Leo New Moon Transmission
Pisces Full Moon transmission
31 August 2023 @ 11:36 am (AEST)
31 August 2023 @ 2:36 am London/BST / 30 August 2023 @ 9:36 pm NY/ EDT
With seven celestial bodies currently in retrograde, this Pisces Full Moon brings an intensity to feelings, emotions and all that’s been hidden in the shadows previously. Retrogrades come with built-in blessings: opportunities to reflect, review, reconsider, reconnect, reignite, re-member and recall the gift of our Soul and the lessons that it has incarnated to experience through us.
Grandmother Moon in Pisces offers the gift of transformation and transmutation - IF we don’t turn to numbing, avoidance and dissociation in an attempt to deal with what surfaces. She deeply stirs our feeling nature.
Our emotional bodies and intuition are being fine-tuned to sense what is in need of our love, affection and attention, and to integrate new internal processes to facilitate our unique alchemical process as we prepare for next level revelations and expansion.
This process can be incredibly uncomfortable as we become aware of the places within self where we deprive ourselves of love or have been taught to place others over self. There is a LOT to be recovered from these areas in the presence and embrace of the Goddess: Love, Grace, Presence, peace, ease, flow, crystalline transmissions, Source-directed activations, and so much more - and She offers it freely for those who have been preparing to receive and surrender to the process with an open heart.
We are learning - or perhaps remembering - HOW to feel and be present with our feelings and emotions without numbing ourselves. These lessons come in waves and in varying degrees of intensity, potency and overwhelm; be gentle with self as you navigate the coming days, weeks and months.
We have around six months left of this cycle - which commenced at the Pisces New Moon on 20 February - to establish new physical and spiritual routines and rituals, and to recognise and accept that ALL of this IS a part of our journey and Purpose and that none of it should be discarded without gratitude for its presence in our life.
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With Grandfather Sun continuing His journey through Virgo, we are reminded of the power of intention and service to self as we align and connect with the deeper values and the rituals that support the flow of Source energy through our physical vessels and daily life.
Our path continues to be illuminated to support and nurture us as we step more confidently onto the path of Divine Service. On this path nothing is lacking, we are provided for in every moment, even though the ego and mind may tell and see a different story.
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Grandmother Moon, in her watery element, offers the nurturance and love that we need as we deepen into the mysteries of the Sacred Heart. This path requires us to surrender all that we cling to that gives us a sense of belonging and status in the physical world - the things and the stories that have lined and padded our lives and offered a false sense of protection.
As we deepen into the realm of Pisces, spirituality can offer a soft place to fall, but can also offer a place to hide away and detach from the things that cause dis-ease, discord and dissonance in the world and within self. It might be helpful to decide ahead of time what you will choose for self - empowerment or avoidance.
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There is a cellular regeneration taking place - how deeply we feel its influence will depend upon the work we’ve done and what we’re willing to do as we are called more deeply onto the path and into Presence.
Different stages and symptoms of this regeneration can show up as: heart palpitations; a sense of being out-of-body; losing connection to our sense of self and who we have thought ourselves to be; emotional and mood fluctuations; a sense of discombobulation; generalised malaise; mind/brain fog; floatiness/ungroundedness; exaggerated ego impulses; procrastination; avoidance; desiring isolation and seclusion; daydreaming; dedication to self or a cause; devotion to self or a cause; over-sleeping; insomnia; and even a full-body sense of energetic and physical vessel template upgrades to name a few.
Pay attention to your intuition as it will guide you to what you most need to support this alignment and ascension process. What is needed to facilitate shift can most often be a simple yet small change in routine, a decision or choice. Play around with your newly actualised powers, see just how transformative they - and YOU - are!
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Venus is coming to the end of Her retrograde cycle (23 July - 4 September), so prepare yourself for an influx of whatever hasn’t yet been addressed in the realm of relationships. Whilst She offers support for and within relationship with others, it is Her gift of transmutation within the relationship to and with S/self that is truly phenomenal.
Keep your heart open to Her love and Her gifts as Venus prepares you for deeper revelations, realisations and acceptance of your Divine Healed Essence. Venus will be in Her post-shadow period from 4 September - 7 October so you have plenty of time for Her medicine to weave with your own in the co-creation of your potent new Sacred Heart Medicine template for s/Self and the world.
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Key themes and energetic influences of this Pisces Full Moon:
Realisation of one’s spiritual and physical sovereignty; self-acceptance; illusion; revelation; awakening; embodiment of multidimensional gifts and abilities; ritual; health; illness as a path to the recovery of one’s medicine; devotion; dedication; heightened sensitivity; water retention; foot issues; cellular regeneration; energetic template upgrades; transformation; transmutation; illumination; luminescence; Divine Service; energetic sustainability; re-evaluating lifestyle choices and decisions; deepening into relationship with s/Self; Love; Grace; Presence; harmonic balance within relationship with s/Self; integrity; Power; gathering of one’s Power; Soul Purpose activations; Sacred Contract revelations; energetic flow; Divine alignment; Sacred Medicine; awareness of multidimensional presences.
Archetypal energetics and influences:
Victim; Martyr; Mother/Matriarch; Divine/Sacred Mother; Inner Child - Orphan,Wounded, Magical, Innocent, Nature, Puer/Puella Eternis; Servant - Divine and Indentured; Addict; Creative; Co-creator; Damsel; Healer; Wounded Healer; Mystic; Dreamer.
Purity of Soul; alchemy; illusion; maya; creativity; guiding dreams; dream visitations.
And those, Luminous One, are the underlying energies for this Pisces super blue Full Moon at the midpoint of the Leo lunar month. Take what resonates, explore what arouses curiosity, and leave the rest.
Be gentle with yourself. Be present in your unfolding.
I see you. I love you. I AM YOU.
💜 Vanda xx
© Vanda Costa 2023
** Dates and times used: Melbourne, AEST
I’m a DM or email away if you have any questions. If you feel guided to book a personal Transmission - my calendar is now open for bookings if you are ready to recover and receive the wisdom of your Soul.
1:1 Soul Guidance sessions are NOW AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT for the month of September, please contact me - via the Contact page or email: vandacostachannel@gmail.com to arrange your session.
I trust that this has been supportive.
If you'd like to contribute an energy exchange for this offering, I'd be deeply grateful.
If at this time, this is not something that you are able to do,
then I'd welcome any feedback that you'd like to share.
In loving gratitude for all that you are.
© Vanda Costa 2023
Let's connect on social media:
Find me on Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel and if you're ready to keep delving deeply into the unfolding energetics, you can request to join me on my private Instagram profile: @cosmic_heart_sacred_journey
This transmission is intended to support your sacred journey.
This transmission, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.
If something from this transmission has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live a heart-centred and soul-inspired life, contact me or book a transmission with me so that I can support your healing journey transformation.
I am here to support you.
DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating new modalities into any health and well-being program.
About my work…
I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.
I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space helping my client to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.
My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.
© Vanda Costa 2021