness to show up for yourself - more so for yourself, but also for your business, so that you have a slate that's as clean as possible for the next stage of your business, whatever that might be to and for you at this moment and into the next few months.
I'm being shown that there are limits to our physical potential at the moment, but this doesn't affect the energetic potential as much as we've allowed ourselves to believe in the past, and even in the present - especially if you're still listening to or watching the news.
If you haven't already done so, it's time to pull away from the noise so that you can begin to better hear and/or sense your inner wisdom as it guides and supports you - The Hermit is an expert at this, so connect with the energy of this card to receive the support that you need.
My attention is also being taken to the energies of cycles - what are the cycles in and of your life? What about the cycles of your business? Have you ever considered these and how they might influence your overall reach, outcomes or results, your ability to grow yourself and your business, as well as how to harness them so that you can pivot and make necessary tweaks?
Solitude; wisdom; Teacher; Mentor; Wisdom-Keeper; intuition; instinct; dreams; visualisation; meditation; revelation; cycles; blessings; loyalty; resilience; limits and limitations; awareness; potential; possibilities; willingness to venture into the inner realms; rewards; recognition of soul aspects that show up for integration; overwhelm; light-bearer; Wayshower; Light Worker; simplifying one's life; persistence; patience; self-care; prioritisation of what's important; inner-focus; healing journey; honouring one's journey, no matter what turns or how long it takes; healing in action; presence; perspective; detachment.
June sees us at a turning point in our evolution - individual as well as collective; what is one without the other, right? A turning point at which we can claim our right and power as divine co-creators of our reality. Re-read that and take a moment to feel into what that means to and for you. Delve beneath the layers that surface for you and see if you can begin to recover the strength, guidance, resilience, and clarity that you are being called to effect in your life at this moment.
At this critical juncture, this change that is yours to effect is one that you may have already felt the nudge to initiate, or it may be something that begins to seep into your awareness over the next few weeks.
Whatever your circumstance at present, if your heart is soul-aligned and your intention is for the betterment of the world, then you know that you're onto something that is needed right now. This change will ultimately feel significantly different than any other nudge you've received in the past. This is a call-to-action and one that as the energetic ripples begin to flow through you and into the world around you, there is no other way for it to manifest other than through the energetic channels and threads that connect you to others and to every living being, element, and creature on this beautiful planet that we call home.
Yes, it will feel like an uphill battle many times - this is a marathon, not a sprint, but remember that your Soul has co-written this part of your Contract and she knows how to guide you through what shows up on your path. Trust in the timing of your soul nudges. Know that your mind will be ready to prevent you from moving forward - sometimes at all costs; but you must remember the strength and wisdom of your Soul and the grace of your Guides and Guardians, and it's important to remember that you are a divine being, doing what you can to bring about a shift in the world, no matter how many people you touch; a gentle and kind gesture or word can work miracles in another's life - do not underestimate the potency of your interactions with others.
Be mindful of the energy that you bring into your interactions, be mindful too, of the energy that you take away from your interactions - you are responsible for your energetic footprint and for the vibration that you leave behind.
Spirit also wants me to speak to the fact that many are now awakening or deepening into new or deeper phases of their Purpose. There are elements and aspects of Self that can no longer be denied, you will be shaken to awaken - but this doesn't have to be the case in every situation, nor for each of you to whom this applies. Your level of acceptance and response to the Call will determine your experience.
As energetic conduits, we are responsible for the clear and direct transmission of the messages that we receive, but we cannot be held responsible for how another responds, perceives, or receives them. Deep, deep wounds are front and centre right now, not only the collective wounds, but also individual wounds, and this can make it difficult for our messages to be received in the way in which they are intended.
We are at the precipice of immense and intense change - I started saying this a few years ago and it is now coming to pass. This time of endings and beginnings doesn't have a clear delineation - remember: time is not linear; there are many, many overlaps currently taking place, and many, many more that we are only now beginning to sense, so it's important to be patient whilst remaining soul-aligned and acting with integrity as we honour one and all.
There is so much potential for healing available to us, yet not everyone will be able to sense, let alone anchor that into the physical realm. So, whatever you feel that you are being called to do at this pivotal time in humanity's evolution, please do honour that Call.
There are many intricacies that I could venture into, but as this is a general reading I will leave it here, of course, if something here has stirred something within and you'd like to explore that in a safe space, please consider booking a reading so that we may recover the wisdom of your Soul to help and support you throughout the current shifts.
Business energies for June...
Business in June continues to be about creating a legacy that embodies the values and mission of your business laced with energetic threads of your values and soul aspects that are intricately woven into the fabric of your life and business.
This might sound like a delicate balance - it is, and it's not - it is one that can withstand the challenges of our current world and what you are ready and able to bring to yourself and those who are ready to receive your gifts.
Many of you will already have relinquished what was no longer working in exchange for something new; this something is something that seemed to appear in your awareness overnight. The truth is that this has been lying dormant, awaiting either your readiness to take guided action or for the right conditions in the world, so that you may be able to unequivocally take necessary action.
Right now is a time to look at your finances and your business activities - be open, honest, vulnerable, and transparent with yourself - look at your figures, look at how you run your business. Are you wasting precious time doing things that don't light you up? Are you doing things because someone told you to do them? Are you ignoring the call of your Soul because it either hasn't been done before, or you're just not sure how to begin or what to do? Are you doing what you feel called to do, and if not, why not?
You can keep doing what you've always done - and we all know the kind of results that will bring. Or you can follow your intuitive nudges and trust in the wisdom of your Soul to guide you through the present circumstances and into what is calling to you on the other side of your fear (illusion), story, or uncertainty. Speak with someone who will be honest with you, knows what they're talking about, and can bring and give you a fresh and honest perspective and advice.
It's important for you - not only on a human level, but also on a soul level - to begin trusting in yourself more, it's time to dissolve the old habits, patterns and behaviours of people-pleasing, playing the victim, and putting everyone else and their needs ahead of your own - goodbye martyr. It's your time to make shift happen or pack up and do something else - your time is valuable. The choice is yours.
If you'd like to see where your energy is being depleted or where there is a disconnect between your hopes, dreams, and desires for your business and what she is here to do, book a Business Alignment session with me so that we can speak to the Soul of your business to discover what she needs from you as you navigate these energetic shifts.
Divine timing; crossroads; decisions and choices; learning; recovering wisdom; working with Soul to bring about a harmonious outcome; shedding and releasing; upheaval; endings and beginnings; potential; possibilities; magick; manifesting change; shift; calling in one's desires; embracing one's divinity; honouring one's Purpose; blessings from challenges and difficulties; legacy; exclusion; inclusion; spiritual/Divine support; Truth; justice; creating new energetic templates as old ones dissolve; returning to centre; returning to the heart space; burdens; illusions; inability to see the road ahead; end of days - the beginning of/awakening to the Age of Miracles; triumph over oppression begins; unity; financial structures crumble ahead of new energetic currencies; Age of Miracles; rights, responsibility, and response-ability; as above so below, as within so without; reflection; projection; rifts; cycles; evolution; strengthening of one's energetic template as DNA evolves.
** I will discuss more of the DNA activations, DNA evolution, and the continual opening of energy packets in my Lion's Gate energy reading next month.
Revisit past Lion's Gate energy readings:
July sees us coming to terms with the fact that not everything is readily available to us - especially when we haven't yet taken the steps that will lead us to the revelation of what is to be revealed in due time and to those who are ready.
Many have become accustomed to having everything at their disposal as well as being reliant upon instant gratification and all that this encompasses - including manipulating others to get one's needs and/or expectations met at the expense of another's needs and indeed growth. This creates a community of impatient and at times, unwilling participants in their own spiritual and human growth and development.
That might sound and feel a little harsh, but one doesn't have to look too far - and if we are brave and honest enough, we can find evidence of this in our own life - to see that we (for whatever reason) are not willing to do what is necessary, let alone what we are being called to do, in order to improve our circumstances.
We occupy ourselves with everything and anything that's going on around and outside of us, as a way to defer - and possibly deter - tending to the needs and calls of our Soul...and then we wonder why we feel uneasy, unsettled and emotionally volatile.
What is necessary, especially when we feel the mind/ego's urge to keep doing, doing, doing, is to take a breath...take a step back...and take a moment to reconnect with our inner GPS, Inner Guide or intuition. It is only then that we can even begin to remotely reconnect with our true and innermost needs - it's not even about desires or potential at this point, because we have drifted so far away from our basic spiritual needs that we can no longer even sense those without conscious effort and focus. Pay attention to what your mind/ego tells you as you read this! Once it has finished its rant, drop into the heart centre and see whether it is possible for you to deepen in to the practice that your mind/ego just told you is 'already and is enough' of a part of your life.
The moment we begin to turn our focus from the external towards the internal, an immense shift begins to take place. We begin to reconnect with our Divine Essence - the part of us that flows into and through us and our lives without any effort, and most definitely without any resistance.
If at this point, you notice that your breathing is shallow, take a moment to sense where (in your body) your breath travels and where it reaches. Harmonic balance begins when our breath is able to reach our sacral sacred space.
This month we are being invited to commune with the human self and the spiritual Self - these have been designed to work together, not individually and definitely not one at the expense of another. Healing is possible and it is available to you, but it is you who must declare your readiness to claim it and step forward to receive and facilitate it.
See how and where you feel off balance in your life and if you feel guided, reach out and book a healing reading with me so that we can recover the messages of your Soul for you at this time.
Business energies for July...
On the surface it looks as though the world is still in turmoil and that any positive effect is completely out of our control.
Let's take a moment to look at the word control:
control /kənˈtrəʊl/
(noun) the power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events.
I don't know about you, but I don't see the word force or resist in there, do you? So why do we think that control is about forcing and/or resisting (among many other words that we interchange for these) what is the predominant force in and of our lives at any given moment??
Let us keep in mind that change begins with us and in our own life, as we now look at this definition from a new perspective:
"Control is the positive effect that we can/or are able to influence or direct
in our own life for the betterment of all - no matter how far, or deep the ripples."
Breathe that in for a moment.
Notice any energetic shifts that take place within and around you as you allow this new energetic perspective to filter through your layers of awareness.
Note any insights, thoughts or physical sensations that move and flow through you as you bathe in the vibration of this new perspective and the gifts it brings to you.
If you feel the need to take a moment to explore what surfaces for you, please honour that, and return to this post later.
What I'm being shown about business at this point in time - and I'm talking about spiritual businesses or businesses with a spiritual underlying energy, is that:
The more we connect with our Inner Guide to lovingly guide us into and through our business - via the heart centre, the more connected and aligned we are to our Higher Self, the Divine, Source (or whatever name you give to that Higher Power), with grace, knowing and the remembrance that all unfolds in Divine time and with ease always and in all ways.
Stop revisiting and reviewing all that has not worked in the past - absolutely look for any themes and patterns, but do not get caught up in the details. We have evolved beyond that old paradigm and matrix so much so that we can no longer gain very much clarity at all in our attempts to call back what was.
For years I've been speaking about our new energetic template and how it has been anchoring - we have now anchored in at least 80-90%, some have anchored in 90-95%. As you read those figures, please remember that higher doesn't mean 'better', the numbers are simply a reflection of were we collectively find ourselves and has been given to appease the mind so that it does not impede our path or our continuing growth and development.
This Age of Miracles is an infusion of Divine Feminine and Masculine frequencies and vibrations that support and give Light to our mission and sacred Purpose here on Earth, as well as all of the other dimensions of space and time in which we are vibrationally operating, enabling us to effect miracles, magick, and Love in accordance with the Divine Plan for humanity.
So if you find yourself doubting your ability to effect change in any way, shape, or form, take a moment to decipher where that 'thought' originates, how it feels, where you feel it, and even ask to be shown the energetic threads as they have connected throughout your life and business - you might be surprised by what you uncover, or you may be in awe at how responsive you are to your soul's readiness to offer guidance.
Truth; clarity; harmonic balance; hidden agendas; revelations; potential; inner guidance; trust; faith; co-creating and co-creation; confusion; emotional upheaval; emotional rebalancing; Purpose-filled direction and directives; revelation of gifts and abilities; messages in water/bodies of water; healing effects of water; perspective; decisions to be made about one's priorities and what's truly important; harmonic balance of one's inner and outer worlds - regardless of what's happening collectively; optimism; healing; proof; union; unity; coming together; mutual agreement; mutual understanding; chakra activations; chakra cleansing; choices and decisions; deepening into wisdom; cycles and rhythms; what continues; what persists; global healing; looking at what is healing in one's own life; proof of life; proof of Love; global community; on time; on track; on course.
August sees us suspended in an animated state - we can feel the energies of the Lion's Gate flowing into and through our awareness, energy fields and physical body. The excitement is palpable as we begin to receive hints, clues, tastes, and glimpses of the steps that we are being called to take as some of the Lion's Gate energy/light packets are activated and absorbed into our awareness.
This year's Lion's Gate was super powerful and the energies will continue to be felt beyond August next year. You can read more about this over on the 2020 Lion's Gate Energy Reading.
For now, let's stay with this month's energies...
There's a sense of anticipation as we prepare to take steps in alignment with the Divine Feminine wisdom that has been re-awakened within us. We feel a deep longing to reconnect with this ancient wisdom that has lain dormant within us for way too long.
Our Divine Feminine DNA has been re-activated. We can no longer ignore the stirring - we have been moving towards and awaiting this moment for generations. The time has arrived. We are the ones we've been waiting for!
Many will feel drawn to deeper exploration of the Feminine, finding ways, means and methods of connecting with Her in their own way. Others will feel drawn to a deeper understanding of themselves and how they show up in different areas and aspects of their life (and business) in the Feminine way.
As with all inner exploration, there comes a time when we stumble upon an energetic layer of debris that's ready for acknowledgement, acceptance, understanding, and forgiveness - of and for self, not necessarily for others, but if it extends that far, so be it - so that we may free ourselves from the energetic tendrils that keep us attached to ways, behaviours, habits, patterns, situations, and people that we have no need for from this moment onwards.
This is a time of great empowerment for each and everyone of us. It is time to honour your magnificence - it is up to you and only you as to whether you step up and into that. The ways in which you decide to show up for yourSelf will move you in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine from the place in space in time where you currently find yourself.
Honour your intuitive nudges, have the courage to face your Shadow, acknowledge that it is a part of you - befriend it, dare to dream beyond any barriers or boundaries that you can feel or see for yourself, and above all, remember to celebrate the beauty, the magnificence, the wonder that is YOU.
Business energies for August...
This month we are being reminded to focus our attention and energy on the work of the Soul - pay attention to the nudges that stir something within you; feel into where and how you may be out of alignment with your soul's messages, feel into where and how you may be in alignment with your soul's messages, feel for any energetic shifts that indicate that a change of direction, or even the slightest pivot is necessary.
Your soul is constantly speaking to you - are you paying attention?
✍🏽 Are you following through with any guidance you receive?? If not, why not?
✍🏽 What do you feel/think/believe will/would happen if you were to follow through?
✍🏽 What's the worst that could happen?
✍🏽 What's the best that could happen?
✍🏽 What is acceptable or what would you be happy with?
✍🏽 What would feel like a stretch, but feels doable nonetheless?
✍🏽 What feels way out there but sends ripples of excitement through you?
✍🏽 What's preventing you from moving towards that?
Our mindset dictates the outcome of anything that we focus our energy and attention on even before we show up. No matter how much outer work we do, no matter how many tasks we tick off of our to-do lists, no matter how many drafts we write, no matter how many products we create, nothing will change externally until we do the necessary inner work to unravel and dissolve the energetic webs that prevent us from moving towards the fulfillment of our Purpose.
Be courageous enough to declare what hasn't worked in the past - take some time to express gratitude for what it has brought to your life and business, honour its presence, send it love, and when it feels right, release it so that you can create space for something better and/or more aligned to come to you. There's no need to specify what that is, just feel into the energies of what you can feel calling to you, and allow your soul to guide you towards it.
Unapologetically celebrate how far you've come - stop thinking about what others are going to think or do. YOU have chosen this path - or it might feel that it was chosen for you - YOU have answered the call, it's time to start looking and going within before seeking external validation.
Presence; divine timing; divine intervention; awakening; connection to the Divine Feminine; aligning with your personal Divine Feminine aspects; honouring what is; releasing what no longer matters or serves; calling in your Team; discovering new Guides; releasing the past - you do not need it where you are going; tears; grief; heartbreak; moving on from heartbreak; forgiving oneself; emotional clearing and cleansing; searching for, finding and activating the spark within; gratitude for the gifts in and of one's life; celebration; acknowledgement; acceptance; teaching; learning; sharing wisdom; gathering knowledge; offering value to another; tracking the energetic threads of one's limiting beliefs and patterns; choosing YOU; making yourself a priority; honouring thy Self; giving yourself permission to dream BIG; allowing yourself to be/feel sad; allowing yourself to be/feel happy; take time to hear the whispers of your soul.
This month we begin to see the foundations that we've been laying over the course of the year. As the layers, segments and sections reveal themselves we start to gain a deeper understanding of the forces at work in our life as well as the connectedness of all that is at work (in the Universe), to make manifest the details of our Purpose, so that we may step up and into the fullness of our Essence and Contract.
We begin to sense the subtlest energies of the creations that we've consciously and subconsciously been working on. We are also receiving confirmation of the development of deeper layers of our own magick that are now making their way to the surface for acknowledgement, acceptance, assimilation, integration, and anchoring.
For those who are ready, more and more clarity reveals itself - although...this clarity isn't - to begin with at least, of the mind - it's a clarity and a sharpening of the senses. It is from here that we begin to sense our path unfold in powerful ways before us.
The mists disperse, and we are supported as we make our way through our current circumstances, into and through to the agreements of our Contracts with Self and others so that we may experience what has been written.
This stage of the journey is one to be taken at the speed of your soul - haste is of no benefit here - is it ever, really? By trusting in the wisdom of your soul, you will encounter more synchronicities than ever before, you will know a presence of peace within you that feels new and familiar at the same time; and you will discover that you have a resilience, awareness, and Presence about you from which you have been disconnected for most of this lifetime.
The energetic threads of past life, soul, Divine wisdom, and more become more and more tangible as you continue to honour your Contract to Self. Life unfolds in new ways, with new intellectual and soul understanding pathways and connections that accelerate your ascension path. You are now at least 90% anchored into your higher vibrational energetic template. [If you've been following me for a while, you'll remember that I started mentioning this new energetic template consistently since the 2019 Lion's Gate.
Learning to navigate our higher vibrational energetic template via our soul rather than the mind is still a little clunky for the most part, but we are well on our way to responding to life from a soul/heart-centred space and energy in all of our interactions.
Be gentle with yourself as you find your energetic footing - especially with the collective energies of the moment. Don't forget that you are still having a human experience, and that in and of itself is a blessing and a miracle, even amid the clunkiness.
Continue to piece together the insights and revelations that come your way, allowing them to present and unfold in their own way and time. Re-member your gifts, Truth, passion, and Purpose and know that you are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way.
Business energies for September...
As you anchor more fully into your higher vibrational energetic template, you begin to see your life and the world from a new perspective. Do not be surprised if you find yourself feeling more detached from the details of life. You are undergoing a HUGE transformation at present.
All that your soul (and business) asks of you at the moment, is to be present, maintain your energetic hygiene, allow your Soul aspects to inform you of gifts and abilities that are reawakening for you, and to follow through with any guidance that you receive.
Keep things simple. Strip things right back. Do what lights you up. Delegate what you can. Put aside what needs more time to develop. Pay attention to the subtle energies that are being reactivated within you - they have gifts for you.
Continue to do the inner work that your soul asks of you...
...exploration of Self is the key to freedom in all areas of your life.
Presence; balance; transition; endings and beginnings; deepening into the journey; exploration of Self; Soul wisdom; Trust; Truth; detachment; rest; reawakening of Soul Purpose; exploring and discovering what freedom means, looks and feels like to and for you; gratitude; giving and receiving of gifts; confusion and apathy leads to boredom and signals that time for contemplation/reflection is necessary; recalibration; insights; acceptance of Self; magick.
As we move towards the end of 2020, we find ourselves under the guidance of our own Higher Wisdom - watching and waiting for us to remember that we hold within us, the depth of knowledge and wisdom from our multidimensional selves that we've been seeking outside of ourselves.
Re-read that. Take a moment to let that sink in. Breathe it in. What do you notice? What do you remember? What can you feel calling to you?
Side note: over the last few months, you may have sensed a particularly strong watcher or a presence as you've taken your human steps on your journey, this was your Higher Wisdom/Self (whatever term you give it), and she's been waiting for you to open your heart to her, just the tiniest stirring of curiosity, and a little space and that's the invitation she was are now open to her presence and her guidance in and of your life. The more you respond, the more of her presence you will feel surrounding you and flowing within you.
Take a moment to pause here to allow that energetic infusion to move through you.
As we continue to make our way through the final challenges and obstacles of the old paradigm, we come to terms with the reality that all that we've been seeking is indeed within us, and has been all along...we simply forgot that it was there.
This process in and of itself is pivotal and is one that you - perhaps not your physical, human self (just yet), but all of your multidimensional aspects - are ready to embark upon.
The groundwork for this remembrance of your Divine Healed Template was laid a long time ago, and the time has come for you to re-member all that you are, all that you ever have been, and all that you have the potential to become as you step forward to claim the Higher Wisdom that reminds you that you are already healed, you lost your memory of this a while ago, and now the time has come for you to be reunited.
Can you feel the power of that??
Business energies for October...
This month will be challenging for those still identifying with the old stories and narrative that leaves them feeling as though they are a victim of their circumstance.
What response did that evoke in you as you read that? Acceptance - on any level? Resistance? Denial? Curiosity as to how this may be possible?
The potential exists for you to step up and into more of your Divine Healed Template, to claim it and to embrace it, but it is necessary for you to recognise your part in the challenges that have been a part of your reality for goodness knows how long...too long, right?
It is tough to face that we may have played a more active part in what's playing out in our reality than we'd like to admit, but it's a crucial part of the remembrance of our original healed state.
This reading might not feel like a business reading on the surface, but as heart-centred and soul-inspired business women, our own energetic health is as much, if not more of a priority as tending to the daily activities of running a business.
So, my loves, be the Observer - pay attention to what surfaces, take note of any energetic shifts that move through you, be prepared to consider that there may be something to explore more deeply, and please, please, please stop beating yourself up over what cannot be changed - that was then, this is now - your point of power resides in the NOW. Grieve what needs to be acknowledged, feel the emotions and energies move through you, don't identify with them - you've already been doing that, and you know how that ends, allow the tears to flow, allow the anger to remind you of what's important to you, remember that there is such a thing as Sacred Rage and it's calling upon you to channel your challenges into purpose-full alignment.
Your Soul/Higher Wisdom knows the way, ask for guidance and follow her lead...
Truth; inner wisdom; Higher Wisdom; re-activation of your Divine Healed Template; re-formatting and/or re-writing of one's old belief systems; choosing better - making better, more aligned choices and decisions; accepting past stories associated with lack, scarcity and poverty consciousness; rewiring of one's abundance template to accommodate an increasing incoming flow; battles, challenges, discord within self being reflected by others/the world around you; deep grief being accepted as a catalyst for transformation in preparation for the Higher Self/Soul aspects that are calling you forward; Archangel Michael; blessings; healing activations; angelic and cosmic DNA upgrades; cosmic grid alignments; multidimensional Self alignments. It's all happening!!
We have reached a point in our evolution where we are now able to simultaneously recover, unravel, dissolve, and continue to make progress on whatever it is that we are working or focusing upon at any given time.
Gone are the days of the old paradigm where we'd have to separate those stages from one another, usually with some downtime in between. Those of you reading this are the ones who have been doing the work, paying attention to what has surfaced, taken the necessary steps as guided, and initiated immense evolutionary shifts for Self/self and others. YOU are the ones I write this for!
Being a Wayshower and Consciousness Anchor can be challenging when we allow our habitual thoughts, themes and patterns to step in, but now that we've had a LOT of practice, we are better able to diffuse and sometimes unravel and dissolve these old ways instantly.
There's an element of magick that we've written into our Sacred Contract that we are now tapping into, activating and co-creating with. Remembrance of our Divine Healed State is available to us instantly should we invoke this part of Self to lead the way. This is such a powerful practice, that once it becomes our new 'normal' (whatever that is, right?) we are able to instantly and immediately manifest that with which we are a vibrational match.
We are better able to navigate the choppy waters of our emotional realm with all of the practice that we've had throughout 2020 - and if you feel that you haven't vibrationally shifted enough, just remember that every NOW moment is the next best time to begin stepping into the magnificence and power that is YOU.
Speaking to the NOW moment:
...the experiences that 2020 has brought us have enabled us to determine our highest values and to move our life in that direction.
There will be lingering energies of the old energetic template to dissolve as we continue to merge into this new higher vibrational energetic state of presence, flow and abundance of all kinds, but these will diffuse, unravel and dissolve almost instantaneously as we continue to show up for Self/self and to our Sacred Contract of Service.
Business energies for November...
Attachments to old ways of doing things are quickly losing power. We begin to feel a new energy moving through our physical body - from the celestial and spiritual realms - that enables us to consistently, effectively and efficiently move high vibrational energies through our business (and life).
Side note: I feel as though it's important to mention that this insight just came through moments before I channelled this post; and today (4 November) is also the day that Mercury ends his retrograde journey through Scorpio/Libra, having moved into Libra on 28 October - remembering that he will be in the post-retrograde shadow period until 20 November, allowing us to tie up loose ends so that we can commence working on the insights and action steps that he generously shared with us over the last three weeks.
There's also an element of vulnerability that's flowing through our business at the moment - this doesn't mean that we share everything about ourselves with everyone, and if this is the feeling that you get around these energies this month, please delve beneath the surface to discover WHY you feel that that's what you're being called to do. If you're having trouble asking yourself the tough questions, reach out, I can help!
This vulnerability has to do with us being transparent with ourselves so that we can be aware of our limitations, whether true or perceived, the energetic imprint is just as powerful; so please do take some time from now until 20 November to explore what these limitations might be for YOU, remember: what affects you, affects your business.
It's time to show up and to acknowledge our truth to ourselves - for ourselves, because until we do, things won't progress in the way that we KNOW they can.
We're being called to begin a dialogue with our Highest Vibrational Self so that she can begin to help us to transcend the dense vibrations that are preventing us from meeting her where she awaits us.
Integration; deciphering of attachment energies and influences; deciphering energetic attachments - what is ours and what isn't; feeling good about where we find ourselves; knowing that the journey continues; emotional healing; re-membering that we ARE abundant always and in all ways; acceptance of Self/self and the journey that we are on; recognising our worth as we feel the ascending vibration of our Sacred Contract to Self/self and others; recognising the value of all of our experiences; allowing the human self to play in the realm of imagination to help one feel into the potential pathways that present; a personal shift in money/financial narratives; opening oneself to believe and trust in the abundance of the Universe; acknowledgement and celebration of one's successes - no matter how big or small, each one brings immense vibrational shifts for the highest good of all.
Here we are, the final month of 2020! This month we are being asked to take a look at all of the instances, situations, circumstances and interactions that have brought us to the crossroads where we now find ourselves.
This isn't about looking back, nor lingering, and it's definitely NOT about attaching to any of the things that took place. We're talking about the things that felt particularly personal - the things that stung, the things that seemed to come out of the blue without provocation or any hint of a build up to an emotional eruption, breakdown or breakthrough.
It's about looking at the breadcrumbs that have lined our path. Locate and identify the themes, FEEL into any shifts that took place within and throughout these themes, see what ascension markers you can identify - not to elevate yourself above anyone else, but to remind yourself that no matter what's taking place around you, you ARE always guided by the Divine.
As you begin to feel your power build, as you locate the frayed tendrils of any attachments or entanglements, decide what you will do to and for yourself from this moment on, each time something similar arises.
Ask the Divine Feminine to remind you how you can align with your Divine Healed Essence, ask Her to remind you that this is YOUR journey, ask Her to guide you into and through what you know is yours to experience at this time, ask to be blessed with and by Her grace so that you may navigate the path ahead. Choose integrity, authenticity, clarity, connection - first and foremost with your Divine Essence and human self, and then with and for others - ask to be shown the way.
Impatience shows up as the thick, sticky residue of the old energetic template, diluting and influencing us more than we'd like to admit - but admit we must: to ourselves in the very least. When we feel the urge to push, to divert, to command something to be anything other than what it is, then we have forgotten that we are a spark of the Divine - in flow with all that is/All That Is, always and in all ways.
It is absolutely true that others may have ulterior motives, but this is on them, and you have the ability to choose just how much of their 'stuff' affects or influences you. I know that sounds harsh, and it may even trigger you in some way, but in order for us to evolve beyond the old ways, patterns and conditioning, it's crucial to ask blunt questions and make jarring statements so that we may be jolted out of the old matrix - which is still very much available to us should we choose lower vibrational interactions and contributions.
Where possible, choose presence for yourself - choose peace and love rather than deception, games, and lashing out (as tempting as it may be) - this isn't about denying our anger, it's about utilising the trigger to trace back to one of the root systems that have caused havoc in our lives. It's about acknowledging that sometimes things suck, feeling the feels, and then choosing a loving way (for ourselves) to process our feelings and emotions.
Business energies for December...
If you're sensing that there are several opportunities available to you as you begin to energetically close out the year, you're absolutely right.
If you have the absolute go-ahead from Source, by all means, go for it, but for most of us, it's about moving through the current energies: reviewing the past 12 months, doing an energetic declutter, revisiting the breadcrumbs that have brought us to where we now find ourselves, and making conscious decisions about what goes and what remains, leaving enough space for anything that is for our highest and greatest good to flow towards and through us, for the next stage of our evolutionary journey.
Dream and meditative states are fertile ground for sowing seeds - whether you are aware of what's being planted, or not, makes no difference as long as your intention is always for the highest and greatest good of yourself and all others. Pay attention to the main themes and take notes, tracking them in the days, weeks and months that follow.
You are being reminded that YOU hold the key to the answers you seek - others may guide you, or help you to clear the way, but at the end of the day, it is YOU who will experience the consequences of your thoughts, words, and actions, and so it is your responsibility to yourself to establish and maintain a clear connection to your Higher Self/Wisdom so that she may guide you through the experiences in and of your life.
Tension in business/work partner/relationships comes to a head this month, lingering as long as mid-January, as those involved feel pulled towards defending themselves/their ego, rather than placing the health of the business/project as the focus. See, where possible, if there's any way to harmoniously (as possible) close out the agreement/contract from a heart-centred and aligned space, rather than out of anger or frustration. There's a need to tie up loose ends and to do so with integrity - for the present and also for the future.
Those involved have grown in their own direction and have discovered new avenues that they wish to explore either on their own, or with another who is not the person with whom they are currently working.
Blessings await those who honour what has passed, before moving onto the next project. Honour the people with whom you worked, honour the energies that arranged for the union that led to the exchanges and lessons that were undertaken and gained. Just because it's time for something to fall away doesn't mean that there's nothing there to honour and appreciate.
Appreciation and gratitude pave the path for what is yet to be revealed.
Patience; impatience; choices and decisions; taking the middle path/way; uncertainty; inspiration; opportunities and potential; exploration and discovery; determining, establishing, and maintaining energetic boundaries; deception; theft; lies; manipulation; anger; frustration; dream work; determining one's highest values and priorities; waiting/gestation period; knowing when to move towards something that is more aligned with one's Purpose; travel; moving house; clarity after a period of confusion/darkness; taking back one's Power; aggression; tension; honour thy Self; reduce distractions and focus on what's important/what matters; outer awareness; inner guidance.
© Vanda Costa 2020
If you get stuck or need some clarity about how this is playing out for you, take a look at the new SERVICES page and book yourself in for a reading with me and we’ll begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic threads that are preventing you from showing up in your life and business as you feel called to.
Before you go...
I've created a powerful eJournal to help you to consciously reflect on 2019 and begin to call-in and feel into the energies and the potential of 2020 - for YOU and your business.
I hold space for you to explore what your Soul is ready to share with you and you show up - perhaps with a cuppa and your journal, oracle or Tarot cards, maybe even your crystals - and you work through this empowering eJournal in your own time.
I'll energetically guide you through 2019 to help you to consciously reflect on the year that was, helping you to put things into perspective, gathering the magic - your magic - along the way.
I'll also guide you to consciously call in 2020 so that you can start the year (and decade) off in a strong energetic space, in your ever-expanding sacred energetic container, knowing that everything that you dream of...and on its way to you, if it hasn't already arrived.
We'll break down 2020, quarter by quarter - so that you have a clear vision for your life and business for the year ahead.
Investment: $15.55 AUD
Now 50% off
Discount automatically applied at checkout
Delivery: immediate - via email
You can now get this month's Lunar Month Energy Reading in PDF format - currently taking a break. Stay tuned for a new format in 2020!
Follow me on social media:
Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.
You've got this! (and I’m right here if you’re ready to make shift happen).
I'd love to connect with you over in my Facebook group:
Cosmic Heart - Cosmic Wisdom for the Feminine Heart - a sacred gathering place for Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Bridgers, Bridge-Keepers, Code Keepers, Space Holders, and Gate-Keepers.
We explore the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience. Cosmic Heart is where I hold space for you, guide and support you as you reconnect to your Soul's Essence and recover your Truth in a community of heart-centred women.
If you’re having trouble deciphering your Soul's messages, book yourself in for a reading and we’ll begin to identify, unravel and dissolve the messages so that you can step into a greater sense of awareness and freedom.
I am available for email and 1-to-1 reading sessions - select your reading and preferred times via the SERVICES page.
This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.
This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.
If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.
I am here to support you.
DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health and well-being program.
** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **
Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...
The Soul Guidance reading is a powerful reading that delves into your energetic template - we look at the psychological and astrological energetic influences to help you to understand what’s going on in your life from your Soul's perspective.
You'll receive the guidance and information that you need to help you make a decision, or understand a particular theme or lesson that you’re experiencing.
This detailed reading is available as:
a 30 minute channelled email reading that can be sent to you in written or audio format - please select your option on the Booking Form
a 1 hour - 1:1 (recorded) Zoom session - NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL JANUARY 2021
a 1.5 hour - 1:1 (recorded) Zoom session - NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL JANUARY 2021
If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 7 - 10 business days.
About my work…
I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.
I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space for heart-centred, intuitive women; helping them to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.
My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.
© Vanda Costa 2020
#ReadingsWithVanda #EnergyReading #IntuitiveReading #HealingWithTheTarot #EmpoweredWomen #intuitive #PsychicReading #HealingJourney #HealingJourneyToWholeness #HealingReading #DissolvingDisEase #SpiritualGuidance #HealingBeginsWithYOU #EnergyHealing #IntuitiveTarot #transformation #CelestialMovements #CelestialEnergies #IntuitiveAstrology #WomensWisdom #empath #sensitive #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #IntuitiveCoach #DivineFeminine #IntuitiveMentor