15 November 2020 - New Moon in ♏ Scorpio @ 4.07pm AEDT
15 November 2020 @5.07am London GMT / 15 November 2020 @12.07am New York EST
The New Moon and two to three days before for going within, to honour the darkness - the dark space/energy from which life is conceived; the feminine-creative energy.
Here is where we meet and (hopefully) sit with what is stirring within. It’s a time to slow down, not necessarily stop, a time to connect with and trust and honour your intuition.
Here is where we begin to feel into what our Soul requires from us for the lunar month ahead. And here is where all potential exists - this is where we begin to sense the dreams, visions and fears that have been awaiting the right time to surface.
The New Moon, for me is the time to sit and pay attention to the whispers of my Soul, to honour the needs of my body and Soul. It’s a time to recharge, to replenish my energy reserves and to begin to energetically prepare for the lunar month ahead.
It’s about two to three days after the New Moon, when the silver sliver of the Crescent Moon appears in the daytime sky, that it’s time to get clear on our goals for the coming month and begin to formulate a plan of action from what our Soul has been collecting and sharing during the Dark of Moon/New Moon time - allowing for ebbs and flows, shifts and changes.
♏ Scorpio energies…
Being a water sign, Scorpio is all about the Shadow - collective and personal, mystery, secrets, the occult, and emotions - not surface level emotions, but the deep emotions, the stuff that we tend (and prefer) not to look at and tuck into the darkest recesses of the Shadow realms. Shadow work is necessary for our growth and evolution and this is one of the signs that brings the most discomfort when we are avoiding or are afraid to look at our dual nature.
Scorpio helps us to delve deep into an exploration of the shadow realms, guiding us through the cycles of death and rebirth, sex and sexuality, passion, intensity and deep, life-changing transformation. With Scorpio we become acutely aware of the cycles in and of life.
Scorpio brings an element of mystery, seduction, sexuality, and an intense sensuality that can blind you to what's really going on - there's always more going on beneath the surface than you might be able to imagine.
When we harness high frequency Scorpio energies with positive intention, we are able to delve into the shadow realms to bring what lurks there into the light for transmutation. This is where we recover our power, reclaim our sacred gifts, and reunite with the aspects of Self/self that fuels us to live a passion-filled life.
When these energies are misused, you can expect emotional manipulation and intense power plays for personal gain rather than for the good of the collective.
Scorpio natives have the potential to be brooding and intriguing, but ask them something that’s too personal and they’ll let you know exactly what they think of your intrusion. They will not hesitate to sting you with their barb should they feel that you’ve crossed the line. It doesn’t even matter if it was unintentional, all that matters is that they’ve decided that YOU were inappropriate and now it's time for you to pay for that intrusion.
They like to delve into the realm of secrets - especially yours, the juicy ones that they will convince you to confess to them. They hold onto your secrets...until one day when they perceive that you’ve double crossed them, and then they’ll throw it all back at you, and possibly even share this confidential information with others.
Tread carefully around Scorpio - they might be gathering information rather than genuinely caring for you - it’s a very fine line with them. But of course, it depends upon their Natal Chart - we all have different celestial conversations going on in our charts.
🌑 New Moon in ♏ Scorpio
We have some super juicy energies at play this weekend with the Moon and the Sun in Scorpio - in addition, this New Moon is a Super Moon, meaning that emotions, feelings and sensitivities will be heightened. You will fare well if you decide to harness and respond to these energies and their medicine rather than jump into reactive fight or flight mode.
When Scorpio Moon energies feature as prominently as they are this weekend, there is a strong push towards sacrifice - so as you read the words that follow, see what surfaces for you and takes notes, or perhaps you already know what the celestial realms are supporting you to release?
In few cases it will be a physical sacrifice such as deciding to leave a situation in which one feels manipulated and/or trapped. For most, this sacrifice will relate to outdated values, emotions, relationship dynamics - including one's relationship with self, as well as choosing a more inspired mindset that leads to empowerment of Self/self over the depressive state that results when one resides in victim or martyr dynamics for too long.
Immersion in the occult - what is hidden - and experimentation with what was once perceived as taboo will help you to test your own (and other people's) boundaries as you delve deeper into the exploration of Self/self and your shadow realms as you alchemise recent energetic integrations.
Paying attention to what is surfacing from the collective Shadow will help to pinpoint what we need to look at on a more personal level - remember: as above, so below, as within, so without.
There's so much reflection and projection at this time that it won't take long until you find your most pressing aspects rising to the surface to be identified, acknowledged, (possibly and where necessary) accepted, and released for transmutation.
My attention is being taken to institutions - not limited to government and religion, and the revelations of secrets - some that may not be so secret anymore, but need to be outed for the next stage of collective healing and ascension. The uglier and messier things seem, the deeper the cleansing that's taking place.
For those who have neglected to do the inner work that their Soul has been asking over the last few months, this coming Scorpio lunar month (from now until the New Moon on 15 December) will be particularly challenging, so remember to increase the self-love and self-care!
It's also important to mention that Mars ends his retrograde journey on 14 November in the house of communication, so if tempers flare, you can expect heated conversations. Watch what you say as words that have been spoken cannot be taken back.
New Moon in Scorpio energies for business…
As I tune into the business energies what is immediately revealed is a heavy - but not immovable - depressive energy, despondency, apathy, and a general feeling of lacking direction, not only in business, but life too.
I'm being asked to remind you that there IS hope - there is ALWAYS hope!
If you're able to feel into any areas of life/business that create feelings of depression or hopelessness, see if you can tap into where and how these energetic threads show up, as well as where and how they begin to amplify so that you can trace them back to - or close to their origin point, or in the very least, the friction point.
These feelings aren't lingering - at least not in the way that they have been in the past. You may temporarily dip into them, or linger for a few hours at a time, depending on what's currently moving into and through your energy field and bodies.
When we feel stuck, trapped or listless, it's because our vitality is waning.
When our life force feels weak, it's imperative that we take some time away from what we are doing to replenish and recharge our energetic stores. Yes, this means stepping back and away from the business - whether it's for an hour, half a day, a full day, or even a few days of dedicated self-love and self-care. But you already know this, don't you!?
When we feel depressed, chances are that we are attempting to do the same thing over and over without any attention to what the situation/circumstance is asking of us.
Remember: you can FEEL depressed, you are NOT depressed.
Direct your attention to what brings feelings of joy, expansiveness, happiness, creativity and connectedness to the Divine and your own Divine Healed Essence - that part of you that knows what you most require at any moment. Stop trying to do it all yourself, you have at your disposal, a greater source of everything that you need at any given moment - it's time you started to harness this.
It's time to stop limiting and restricting yourself, your gifts and abilities. Step into the expansiveness that is your connection to the Divine.
⭐ These are the underlying energies for this lunar month so bear these in mind as you set your intentions for this lunar month over the coming days.
Don't forget to revisit the November Energies - in the 2020 Tarot Numerology Reading - to release the next layer of medicine that you are ready to recover, integrate and anchor.
Discover the gifts and the medicine of this Mercury retrograde in my latest offering...
Dedicated to the Divine Feminine Consciousness anchors who are re-membering and reawakening to their multidimensional truth - sensing it, accepting it, inviting it in, and anchoring it on the physical plane, to facilitate the reawakening of the Feminine Way for the Age of Miracles in all dimensions of space and time.
I am here to support you and your business - take a look at my Business Alignment Reading to see if it resonates with you. You aren’t meant to do this alone.
If you get stuck or need some clarity about how this is playing out for you, take a look at the new SERVICES page and book yourself in for a reading with me and we’ll begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic threads that are preventing you from showing up in your life as you feel called to.
Follow me on social media:
Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.
You've got this! (and I’m right here if you’re ready to make shift happen).
If you’re having trouble making progress with your dreams, goals or vision for your Self or your business, book yourself in for a reading and we’ll get to work on unravelling and dissolving the messages so that you can step into awareness and freedom ASAP.
I am available for email readings ONLY until late November - select your reading and the first available time via the SERVICES page.
Before you go...
I've created a powerful eJournal to help you to consciously reflect on 2019 and begin to call-in and feel into the energies and the potential of 2020 - for YOU and your business.
I hold space for you to explore what your Soul is ready to share with you and you show up - perhaps with a cuppa and your journal, oracle or Tarot cards, maybe even your crystals - and you work through this empowering eJournal in your own time.
I'll energetically guide you through 2019 to help you to consciously reflect on the year that was, helping you to put things into perspective, gathering the magic - your magic - along the way.
I'll also guide you to consciously call in 2020 so that you can start the year in a strong energetic space, in your ever-expanding sacred energetic container, knowing that everything that you dream of...and more...is on its way to you, if it hasn't already arrived.
We'll break down 2020, quarter by quarter - so that you have a clear vision for your life and business for the year ahead.
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This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.
This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.
If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.
I am here to support you.
DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health and well-being program.
** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **
Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...
The Soul Guidance reading is a powerful reading that delves into your energetic template - we look at the psychological and astrological energetic influences to help you to understand what’s going on in your life from your Soul's perspective.
You'll receive the guidance and information that you need to help you make a decision, or understand a particular theme or lesson that you’re experiencing.
If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 7 - 10 business days.
About my work…
I'm a Celestial Channel and Intuitive Mentor for heart-centred, intuitive women who are sick and tired - perhaps literally - of the old narrative that is running their life. We delve into the realms of the Divine Feminine and the Shadow, shining a light on your gifts and abilities so that you can harness your potential - whatever that looks like to and for you.
I facilitate the transformational process of the human-spiritual journey by channelling practical and grounded guidance in a sacred energetic space for heart-centred, intuitive women; helping them to understand and harness the celestial energies, enabling them to create an energetically sustainable life and business according to and in alignment with their Soul Contract.
My Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Galactic Divine Feminine Consciousness and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.
© Vanda Costa, 12 November 2020
#IntuitiveAstrology #VandaCelestialChannel #IntuitiveMentor #CelestialMovements #ShadowWork #ShadowReading #SoulAlchemy #CelestialWisdom #FeminineWisdom #CosmicWisdomForTheFeminineHeart #CosmicAlchemy #ReawakeningTheFeminineWay #DivineFeminine #IntuitiveReading #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #BusinessAlignment #EmbraceYourTruth #FeminineSoul #EnergyReading #HealingReading #TarotForTransformation #CelestialEnergies #MultiDimensionalWisdom #ReMemberingYourWholeness #ActivateYourInnerWisdom #DissolvingDisEase #SoulGuidedBusiness #ResponseAbility