24 March 2020 - New Moon in ♈ Aries @ 8.28pm AEDT
24 March 2020 @9.28pm London GMT / 24 March 2020 @5.28am New York EST
The New Moon and two to three days before for going within, to honour the darkness - the dark space/energy from which life is conceived; the feminine-creative energy.
Here is where we meet and (hopefully) sit with what is stirring within. It’s a time to slow down, not necessarily stop, a time to connect with and trust and honour your intuition.
Here is where we begin to feel into what our Soul requires from us for the lunar month ahead. And here is where all potential exists - this is where we begin to sense the dreams, visions and fears that have been awaiting the right time to surface.
The New Moon, for me is the time to sit and pay attention to the whispers of my Soul, to honour the needs of my body and Soul. It’s a time to recharge, to replenish my energy reserves and to begin to energetically prepare for the lunar month ahead.
It’s about two to three days after the New Moon, when the silver sliver of the Crescent Moon appears in the daytime sky, that it’s time to get clear on our goals for the coming month and begin to formulate a plan of action from what our Soul has been collecting and sharing during the Dark of Moon/New Moon time - allowing for ebbs and flows, shifts and changes.
♈ Aries energies…
Aries is symbolised by the ram and his ruling planet is Mars, so you can imagine that his energies are masculine and potentially destructive if not harnessed correctly, although his intention is always to leave the world a better place.
He offers us the ability to tune into our warrior energy - that part of us that is dedicated to the task at hand, the part of us that will keep going until something budges - but you can see how that might not always work out for our greatest good, right?
As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries has the tendency to make things all about him - much like a Leo, but with different qualities. Aries can, if pushed, become confrontational; the more positive aspect of this energy of his is his ability to question the status quo (to a certain extent) - the more he believes in himself - not so much the cause - the more energy and effort he’ll put into things in order to effect change. He’s most often the first to initiate change, as he just wants to get things done - he doesn’t understand the concept of procrastination.
A flaw, if we were to mention one is that Aries hardly ever thinks of others when it comes to matters of business - personal relationships might be different, although this is dependent upon his emotional involvement and attachment. In business, he gives his all because he believes in himself to get the job done and he truly believes that he is the only one who can do the job at hand and that others will only slow him down or do it wrong. His motto is, ‘I think, therefore I AM, I can and I will.’
🌑 New Moon in ♈Aries
At the time of the Aries New Moon, the Sun and Moon align to influence the 6th house - the area of our charts that’s associated with self-examination, self-improvement, detail oriented work, responsibility and service, health, caring for others, everyday routines and chores.
At this time - and remember that the energies at the time of the New Moon become the underlying energies for the lunar month - we may begin to feel confined, restricted, limited and bound by rules and regulations that impede our freedom, if only for a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things.
This seclusion that’s being enforced can be seen as something that we’re doing for the greater good, but at the same time, it brings to the surface unresolved anger, guilt, blame and shame that we feel when we are around family or those who push our buttons. If we were to look beyond the local environment, we can expect these emotions directed at the governing bodies and those whom we feel controlled by in any way, shape, or form.
There is a greater plan in action - despite the news and theories that are circulating - if we can begin to feel into what has brought us to this place and space in time, we can (hopefully) begin to see that we are in the midst of a planetary recalibration. Not a recalibration by Mother Earth - as is the case with natural disasters, but one that has been brought about to initiate a harmonic balance for humanity - as individuals as well as a collective, Mother Earth, the Universe and beyond.
Looking within: the tempers that build, the fires that are lit, the flames that are fanned, will all contribute to building the new world that we are here to construct. What we do with those energies will determine the kind of world that we are collectively building.
Some will attempt to hold tight to the old paradigms - it is, after all, all they know - these paradigms are dissolving at an exponential rate and cannot be rebuilt - this however, will not stop those who are stuck in those paradigms in some way, shape or form from holding tight to their beliefs; be prepared to see an ugly side of humanity, one that is driven by fear, and yes, it will be uglier than what we’ve already witnessed. That is what fear does to people.
I have faith that humanity will prevail. We will come together with a common vision - we are already beginning to see this - and the new world will begin to rise out of the ashes of the old. [You might feel called to research Phoenix Medicine.]
Remember - revisit my 2020 Tarot Numerology Reading on the blog to refresh your memory - that 2020 is NOT the beginning of the new decade, it is:
...the year that we transition from the past decade into the new - think of it as the period just before the seedling sprouts, it’s the period when all of the energies are focused beneath the earth, preparing the seedling for its debut.
Of course, before the seed can be planted, the foundation must be prepared...and so it is.
I also want to bring your attention to the March Tarot Numerology reading with the energetic influence of The Chariot and the underlying energy of The Tower - March is about self-mastery-in-action in times of chaos and (perceived) destruction.
This is not your first experience of this. Your cells remember a time when a cataclysmic event changed the course of life/existence as you knew it, forever changing the landscape of what was. Whether you were present in Atlantis, Lemuria, other civilisations, planets, or star systems at pivotal times, your cells remember - they have and will continue to re-member - awakening so that they may guide you through the changes that you are now facing.
Yes, it might feel super uncomfortable having to adjust to these new restrictions, but if we can keep our spirits high, tend to our minds, bodies and emotions, then we will be building our own stable foundation for the future.
Ask your friends for inspirational book or movie recommendations, utilise this time to reinforce your connection to your heart and Soul - yes, that does mean doing the inner work and tending to the Shadow stuff that arises. You don’t have to do this alone - I’m here, and I’ve no doubt that you’ve got a support system that you can call on to help you through any challenging times - build your community. Rise out of the ashes of the old world.
I feel compelled to mention:
Cleanliness and hygiene is a theme right now that is causing angst for many as well as highlighting where we may be lacking and need to clean up our act - figuratively and literally. On the other end of the scale, we see the extreme (shadow) of sterility, that in and of itself can and is causing anxiety in many that has the potential to mutate into something that will get out of hand in the mid- to long-term future. I'm seeing flare ups, inflammation and skin disorders that will persist until the emotional underlying cause is identified - which may not be considered until further down the line.
This is another reason to tend to our emotional health and to make it a high priority right now - we do, after all, have the time to do the inner work. It doesn’t have to be all Shadow Work, it can be as simple as questioning yourself when you come across a belief or pattern of behaviour that doesn’t seem or feel quite right anymore - you’ll know when you come across one because your body will respond and it will send you the signal that something is a little off. Feel free to reach out and I can walk you through it.
New Moon in Aries energies for business…
When I think about the potential for online business as a result of the awakening that we are moving through, I get excited because the benefits are immense and expansive.
But before we delve into this, take a moment and jot down what surfaces for you as you read the following prompts:
✍ How do I feel about my business right now? Explore and write down all of the feelings, emotions and beliefs that surface for you.
✍ Do I feel that she (my business) can support me and my needs right now? Jot down what surfaces and explore this while you’re in this energetic space.
✍ Do I feel that I can support my business and what she needs right now? Jot down what surfaces and explore this while you’re in this energetic space.
✍ If I were to be completely honest with myself, do I even WANT to be working on my business at this time? Why/why not? Explore this.
✍ If not, what other options are available to me right now? Explore what surfaces and take notes of any research or follow-ups you might be guided to make.
✍ If so, am I ready, or at least willing to explore what my business needs to LOOK and FEEL like now and into the next 3-6 months? Jot down 3-5 things that surface for you about any changes you could make. Keep it simple for now, you can explore and expand as you go.
✍ What can my business look like in 6 months time? In 12 months time? Jot down any thing that surfaces, i.e. things you might have to look out for, changes, pivots, tweaks, opportunities, etc.
I hope that has the juices flowing and you’re feeling nice and connected to your Soul and the Soul of your business!
Now, let’s see the potential that exists for spiritual online businesses as a result of this global reset…
We are already learning how to work from home - this is something that will continue to be offered once things are up and running again. In the past it always felt so challenging, but our hesitation only delayed the inevitable.
Now that we’re here, or should I say that now we’ve been forced into this new arrangement, we also unfortunately have many other factors to tend to at the same time. Things such as home-schooling for those who have children, having partners and other family members at home during times when the house might otherwise have been quiet, things like changing schedules, time restrictions and limitations, etc., are all influencing and impacting the way we do our work.
On the other hand, there is help at home, extra pairs of hands - yes, there may also be more of a mess as well, but many also have the help of a partner or live-in family members, and for those who are raising children on their own and working from home in some capacity, please, please, please reach out for support from family, friends, or co-workers - share the load - this isn’t something that we have to deal with on our own - we are all in the same boat.
It’s all about community, building strong foundations, being able to tap into a repository of knowledge, resources and maybe even job-sharing of some kind. Whatever the situation is now, regarding what working from home looks like, this is going to evolve over time, so make the most of the time that you have available to you.
We will need to look at ways to increase effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and find ways to harmonise that with family time, schooling, and other demands that arise, but this is not new to or for you - you’ve been multitasking and making all sorts of magick happen for years. You’ve absolutely got this, and we’re all here with you.
Here are some ways you can remain centred and do what you need to do:
reach out to your community for support and check-in on others to see if they might need anything;
find your balance point - this will change quite often, don’t expect to accomplish the same amount every day;
find your personal energetic cycle and rhythm - I’ll be creating something to help you with this as soon as possible!;
ensure that you’re not working from sunrise to sunset, or into the early hours of the next day - this is NOT sustainable and you will burnout and burn bridges this way;
make time for you - solo time! Do something just for you - find what works for you and determine how often you need it. Do NOT neglect yourself!
if you’ve got littlies, pay attention to their cues - they’re more connected to the rhythms of the world than you might realise; if they suggest you go outside, go outside - you might just be surprised by the gifts you receive by honouring that time;
make time for family and friends - socialise; yes, it might have to take place over FaceTime or Skype, but it’s still an important part of life that needs our love, attention and affection;
honour your Inner Child - there’s time for work and time for play - make yourself - all aspects of yourself - a priority.
Life as we know it is changing - I will be sharing more about this in my blog, newsletters and on social media as guided - but for now, I’m being asked to share that the way we were living our lives was NOT sustainable.
❗❗ I will be back tomorrow with a PDF that delves more deeply into the other energetic influences of this New Moon to help you to understand the deeper effects and potentials of our current transition for the coming month and beyond. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy, please email me and let me know that you want to be added to the mailing list or keep an eye out on my social media channels for the link to sign-up.
I am here to support you and your business - take a look at my Business Alignment Reading to see if it resonates with you. You aren’t meant to do this alone.
⭐ These are the underlying energies for this lunar month so bear these in mind as you set your intentions for this lunar month over the next day or two.
If you get stuck or need some clarity about how this is playing out for you, take a look at the new SERVICES page and book yourself in for a reading with me and we’ll begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic threads that are preventing you from showing up in your life as you feel called to.
You can get this lunar month's Celestial Movements Energy Readings over on my social media profiles: Vanda Costa Celestial Channel on FB and Vanda Celestial Channel on IG - links below.
Follow me on social media:
Facebook: @VandaCelestialChannel and Instagram: @VandaCelestialChannel where I share snippets of the monthly readings as well as the Celestial Movements Energy Readings to keep you up to date with the current energetic influences.
You've got this! (and I’m right here if you’re ready to make shift happen).
I'd love to connect with you in my Facebook group:
Cosmic Heart - Cosmic Wisdom for the Feminine Heart - a sacred space for women where I'll be sharing extra energy wrap ups and lots more lunar and celestial wisdom to help spiritual business women to harness the energies and step up and into the Work that you've come here to do.
If you’re having trouble making progress with your dreams, goals or vision for your Self or your business, book yourself in for a reading and we’ll get to work on unravelling and dissolving the messages so that you can step into awareness and freedom ASAP.
I am now available for email and video: face-to-face readings - select your reading and preferred times via the SERVICES page.
Before you go...
I've created a powerful eJournal to help you to consciously reflect on 2019 and begin to call-in and feel into the energies and the potential of 2020 - for YOU and your business.
I hold space for you to explore what your Soul is ready to share with you and you show up - perhaps with a cuppa and your journal, oracle or Tarot cards, maybe even your crystals - and you work through this empowering eJournal in your own time.
I'll energetically guide you through 2019 to help you to consciously reflect on the year that was, helping you to put things into perspective, gathering the magic - your magic - along the way.
I'll also guide you to consciously call in 2020 so that you can start the year in a strong energetic space, in your ever-expanding sacred energetic container, knowing that everything that you dream of...and more...is on its way to you, if it hasn't already arrived.
We'll break down 2020, quarter by quarter - so that you have a clear vision for your life and business for the year ahead.
Investment: $15.55 AUD
Delivery: immediate - via email
This intuitive energy reading is intended as a general guide only.
This intuitive healing reading, although general in nature, is infused with subtle healing energies that are intended to help to bring gentle awareness of what needs attention in and of your life. In doing so, your consciousness/awareness can begin to process and reveal what is out of alignment in and of your life without bringing on a healing crisis.
If something from this reading has brought something to your attention about a particular life area, recurring issue/situation or something that's causing dis-ease in your life, whether emotional or physical, and you're ready to dissolve the energies associated with it so that you can begin to live an authentic and inspired life, contact me or book a reading with me so that we can begin your healing journey transformation.
I am here to support you.
DISCLAIMER: this information is intended to be a guide and support and is purely informational. If you have health concerns, please see a medical professional. Always seek advice before incorporating crystals and essential oils into your health and well-being program.
** Follow me on Facebook or Instagram to get regular energy wrap ups, inspiration, lunar cycle information and lots more. **
Trust in the healing wisdom of your Soul...
The Soul Guidance reading is a powerful reading that delves into your energetic template - we look at the psychological and astrological energetic influences to help you to understand what’s going on in your life from your Soul's perspective.
You'll receive the guidance and information that you need to help you make a decision, or understand a particular theme or lesson that you’re experiencing.
a 1 hour video: face-to-face session
If this reading calls to you, you can purchase it here - your reading will be emailed to you within 7 - 10 business days.
About my work…
I'm a Celestial Channel and intuitive mentor for spiritual (online) business women who can feel the Call and pull of their Soul to step up and into the Work that they've come here to do, yet for some reason they can't seem to get traction no matter what they do or how they approach things.
One aspect of my Work helps these gorgeous women to face their overwhelm - in a sacred space - so that they can begin to unravel and dissolve the energetic debris that's cluttering their path.
Another aspect of my Work involves the exploration the recesses of the Shadow, working with the Divine Feminine and the Celestial Realms to bring alignment, attunement, transmutation, and healing to this human experience; helping and supporting my clients as they reconnect to their Soul's Essence and recover their Truth.
© Vanda Costa, 23 February 2020
#EnergyWrapUp #MoonEnergy #MoonCycle #ReadingsWithVanda #EnergyReading #IntuitiveReading #EmailReadings #HealingWithTheTarot #EmpoweredWomen #PsychicReading #HealingJourney #HealingJourneyToWholeness #HealingReading #DissolvingDisEase #SpiritualGuidance #HealingBeginsWithYOU #EnergyHealing #transformation #LunarPhase #MoonPhase #LunarCycle #CelestialMovements #CelestialEnergies #IntuitiveAstrology #WomensWisdom #empath #sensitive #WomenInBusiness #SpiritualBusiness #HeartCentredBusiness #IntuitiveCoach #IntuitiveMentor #NewMoon #Pisces