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Garnet Sphere

Garnet Sphere

$74.84 Regular Price
$71.10Sale Price

This sphere is ready to connect with her guardian.


This sphere fits snugly in the palm, with a nice weight that immediately connects one, through the sacral, base, foot, and earth star chakras, to the molten core of Mother Gaia. In this grounded, present state, one will remember and re-member the aspects of their multidimensional self that they are here to activate at this time in their own, as well as humanity's evolution.


The sphere speaks to dedicated Work that has been done in the shadows previously. I sense a connection to a Witch - one who works with the Earth realms - and whilst the guardian may not go by that title, the Work that they are being called to do will reactivate (via this sphere) the remembrace of an awakening template of Purpose.


The sphere's guardian is already doing the Work that commenced many, many lifetimes ago, although they might not recognise the precise significance of the power associated with their role, which is why this sphere has come forward at this time.


This sphere is extremely chatty, so you will instantly be told of your combined Sacred Contract as you gaze upon this majestic Being. The rainbows contained within will take you on journeys to other realms and dimensions, helping you to further awaken to, integrate and anchor more of this Earth medicine.


Are you this sphere's guardian? It my absolute honour to unite you once again. xx






Garnet helps to activate one’s path of Manifestation of Purpose by channelling creativity through the heart and emotional body, bringing devotion, inspiration, and imagination.


Garnet represents the masculine component of Tantric practices, with Moonstone being the feminine. Physically, garnet is a blood purifier, aiding the function of the heart and lungs. 


Garnet invites us to filter our experiences through the heart. Supporting creativity, sexuality, relationships, work, diet, children and other sacral and base chakra activities, one begins to understand life at a deeper level.


Garnet raises the body’s vibration, helping to keep lower and denser vibrations from approaching. Provides a sense of physical security, safety and abundance. Helps to alleviate worry, panic and fear, providing calm and grounded connection to the present.

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  • Details

    Diam: 35 mm (approx.)

    In Stock: 1

    Ability to order: As this is a one-off piece we may be able to find something similar, please submit your request via our Contact page and include size/weight/quantity/crystal required.

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