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2023 Galactic New Year Transmission : A personal perspective of the year ahead

Writer's picture: © Vanda Costa© Vanda Costa

Colourful nebula with text: Galactic New Year 26 July

Happy GALACTIC New Year!

Can you feel it? We are well and truly in Leo season. Grandfather Sun moved into Leo on 23 July and today, this day of the new Galactic year, we have the official opening of the Lion’s Gate portal.

Let’s take a look at the underlying energies of the coming year, shall we?

This Galactic Year is a turning point, a pivotal and crucial moment in time where WE - as individuals and as a collective, have the opportunity to make huge advances on the journey of spiritual remembrance and impact humanity in great ways.

Our multidimensional aspects of S/self have been preparing us - the human aspect - to respond to the Call of our Higher Self, our Soul and our Ascended Self. They have been lighting the way, arranging crucial meeting points, bringing people and experiences into our awareness - and removing others - for our growth at this time in our evolution.

Have you noticed an increase in synchronicities in your life? Perhaps more rapid actualisation of hopes, prayers, and deepest heart’s desires?

The potential for immense and expansive positive shifts in consciousness and ways of BEing is here.

We have arrived.

There will of course be challenges, for that is what Earth provides - an opportunity to experience and influence polarity and duality. We will be given many of those opportunities over the coming months.

Outer conflict … inner chaos

The current energetics are asking us to take a look at how we move through the world - are we loving, kind, gentle, compassionate with others? What about with self? Perhaps we are creating or looking for conflict - with self as well as others as a way to attempt to control the narrative, or possibly even to find some sort of subconscious energetic resolution?

Right now, anything is possible, and it can be either-or or both-and - be open to what shows up and how it shows up, also notice your initial reaction or response and notice how you choose to navigate potential or perceived challenges.

Our inner state determines many things: our general outlook, the way in which we show up and interact with others, what we offer or show the world, what we hide from the world.

For too long have we attempted to keep hidden the aspects of self that we do not want others to know about. What would it take for us to show up in vulnerability? With an open heart? To ask for help? I get it, the world doesn’t feel like a safe place a lot of the time, those around us may not be a safe or trusted source of support and love; but why do we keep returning to the old places and people who have shown themselves to be untrustworthy, unreliable, unsupportive, and unloving, time and time again? Have we really NOT learnt the lesson? Is it possible that we really DON’T see this harmful pattern playing out over and over again? Are our gains from this pattern more fulfilling to the ego than we’d like to admit? Or is it that we’ve become numb to our needs in our attempts at self-preservation?

The time has come for personal response-ability. We are being invited to show up for self in ways that may feel foreign to us. Why is it that we can offer love to someone who is struggling, but fail to offer it to ourselves in a similar situation? No matter how big the struggle, no matter how insignificant it may seem - YOU, my love, are significant, YOU deserve your own love - always!

Aren’t you ready to do away with old relationship patternings that no longer - and have possibly never - served you? What will it take for you to take a stand, to say “NO” to whatever it is that is depleting your lifeforce? Aren’t you, just as much as anyone else, just as deserving of your own love, affection and attention?

Remembering that Love IS the way

The Divine Feminine steps up - and is asking US to step up into alignment with our Sacred Contract in partnership with Her. She will be constantly reminding us that Love IS the way. Over the coming months, there will be many, many moments when we forget that Love is indeed the Path and the Way, but She will be there, in some way, shape or form, to help guide us back to the Path of Love and the Way of the Feminine.

Too many wars have been, and continue to be fought, too much has become imbalanced. She is here to show us that there IS another way, but that way begins with each one of us remembering that we are Her children, and in being so, we are at our core … Love.

This Love that She speaks of and to, begins with each one of us BEing more loving to self and to others. As our collective Love frequency rises, the more people will be impacted, and the more souls will feel and hear the Call to respond to and activate their own Love medicine into and throughout the world.

The months ahead will be challenging, we will be asked to make unfamiliar changes that may not feel comfortable (to begin with), but if we remember that we are loved, guided and supported by the Divine Feminine, then how can we go wrong? Any step towards Love is a step away from anything that is not-love.

The soothing of the Soul

The celestial realms will be supporting us with energies that have the potential to not only guide us to, but also through our personal and collective transformation and ascension processes.

Throughout this time, we may feel ungrounded, directionless, confused, shut-out, be tempted to revisit old loves/relationships in order to feel some sense of groundedness or stability, and (hopefully) we will recognise that we are coming face to face with old habits, patternings, and limitations that can and will ultimately lead to the freedom that we’ve been seeking.

There is a LOT going on - not only within, but also in the world around us. Our Power is realised when we recognise that WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Individually, it is up to us to accept the invitation to make the changes that have so often come knocking at our door, only to be ignored or pushed away.

Descending in order to rise: re-membering our Sacred Feminine medicine

The Divine Feminine is poised and ready to support our descent into the underworld. She lights the way, placing markers at specified points along the way to remind you of your personal Path. These markers will remind you of your Divine Love, Power, Wisdom and Medicine as you trace once familiar - yet possibly forgotten - steps.

You travel not alone, but under the loving guidance of the Galactic Sacred Feminine Consciousness. I will share some of the keywords for these expressions of the Sacred Feminine, to support your own inner work, but please also do your own research as you feel guided:

Eris - Goddess of strife and discord; feminine Warrior energy in pursuit of soul intention and purpose; rebellion; struggle for survival; willing to fight to make a stand; violence as a potential way to make change/shift happen;

Eris poses the questions:

For what do you make a stand?

For whom do you fight?

Vesta - Hearth Sister; Goddess of the hearth and home; keeper of the sacred eternal flame; self-regeneration; self-containment of the feminine nature as virgin (complete in oneself); ability to focus energy and experience wholeness of self; polarities of devotion/fanaticism;

Vesta poses the question:

How might you integrate devotion to self-regeneration as a practice?

Juno - Goddess of love and marriage; associated with women’s health, fertility, and childbirth; commitment to the other; transformation into co-operative union; conscious union; polarities of intimacy/manipulation;

Juno poses the question:

What is your capacity for meaningful relationships and commitment to another person?

Kali - Goddess of war, destruction and creation; wholeness and healing; associated with repressed female power and sexuality; symbolises Mother Nature in that she is timeless and formless; represents the creation of life and the universe;

Kali poses the question:

How present are you to the transformational cycles of life-death-rebirth in and of your life?

Lilith - Goddess of the Dark Moon; associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and hidden knowledge; independence; represents the liberated feminine, ecstatic sexuality, and integrity; personal sexual power; repressed anger; polarities of consent/manipulation and/or violence;

Lilith poses the question:

How does resentment and/or repressed anger control and manipulate the way you show up in your life?

Venus - Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility; creatrix; represents reproductive energy; magnetic desirability; awakens the impulse to life; primal mother of all ongoing creation;

Venus poses the questions:

What are you creating as a representation of love for self and for the world?

Where is your creative/reproductive energy focused?

Pallas Athene - Goddess of wisdom and warfare; Warrior Daughter; represents creative intelligence; transformation by destruction and renewal of life structures; knowledge of the laws of manifestation; creative generation of mental forms; polarities of courage/fear;

Pallas Athene poses the questions:

What are the conditions that you have placed/had placed by others around success and femininity?

How does it show up in your life?

Ceres - Great Mother; Mother Creatrix; Earth Mother; nurturing; unconditional love; keeper of the secret of the great mystery of birth, death and renewal; represents the ability to unconditionally love and accept self and others; transformative processes of loss and return; polarities of compassion/anger;

Ceres poses the question:

How are you providing for your fundamental human needs?

Their combined consciousness will have you encountering aspects of self that have been abandoned, neglected, ignored, abused, vindicated, transformed, transmuted, healed, regenerated, allowing all of YOU to awaken into - and claim - your wholeness once more.

You rise with your gifts and medicine activated. The Grandmother illuminates your path as you re-emerge from your journey through the underworld.

Some of the archetypes you may awaken on your journey: Warrior/Warrioress; Inner Child; Maiden, Mother and Crone aspects; Queen/Empress; High Priestess and so many more. These aspects of feminine consciousness are here to not only help you to re-member, but to teach, to learn, to guide, to love, to creatively express your S/self in whichever way is harmonically balanced with and for your Sacred Essence, and with the particular medicine that you are here to share with the world.

This coming Galactic Year is one that is filled with promise. There will be challenges, but blessings too. It will be a year that provides us with the tools and resources that we need to make an impact and perhaps even create a legacy that future generations may build upon.

We don’t know how we may be called, or what we may be called to do, but what I can say for certain is that we won’t be the same people we are in this very moment.

Deep transformation, life-changing revelations, crumbling foundations, unfoldment, alignment, building of new, sustainable structures is what awaits us, all of us as we continue to ascend to higher levels of the consciousness spiral.

Brave are those who begin the transformation process on their own terms.

The time has come for us to take charge of our life, to be the Light, the Wayshower,

the Leaders of and for the Golden Age.

And those, Luminous Ones, are the underlying energies for this new Galactic Year. Take what resonates, explore what arouses curiosity, and leave the rest.

Be gentle with yourself. Be present in your unfolding.

I see you. I love you. I AM YOU.

💜 Vanda xx

© Vanda Costa 2023

** Dates and times used: Melbourne, AEST

I’m a DM or email away if you have any questions. If you feel guided to book a Transmission - my calendar is now open for bookings if you are ready to recover and receive the wisdom of your Soul.


1:1 Soul Guidance sessions are NOW AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT for the month of August, please contact me - via the Contact page or email: to arrange your session.

In honour of the Galactic New Year and in preparation for the Lion’s Gate, I'm offering a further 5% off ALL PRODUCTS with a minimum $50 spend.

Valid until 11:59 pm on Monday 31 July 2023 AEST.

Code to use at checkout: PRODUCTS-5%-OFF


Minimum spend of $50 - exclusive of postage. Not transferable. Code can be used as many times as you’d like until 11.59pm on Wednesday 26 July 2023. Can be used for crystals, books, oracle decks, jewellery. Australian orders only. Every purchase includes an intuitively selected gift.

I trust that this has been supportive.

If you'd like to contribute an energy exchange for this offering, I'd be deeply grateful.

If at this time, this is not something that you are able to do,

then I'd welcome any feedback that you'd like to share.

In loving gratitude for all that you are.

© Vanda Costa 2023

Let's connect on social media:

Find me on Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel and if you're ready to keep delving deeply into the unfolding energetics, you can request to join me on my private Instagram profile: @cosmic_heart_sacred_journey


This transmission is intended to support your sacred journey.

This transmission, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this transmission has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live a heart-centred and soul-inspired life, contact me or book a transmission with me so that I can support your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating new modalities into any health and well-being program.


About my work…

I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.

I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space helping my client to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.

My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.

© Vanda Costa 2021

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