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🌕 Full Moon: 29 March 2021

Writer's picture: © Vanda Costa© Vanda Costa

29 March 2021 - Full Moon in ♎ Libra @ 5.48am Melbourne AEDT

28 March 2021 @ 7.48pm London BST / 28 March 2021 @ 2.48pm New York EDT

The Full Moon is the midpoint of the lunar cycle - at this stage of the cycle we are called to look at the full picture of what it is that we are working towards or dealing with in our life.

When Grandmother Moon reaches 100% illumination there is not much that will remain hidden from us. At the same time, if we focus too much on one area we will be doing ourselves a disservice because we will effectively be preventing ourselves from seeing the full picture, which is where the details reside. Be mindful of what it is that you’re working on or have in front of you, but also pay attention to what’s taking place around you as this will also inform the overall situation.

At the Full Moon and up to two to three days after, the energies are great for finishing up the task at hand - the projects and tasks that we’ve been working on since the New Moon or even from an earlier cycle - remember not everything that is started at the New Moon is meant to be completed by the Full Moon of the same lunar cycle; each project has its own time frame and life cycle, yet we sometimes forget that this is the case and attempt to take on way too much, which leads to overwhelm as well as physical, emotional and mental dis-ease.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, panicky or anxious, take some time and see what ACTUALLY needs to get done, and leave the rest for another time. Leave some space in your schedule for YOU as your sleep may be affected. Unresolved emotions usually surface at this time in the lunar cycle, so ensure that you factor in some you-time so that you can recharge your batteries.

Libra energies…

Libra likes balance, harmony, beauty, and peace at all costs. Depending on their natal chart, some Libra natives will have more of a tendency to surround themselves with luxurious items that reflect just how much value they place on status and ‘looking the part’, ensuring that they always look immaculate - on the outside at least - the inside might be a different story altogether.

Other Libra natives, will be happy and at peace in more modest surroundings, knowing and feeling that a sense of energetic balance and comfort is what’s most important to them.

Libra likes to look at all sides of a situation before offering their opinion - this is why they’re often depicted as indecisive, when the truth is that they just want to ensure that all involved parties will be getting a fair deal. If you ask a Libra for advice and they give it, know that they’ve considered all aspects and possibilities before offering it. It's important to make sure that you acknowledge the time and energy that they’ve invested in some way as an energy exchange so that there's a sense of harmonic balance surrounding the encounter or interaction.

When it comes to romance, it’s often said that Libra is in love with the idea of love. Whilst this might be true, many are also aware of the importance of feeling supported, heard and accepted as they are, and will have no problem preferring to love themselves rather than accepting less than they deserve in an unfulfilling relationship or partnership.

🌕 Full Moon in Libra energies…

I'll begin this transmission by saying that this is an incredibly sacred time - especially here on Earth. At this time of the year there is an increased inflow of Christ Consciousness energies, lightcodes, DNA activations and integrations that are taking place. This year sees an exponential increase from recent years as more souls are being called to honour their Sacred Contract, Purpose and Work.

If you're feeling out of sorts, be gentle, kind and loving with and to yourself. The changes that you are undergoing on an energetic level cannot be comprehended by the mind. Allow for, and create some space and time in your day to honour the needs of your divine physical vessel. It's time to find your harmonic balance.

If you have a tendency to spiral into the "but...I still have so much to do before I step up", remember that that's old programming, and even if you were to run with it - mindlessly and/or out of habit - you'd find that you'd soon run out of steam/excuses. So, if you're ready to hear this from outside of yourself, here it is:

It is time to get started. It's time to awaken to the Call that you know has been speaking to you. It doesn't matter what you've done, what you believe needs to be completed, or even what you believe you'd like to do before you get started. The time has arrived. NOW is the time to begin taking the steps, responding to the divine guidance and the directives that are stirring within you, awakening your dormant aspects of Self, so that you may honour the Work that you've come here to do.

It's time to stop frittering away your time on things that deplete your energy and vitality, and do what you need to do to be begin feeling the excitement for the Work that you're here to do. Take your spiritual practices to a deeper level if you're finding it challenging to stay in the zone and flow of your passion.


This sacred portal where we now find ourselves is the mid-point of the cycle which commenced in mid-October 2020 at the Libra New Moon, and will close at the Libra New Moon in late-September 2022.


It's interesting to note that at this Full Moon, every sign is partially in it's ruling (native) house placement (I'm working to AEDT) which indicates some pretty intense - albeit super supportive, when harnessed intentionally - energies.

We may feel as though we're entering this Easter period with new inner conflict brewing - and whilst that's true to some effect, there's a lot more beneath the surface than meets the eye - isn't there always? Whilst a lot of what we're experiencing feels new, it's actually stuff that our mind/ego is re-purposing. Why? Well, it's worked to keep us pretty much immobilised in the past and the hope is that this is how we will remain...until it comes up with new and inventive ways to keep us from evolving.

The more chaotic things feel on the inside, the greater the indication that major restructuring is taking place within, this will enable our response to our directives from this moment to arise from a more centred and aligned energetic space.

The advice: do NOT take major action - when the outcomes directly affect others - when you're feeling raw and vulnerable.

Raw and vulnerable are states that we're going to become extremely familiar with over the coming weeks as the Sun settles into Aries AND in the lead up to the Aries New Moon on 12th April.

Once again, (at this Full Moon) we find ourselves at another mid-point; this one of building pressure that will lead to the revelation of a new sense of self (of the ego) as well as of the Divine Self, as more and more of our divine aspects take a more pronounced role in and of our lives.


At this stage in our evolution, we are being called to find our unique harmonic balance - it's up to each one of us to discover, recover and begin to consciously reintegrate this into our awareness so that we can effect greater change and shift in our inner and outer worlds.

Our medicine will now become more prominent in more aspects of our life. Be the Observer as this unfolds in your world. BEing more of our Divine Essence - even as the human parts of self express themselves - will become the norm.


With the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra, we find levels of inner conflict and discord surfacing for attention, love, affection, acknowledgement and where necessary, acceptance, and that will be particularly uncomfortable.

These inner conflicts do have the potential to be reflected and projected in the world around us, so do take a moment to gather yourself, giving yourself the opportunity to respond rather than react.

Tensions are high, egos amplified. Pay attention to the mind games that you initiate as well as those in which you find yourself being called to participate. There's a LOT to be gained by noticing the power plays in and of our lives, and the solar and lunar energies are primed to help us to see, feel and know what's out of alignment so that we can step into the next layer of medicine that's presenting for awareness and well as guiding us into the next phase of response-ability.

Relationships may unravel and dissolve at this time - if that's what's happening in your life, if you're honest with yourself, this won't be a surprise. If you're still in denial about the place, relevance and even importance of a relationship, then the next few weeks have will be super challenging, eye- and heart-opening.

Take time to be alone to shift through the thoughts, feelings, emotions, opportunities, and potentials of any either/or scenarios that come to your attention. Give yourself until a few days after the Full Moon to make your decision and take any necessary subsequent action.

Remember: the most important relationship is the one that you have with yourSelf/self - how are you showing up for yourself? How are you treating yourself? Is your cup full or empty? Are you neglecting your needs to serve others? Are you rested? Are you in a state of ease? Are you frazzled and stressed? Are you close to burning out? Where are YOU on your list of priorities?

Your responses will tell you all you need to know to begin making loving and gentle changes in your life for yourself. If you're not valuing and honouring yourself, why would anyone else?


In addition to all of this...

At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun, Venus, and Chiron are meeting up in the same degree of Aries, bringing our focus to the parts of our Divine Healed Essence to which our human essence is aligning. Here we see, feel and may even be able to touch, the healing that we have reclaimed as we re-member our Divine Healed Essence.

What this means: we are already healed, but our conditioning has shielded us from this memory, which can result in some painful, challenging and disarming realisations and revelations that our human struggles to comprehend as the unfolding takes place.

These conditions leave us feeling raw and vulnerable, as the forgotten memories of our Divine Healed Essence, and the disconnected state that we have adopted between our human self and spiritual Self all come to the fore.

We can no longer ignore the parts of our divinity that are speaking to and showing up for us. We are being asked to re-member our divinity, knowing that our human essence is flawsome, and this is our superpower. The blessing is that we are both human and divine, and everything that comes to our awareness from this moment on has been designed to help us to deepen into this magickal unfoldment and re-membering; the portal of which we are about to, or have recently stepped through and into.

Take a moment, allow the medicine of this last passage to flow through you.


Full Moon in Libra energies for business…

Feeling into the business energies: we are very much being reminded to be the student and the teacher - there is always more to learn, and there is always more to teach. Even though the structures of what teaching looks and feels like are changing, the underlying energies are very much about a coming together, a culmination, a merging of our gifts, talents, abilities, knowledge, and the wisdom that comes when we weave all of this together.

We have reached a point in our evolution where we no longer rely solely on the external to show, and often teach us what we need to know. There is so much untapped knowledge and wisdom - ours and the Divine's - that we have yet to access. Thankfully, we are beginning to re-member that we have access to all that we desire, and that the way to that knowledge and wisdom is to go in and through our own inner repositories.


We may stumble when we take notice of other people's judgements and criticisms, it is after all the way that we've operated for a long time, so if you do find yourself confronted by your own perceptions of what you believe others think about you and/or what you're doing in the world, then take a moment, remember that YOU are the only one who has walked your path. Only YOU can determine your next step, only YOU can decide and choose which opinion matters more - theirs or yours, and only YOU get to live with the consequences of making heart- and soul-aligned choices for YOU and your life.

Side note: being in relationship with others serves both parties when there is balance, compassion, trust, and a common goal or vision, not when one is suffering at the expense of another.

Many will feel called to study or deepen into existing paths of study, many will feel called to express themselves in new and previously unexplored ways, some will fall victim to the voices in their heads that dictate what they should/shouldn't be doing, and others will bravely and courageously take steps towards that something bigger that speaks to them, without intellectually understanding 'why' or 'how'; and that's where we are right now: we're walking the territory of faith, belief and trust in the Divine - and that includes the inner divine aspects of Self - even when, especially when we don't know or cannot see what's up ahead.

As we meld into this newly realised version of self/Self, we begin to experience the miracles that manifest in our lives: new opportunities, new/different methodologies, new/different strengths, new/different - more potent - medicine that flows energetically and physically through us. This truly is the Age of Miracles.

Be present in the magickal unfolding of your Sacred and Divine Purpose over the coming hours, days, weeks and months.

If you need support as you navigate the current energies, I'm here to help you to connect to the Soul of your business.

Book yourself in for a Business Alignment Reading and we'll get you sorted and on track with guided action steps to take and you'll leave feeling a deeper connection to your business and her potential.

I am available for email readings ONLY until the end of the year - select your reading and the first available time via the SERVICES page.

If you get stuck or need some clarity about how these energies are playing out for you, take a look at the SERVICES page and book yourself in for a reading with me and we’ll begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic threads that are preventing you from showing up in your life as you feel called to.

You can now get this month's Lunar Month Energy Reading in PDF format - currently taking a break. Stay tuned for a new format in 2020!

Follow me on social media:

Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.

If you’re having trouble deciphering your body or Soul's messages, book yourself in for a reading and we’ll begin to identify, unravel and dissolve the messages so that you can step into a greater sense of awareness and freedom.


This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.

This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating new modalities into your health and well-being program.

** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **

Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...


The Soul Guidance reading is a powerful reading that delves into your energetic template - we look at the psychological and astrological energetic influences to help you to understand what’s going on in your life from your Soul's perspective.

You'll receive the guidance and information that you need to help you make a decision, or understand a particular theme or lesson that you’re experiencing.

This detailed reading is available as:

  • a 30 minute channelled email reading that can be sent to you in written or audio format - please select your option on the Booking Form

  • a 1 hour Zoom session

  • a 1.5 hour Zoom session

If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 7 - 14 business days.

Purchase your reading here

About my work…

I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.

I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space for heart-centred, intuitive women; helping them to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.

My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.

© Vanda Costa, 26 March 2021

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