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🌕 Full Moon: 30 November 2020

Writer's picture: © Vanda Costa© Vanda Costa

30 November 2020 - Full Moon in ♊ Gemini@ 8.29pm Melbourne AEDT

30 November 2020 @ 9.29am London GMT / 30 November 2020 @ 4.29am New York EST

The Full Moon is the midpoint of the lunar cycle - at this stage of the cycle we are called to look at the full picture of what it is that we are working towards or dealing with in our life.

When Grandmother Moon reaches 100% illumination there is not much that will remain hidden from us. At the same time, if we focus too much on one area we will be doing ourselves a disservice because we will effectively be preventing ourselves from seeing the full picture, which is where the details reside. Be mindful of what it is that you’re working on or have in front of you, but also pay attention to what’s taking place around you as this will also inform the overall situation.

At the Full Moon and up to two to three days after, the energies are great for finishing up the task at hand - the projects and tasks that we’ve been working on since the New Moon or even from an earlier cycle - remember not everything that is started at the New Moon is meant to be completed by the Full Moon of the same lunar cycle; each project has its own time frame and life cycle, yet we sometimes forget that this is the case and attempt to take on way too much, which leads to overwhelm as well as physical, emotional and mental dis-ease.

So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, panicky or anxious, take some time and see what ACTUALLY needs to get done, and leave the rest for another time. Leave some space in your schedule for YOU as your sleep may be affected. Unresolved emotions usually surface at this time in the lunar cycle, so ensure that you factor in some you-time so that you can recharge your batteries.

Gemini energies…

Gemini is ruled by Mercury and is the communicator of the zodiac. Gemini natives are thinkers and are quite quick to adapt to what comes their way with their amazing ability to think on their feet.

Gemini is curious, intellectual and always coming up with new ideas. They like to share their knowledge with others and can often be found with their nose in a book or having intriguing discussions, but are also known for their ability to shift from topic to topic as their attention flows from one inspired idea to another - often leaving their audience confused by the speedy change of direction as well as the amount of questions that have been raised by their dialogue.

Gemini might not be the best conversationalists, but they do like to cover a range of topics and they do have a knack for gathering a lot of trivial facts and anecdotes. It’s not that they’re flighty - although they might come across that way - but they’re so quick and mentally agile, that it leaves those in their company feeling slightly inadequate, not to mention baffled.

Travel - whether abroad or local, will almost always be on Gemini's agenda. Not liking to be stuck in one place for too long, they like to experience life, and more often than not, like to take others along with them.

When the highest virtues of Gemini are harnessed, deep, stimulating conversation with curious and like-minded souls is a delight and has the potential to be transformative. Topics covered will help those involved to explore the possibilities that exist in the world around us - the intention being that the Gemini native wants to leave the world a better place. Expect the mundane to be made clear when the native Gemini is harnessing the highest vibration of this sign.

🌕 Full Moon in Gemini energies…

This Full Moon is also a lunar eclipse which explains why things feel super disjointed right now. Let's explore the energies and the medicine of this Gemini Full Moon, shall we?

You may be feeling that you don't know just how much longer you can go, nor how much more you can take with these particular Full Moon energies - especially when an eclipse is thrown into the mix. But there is always some medicine to be uncovered and recovered amid what feels like the most challenging of struggles, so don't give up right now; absolutely pull back if you're feeling depleted, tend to yourself, honour yourself/Self in any way that you can.

This is temporary. Remind yourself of this as the Moon travels through Cancer from Wednesday to Friday as anything that's unresolved will feel even more clunky, especially when it is related to feminine issues and energies.

The struggle will feel more intense if we have unresolved Victim wounds, so if it all gets too much, take a nap or get to bed earlier as there is a LOT of processing to be done when the conscious mind is temporarily out of the way and when the body is at rest.


There is ALWAYS a silver and a golden lining...

The Sun in Sagittarius wants us to acknowledge and bathe in the glory that is our divine abundance - you've done such deep, inner work this year, and it's time to reap the rewards. Take some time to acknowledge who you are today and how far you've come, only glancing back to gather the breadcrumbs that have brought you to where you are today.

The more resistant you feel, the more clunky things appear, the more physically and emotionally depleted you feel, the deeper the processing that's taking place - which is why it's necessary to make rest your number one priority this week.

Karmic resolution is taking place - not karmic in the way that we've been taught about receiving what you put out in terms of the fear-based programming that we've received, but rather karmic in the sense of redeeming the acceptance and recognition of the abundance that is ours to experience. There's an ancestral element to this too, so if you feel your ancestor's presence strongly, or you feel called to work with them, then honour this nudge and acknowledge their presence - whatever that looks like to and for you at this stage of your journey.


Underlying energies and elements

There's an underlying element of spiritual illusion making its way through the collective, those who are empathic souls will be feeling this more intensely, please remember that it's not yours to take on!

There's a deep transformation taking place that is blurring the timelines and energetic templates of the old and new paradigm - imagine looking at a hot surface on a summer's day, seeing the energetic ripples as the heat bounces off the surface, and that's what this feels like.

Some may experience episodes of vertigo-like symptoms that will require - yep, you guessed it - some time off your feet. This slight adjustment of vibrations will also feel as though your mind is being extra deceiving, so utilise these opportunity to do the inner work right there on the spot - ask the questions, interview the symptoms and sensations, see where they lead.

The big themes for this Gemini Full Moon are: the breakdown of illusion - spiritual, physical, energetic, local, global, etc.; realising the importance of nurturing and nourishing the physical vessel so that she can support our spiritual work; awareness and acceptance of the abundance that surrounds us - no matter how the outer circumstances are showing up, shift IS taking place; greater awareness of the confines of old traditions that no longer hold any power and/or relevance - this isn't to say that they didn't at some point in time, it's just that from this moment on, we are co-creating a new experience for ourselves and for those with whom we have a Sacred Contract of Service; there's also a highlighted energetic recalibration point that is allowing us to tread several dimensions at the same time, which may lead to sensations of discombobulation as we discover our energetic feet so to speak - imagine standing on a body board in the water as you attempt to find your centre of gravity so that you can balance yourself, and you'll get an idea of what this will feel like.


Full Moon in Gemini energies for business…

Even before I started tuning in for this reading, I sensed that there is a surprise for spiritual business that's making its way through the galactic templates - my impression was that it can be one or more of the following: reaping the rewards/harvest of something that was set in motion many, many moons ago - different lifetimes and dimensions are also included; a revelation that has the potential to upturn everything that you thought was fixed and immovable; a union of a particular higher aspect of Self that brings in and anchors the necessary energies, elements, people, circumstances, etc. that your human aspect is now ready to embody.

That this is very deep, galactic medicine that has been calling to you to help you to awaken to your lineage and legacy - here at this present time and in this present form - from the farthest corners of the multiverse. This may take some time to integrate, anchor and manifest, but if you happen to remember this post when this magick takes place, please do contact me - I'd love to hear about it!

What about money, finances and prosperity?

There's a BIG flow of abundance that's available to us until a few days before Christmas that I'm being asked to speak to: They say until a few days before Christmas which doesn't mean that the flow will be cut off after that point, but it does mean that if we listen to the whispers of our Soul, if we honour the nudges, if we reduce the load so that we are only doing what is necessary and what absolutely lights us up, then we will be perfectly placed to lay and secure the next holographic layer of this new foundation that we are co-creating for ourselves and our businesses.

This is not about us, it is for us. So, stop placing obstacles on your path, face the mindset stuff that surfaces then and there, and above all, have the courage to take that one next step - it's not about doing a million things and hoping that something lands - those days are so long gone that they're not even a speck on the map anymore.

It's time to trust yourself to do what you came here to do - without denying yourself the beauty that is this human experience.

This has all been written into your Contract, so please, please, please stop denying your worthiness to receive and indeed BE abundance. Stop deceiving yourself when it comes to the good that you do in the world - you do not need validation to prove your worth.

Allow your Soul to guide you - she knows exactly what you need, how it will come to you, and who you are to share it with. Make looking within your default so that you can take the next best step at any given time.

Stop playing small for those whose opinion doesn't matter. You've absolutely got this, gorgeous!

There's also some more juicy shadow energy channelled wisdom in a post from earlier this month: Exploring the Deeper Dimensions of Divine Feminine Consciousness with Black Moon Lilith.

If you need support as you navigate the current energies, I'm here to help you to connect to the Soul of your business.

Book yourself in for a Business Alignment Reading and we'll get you sorted and on track with guided action steps to take and you'll leave feeling a deeper connection to your business and her potential.

I am available for email readings ONLY until the end of the year - select your reading and the first available time via the SERVICES page.

If you get stuck or need some clarity about how these energies are playing out for you, take a look at the SERVICES page and book yourself in for a reading with me and we’ll begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic threads that are preventing you from showing up in your life as you feel called to.

Before you go...




I've created a powerful eJournal to help you to consciously reflect on 2019 and begin to call-in and feel into the energies and the potential of 2020 - for YOU and your business.

I hold space for you to explore what your Soul is ready to share with you and you show up - perhaps with a cuppa and your journal, oracle or Tarot cards, maybe even your crystals - and you work through this empowering eJournal in your own time.

I'll energetically guide you through 2019 to help you to consciously reflect on the year that was, helping you to put things into perspective, gathering the magic - your magic - along the way.

I'll also guide you to consciously call in 2020 so that you can start the year (and decade) off in a strong energetic space, in your ever-expanding sacred energetic container, knowing that everything that you dream of...and on its way to you, if it hasn't already arrived.

We'll break down 2020, quarter by quarter - so that you have a clear vision for your life and business for the year ahead.

Investment: $15.55 AUD

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You can now get this month's Lunar Month Energy Reading in PDF format - currently taking a break. Stay tuned for a new format in 2020!

Follow me on social media:

Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.

You've got this! (and I’m right here if you’re ready to make shift happen).

I'd love to connect with you over in my Facebook group:

Cosmic Heart - Cosmic Wisdom for the Feminine Heart - a sacred gathering place for Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Bridgers, Bridge-Keepers, Code Keepers, Space Holders, and Gate-Keepers.

Here we explore the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience.

Are you ready to delve deeper?

If you’re having trouble deciphering your body or Soul's messages, book yourself in for a reading and we’ll begin to identify, unravel and dissolve the messages so that you can step into a greater sense of awareness and freedom.

I am now available for email and 1:1 readings

select your reading and preferred times via the SERVICES page.


This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.

This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.

If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.

I am here to support you.

DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health and well-being program.

** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **

Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...


The Soul Guidance reading is a powerful reading that delves into your energetic template - we look at the psychological and astrological energetic influences to help you to understand what’s going on in your life from your Soul's perspective.

You'll receive the guidance and information that you need to help you make a decision, or understand a particular theme or lesson that you’re experiencing.

This detailed reading is available as:

  • a 30 minute channelled email reading that can be sent to you in written or audio format - please select your option on the Booking Form

  • a 1 hour Zoom session - NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL 2021

  • a 1.5 hour Zoom session - NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL 2021

If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 7 - 10 business days.

Purchase your reading here

About my work…

I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.

I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space for heart-centred, intuitive women; helping them to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.

My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.

© Vanda Costa, 30 November 2020

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